Sunday, January 04, 2004

Today Mummy said that I was in danger of turning into a fish because I like my pool so much, just like a fish would I suppose!!!!. I cry lots when it is time to get out and that is even when my fingers and toes are a bit wrinkly. I already have a suntan as well but Mummy and Daddy are very careful about me being covered up in the sun and always make sure I have my hat on as well. I think I am getting some more teeth as I haven't been my usual happy self lately and I have been waking up a lot in the night many more teethe am I going to need is what I want to know as I seem to do very well with the 7 and a half that I have right now!!!!
Daddy and I have a new game. He asks me, "what does a cow say" and I say "Moooooo", then he asks me "what does a pussy cat say" and I say meeeeeoooow and then he says "what does a puppy dog say" and I say oof woof and sometimes I try to trick him and when he says, "what does a cow say", I say woof oof and he calls me silly because we all know that that is what the puppy says!!!!
Bye for now,
Love Sophie

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Lucs confirmation

Random I know.... Im posting on my blog for the first time in 2 years!!!  Ive been wanting to post some very long overdue updates in so l...