Wednesday, October 06, 2004

Sorry I have'nt updated you all for a little while but I am just such a busy little girl!!! I am not sure if I have mentioned it or not, but I am almost 2 years old and I am noticing that I am way more grown up than I have ever been before so sometimes it is hard to find the time to write my diary!!!! I have been attending a lot of birthday parties and it has been so much fun. I know how to sing "Happy Birthday" and I practice is all the time. Daddy is away at work and he gets to go in a big plane but, he is coming home in 5 more sleeps, so I am going to be very happy to see him and play with him again.
I like to watch the "telletubbies" on the televisiion and it has been a long time since I last watched my old favourite...."Nemo" on TV. I am also talking so much more and I can say so many words. Mummy said I am just like a little girl and not a baby anymore and I have even been sitting on the big toilet like a big girl. I am still not very good at sharing my toys but I am getting much better and I still miss Memere and Pepere and especially Justin. Mummy shows me their photos everyday but I don't understand why I can't see them anymore.
I am tired right now as I am getting new teeth and they really hurt. I will write more later
Love Sophie

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Lucs confirmation

Random I know.... Im posting on my blog for the first time in 2 years!!!  Ive been wanting to post some very long overdue updates in so l...