Friday, February 29, 2008

17 months old today!!!

Hard to believe I am 17 months old. Considering I have spent the majority of my life awake it seems I should be a lot older. I know Mummy feels older...she tells me all the time.....Luc, you are ageing me!!!!! She is kind of joking I think but I am not really sure. I am a pretty busy little boy, I don't like to keep still too often, too much to see and do that's for sure. I am almost half way through my second year of life and there are some things I already know for sure...........

1. I have the biggest and best shiny brown eyes in the whole world. I know this because I get told ALL the time!!!

2. I am not Lebanese, Egyptian, Italian, Indigenous, Mexican, Greek or Muslim. This I definately know for sure because Mummy gets asked constantly if she is from any of these places because apparently I look like I SHOULD be from one of these places. I am a French Canadian Acadian Australian or as daddy likes to call me ..... "an AUScadien"!!!!!

3. I love the song "Highway to Hell, by ACDC"......especially when the drums kick in. I am a pretty good dancer as well.

3. I LOVE scrambled eggs for breakfast....or lunch or dinner, anytime of day really! Especially if Daddy has made them. and off his plate they taste even better.

4. I'm pretty much Mummy's boy unlesss of course Daddy is around and them I am his little shadow following him everywhere.

5. I can say, Mama, dadeee, Sasha, trees, ball, no (I am really good at no.... I hear it offen enough!!!) I can repeat a lot of other words I hear as well like....."Spongebob Squarepants" and "Aye aye captain" .

6. Playing in general is the best fun ever. Getting into things I shouldn't is also really fun. I want to do whatever Sophie is doing. Most of the time I do what I like and that makes her sad by not following her"rules".......this is me in her cardboard cubby....see she's not all that happy here because I am probably standing on her favourite dolly!!!!

7. I love to go grocery shopping.
I get to pick an apple out of the fruit section and then spend the rest of the shopping trip throwing my apple on the floor so Mummy can pick it up each time. It is the best game ever. She's not really into the game though but she will do ANYTHING sometimes to keep me happy. See she has all these tricks to keep me happy in the trolley because the minute I want out, well, the whole store hears about it and Mummy then gets......"the look". Sometimes I get let out but then I usually run off and in the opposite direction to which I am supposed to be heading and then Mummy gets more of ....."the look" usually followed closely behind with the ...." he's so dark and his eyes so brown......where are you from question" (refer to point 1 above!)!!!!!!

8. I love the beach, the sand the water and everything about it. It's all good, which is a good thing as we seem to go there a lot. I walk straight out into the waves and don't care when they knock me over. Eating sand is fun no matter what a grown up tries ot tell you!!!!!!!

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

First day of Pre-Primary School

I'm a big pre primary kid now!!! This is a photo from my first day of school. Look at Luc checking out my school uniform!!!! I LOVED my first day. My teacher is Mrs Giffney and she is very nice. I like her a lot. I am not too sure about having to go to shcool every day though. Lately I have been a bit sad in the mornings when Mummy and Luc take me to school because I want to stay home with them and play. I donb't wnat them to leave me. Mummy says it is because I am not used to going everyday and soon I will be use to it. I do love to paint and play and do sport and music .

Friday, February 01, 2008

Lady bug flower girl

Michelle, the bride in red. She looked so pretty!!!

Some phtotos for you from when I was a flower girl. It was the best day of my WHOLE life. I loved it!!!! I loved the whole trip to Albany....(5 hours in the car with Luc was even OK) He was so cute, he likes to hold my hand when we are driving, sometimes it's annoying but mostly I don't mind because ANYTHING is better than his screaming!!!!! Maddy and Stephanie were flowergirls as well, they are Nigel's nieces. We had so much fun playing together for 4 days as we stayed in an old "camp school" so there were really big rooms with lots and lots of bunk beds......yay, my favourite, I LOVE bunk beds. When Luc is bigger Mummy said he is going to get bunks in his room and I am going to sleep in the room with him, WOW, so fun!

It did rain pretty much the whole time we were there(but wasn't cold!) but hey, who cares as since we have been home (at least 3 weeks)) every day has been over 35 degrees!!!! It is a record....the hottest summer in Perth for 45 years!!!

After the wedding we went back to the campschool and had the reception. Daddy's band played and Luc and I danced and danced. Luc went to sleep at 8pm (late for him) and I stayed up and danced till 11.30pm!!!!!!! I fell asleep while Mummy was holding me! when we were dancing!!!!!

So when the band took a break.......that's Ok, Luc and I can sing and dance!!!

Lucs confirmation

Random I know.... Im posting on my blog for the first time in 2 years!!!  Ive been wanting to post some very long overdue updates in so l...