Some phtotos for you from when I was a flower girl. It was the best day of my WHOLE life. I loved it!!!! I loved the whole trip to Albany....(5 hours in the car with Luc was even OK) He was so cute, he likes to hold my hand when we are driving, sometimes it's annoying but mostly I don't mind because ANYTHING is better than his screaming!!!!! Maddy and Stephanie were flowergirls as well, they are Nigel's nieces. We had so much fun playing together for 4 days as we stayed in an old "camp school" so there were really big rooms with lots and lots of bunk beds......yay, my favourite, I LOVE bunk beds. When Luc is bigger Mummy said he is going to get bunks in his room and I am going to sleep in the room with him, WOW, so fun!
It did rain pretty much the whole time we were there(but wasn't cold!) but hey, who cares as since we have been home (at least 3 weeks)) every day has been over 35 degrees!!!! It is a record....the hottest summer in Perth for 45 years!!!
After the wedding we went back to the campschool and had the reception. Daddy's band played and Luc and I danced and danced. Luc went to sleep at 8pm (late for him) and I stayed up and danced till 11.30pm!!!!!!! I fell asleep while Mummy was holding me! when we were dancing!!!!!
So when the band took a break.......that's Ok, Luc and I can sing and dance!!!
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