Unfortunately Luc really didn't like the bus and had what Mummy and Daddy call....."an expression session", otherwise known as a "massive toddler tantrum". Mummy sure was getting "the look" especially as the bus was full of American tourists. I guess those American babies don't behave like my little brother because they were giving mummy the "what is up with that baby look". Yep, he was pretty crazy on the bus as he has never been on a bus before. The bus ride took 12 minutes although Mummy told Daddy later (as he wasn't on the bus) that is felt like hours!!!!!!! We were with lots of our friends so when it was time to go back Mummy decided she wasn't risking the tantrum again and she walked all the way back and it took her 1.5 hours. I came back on the bus with our friends and I LOVED it, I have no idea what Luc's problem was.....probably the usual though...(Tired) Mummy didn't mind because Luc had a great sleep in the pram walking back and there were lots of nice beaches to look at along the way.
Here are some photos......

Daddy having a relaxing time at the beach watching Luc and I playing....

Me on my bike going so fast I am almost blurry!!!! Luc trying hard again to be a big boy and putting Dad's bike helmet on.

Playing at "The Basin"
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