Monday, June 15, 2009

Clothing dramas!

I just don't understand why Mummy doesn't understand my clothing "issues" as she calls them!! I like clothes. I like matching clothes. I like to be comfortable. I don't like long sleeves that are too short, I don't like short sleeves too long. I don't like pants too long. I like to change 4 times a day. Other days I like to wear the same thing everyday for a week. Socks need to fit perfectly. Don't even get me started on shoes!

I like to organise my outfit the day before I need to wear it. I get very excited when I am pleased with my outfit. I like shirts with something on them. Matching hair clips are important. I dont like plain clothes. I have been known to watch my favourite (at the time) outfit get washed (thank goodness for front loaders with clear doors!) then sit at the clothesline waiting for said item to dry!! I notice other peoples outifts. I compliment other mothers at school on their nice clothes. I can remember if Mummy has the same shoes as a mummy from another class and whose kid or the Mummy for that matter we don't even KNOW!!!!!!!!

Mummy thinks it is great I go to school that has a uniform, therefore 5 days a week she is spared the "drama" (her exact words) of me getting dressed in the morning. Mummy says it is the only problem she has with me as I am a pretty good kid otherwise.

Yesterday Mummy, Luc and I went shopping and we had to take a lift with our trolley load of groceries back to the carpark. In the lift Luc pressed a lot of buttons before Mummy could stop him and Mummy said to him, "don't do that, the lift could break and we could get stuck in here all night"......"Really Mum," I said... "Yes", she said, "it could happen, but least we have lots of food, we wouldn't go hungry"......I then said, "but Mummy I would need a change of clothes!" Mummy rolled her eyes and thought that was funny.....Im thinking , why IS THAT FUNNY??

OK so this morning, Luc refused to wear the clothes Mummy put on him. It has slowly been happening over the last week. He wants a different shirt. I get him. He can be annoying but I get this. I wouldn't want to wear a baby blue shirt with a grey elephant on it either!!!! I agree the black one with the red guitars is way cooler. He is 2.5 years old. Apparently this is when I became "the way I am with clothes"!!! Daddy overheard this heated exchange. Daddy is nervous. he thougha s Luc was a boy we wouldn't go through this. THIS what I say, it is completely normal to me!!! Mummy and Daddy think it is because he has been watching me his whole life......what can I say, he is developing a sense of style. One it seems BOTH my parents don't have.

PS: I like hairstyles as well.....but that's a story for another day!
Sophie xx

Saturday, June 13, 2009


Hi faithful readers (if any still out there.....) Sophie here...
It's taken a little while to get back into the "swing of things" (as mum calls it) the routine of daily life!! We've been home from our holiday (best fun EVER) for 4 weeks now. It is nice to be home and see all my friends BUT I miss my Memere and Pepere, Ginette, John and Justin.

I wrote a journal while I was in Hawaii and this is what I listed as my favourite things about our trip:
1. Going to the little shop near our condo's everyday with Memere and Pepere and sometimes 2 times in the day to buy ice creams and souveniers!!!
2. Playing "super babies" in the waves with Justin.
3. Learning how to play "Crazy Eights" and then beating Memere and Pepere and giving Pepere the Queen of Spades and all the Twos!!!!
4. Swimming in the pool for hours on end with Justin
5. Playing DS ganes with Justin
6. Hiking in the jungle
7. Going to the little shop everyday and buying ice cream
8. Making Luc get the ball when we thre it to him out of the pool
9. Going to the little shop everyday to buy ice cream.....I might of already mentioned this!!!!

So I am back at school, there is no little shop to go visit and I have no eaten any ice cream for a while.......

Love Sophie

Lucs confirmation

Random I know.... Im posting on my blog for the first time in 2 years!!!  Ive been wanting to post some very long overdue updates in so l...