Wednesday, April 28, 2010

family pics..

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Last Friday we went to Nat and Tom's wedding. Luc and I stayed for the ceremony at Monument Hill in Fremantle. It was beautiful up there and we had views of the city and the ocean.....unfortunately you will have to take my word for it as Mummy's camera battery died just after she managed a few photos....she was not very happy about that I can tell you!
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Friday, April 09, 2010

Mr Smooth....

I have 2 girlfriends, actually they are my girl cousins....but that's ok, isn't it???
Sophie says it's not but she just likes to be right and boss me around.....

Anyway I have been watching "The Little Rascals" and my favourite part of the movie is when Alfalfa sings to his girlfriend Darla the song..."You are So Beautiful".

It is my new favourite song and I sing it all the I am singing to Havana and then Sari...
You are so beautiful (actually I say Beeewdiful, sounds way better!) to me...can't you seeeeee.... your everything I hope for, everything I neeeeeeed....
Havana soon gets tired of my singing...

Sari loves my kisses and singing, for a limited time.....see Cisco next to her, I am teaching him how to charm the girls!
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Sometimes when I am mad at Mummy I yell at her and say..."Mummy, you not so beeewwdiful to me today", usually that is yelled from the back of my bedroom door when I have been placed in my room for some inappropriate or whats the word she, obnoxious, ahh thats what she calls it behaviour. You see I am usually extremely cute and often quite hilarious and adorable but every once in a while my wild and unruly, stubborn and argumentative side appears along with my overuse of the word NO, Not going to and I dont want's all just part of being 3 you know!

Luc Belliveau
Age 3 years, 6 months, 1 week and 3 days....xx

Lucs confirmation

Random I know.... Im posting on my blog for the first time in 2 years!!!  Ive been wanting to post some very long overdue updates in so l...