Wednesday, June 25, 2003

Today I went to creche and had so much fun. I also have a new boyfriend , he is 2 yrs old and his name is Thomas. He kept giving me little cuddles and whenever my dummy fell out, he gave it back to me. We played with toys together and he kept calling me "baby"! I wanted to tell him my name is Sophie, but I dont know how! When we came home I played by the window again and banged my hands on the ledges and talked to the flowers outside. Today Sasha sat on the other side of the window and I kept waving to her. Tonight I will be going to see Nan and Grandpa and Aunty Em and Uncle Carl and Aunty Jane will be there as well. I am going to have my bath there instead of at my house and I can't wait. I really miss my Daddy now as he has been gone for a long time and I cn't wait for him to come home and tickle me again and make me giggle.
Bye for now
Love Sophie

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Lucs confirmation

Random I know.... Im posting on my blog for the first time in 2 years!!!  Ive been wanting to post some very long overdue updates in so l...