Luc watching the pelicans and monkeys in the tree.

Nanny, Grandpa, Jack and I watching the penguins.

The Rhinos sleeping in the sun.
Jack, Luc and I patting the 'elephant'.
Jack and I in front of the penguins.

Hello everyone,
It's been a busy week. I have been on school holidays all week with one week left to go....yippee !!!!
Last Monday I went to the Zoo with Jack, Sari, Aunty Em, Nanny, Grandpa and of course, Mummy and Luc!!!
It was Luc and Sari's first time at the Zoo and I was really excited to see what Luc thought of all the animals. He was so funny! He loved it all and can you believe he walked the whole way around the zoo grounds. We spent almost 4 hours there and Luc walked everywhere ....if not running!
His favourites were the pelicans, orang utans, monkey's, penguin's, crocodile.......actually just like Jack and I he loved all the animals. Sari was quite happy being wheeled around in her pram. Unfortunaltely we couldn't see the tigers or lions very well as they were hiding a bit and so were the giraffes and zebras and orang utans.
I also like the snakes and spiders and nocturnal creatures!
It was a beautiful day and we all had a great time walking around and having a picnic lunch and after almost 4 hours....this happened......

Luc finally "conked out" and fell asleep....(only for 20 minutes though)ha ha....he doesn't like to miss out on anyt

I'll be back to tell you what else I hva ebeen doing in the holidays!
Love Sophie
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