Yesterday it rained and rained and rained. Aunty Jane and Pascal (aged 9)(Jane's partner Ian's son) picked me up for an afternoon of fun. They took me fishing!!!! My first time ever fishing. We didn't catch anything and me being still only 4 I got tired of waiting for those fish,........ so then we went to a cafe and had ice cream and babycino's (baby cappucino's without the coffee). Afterwards I had some games of "snakes and ladders" with Pascal and we had a really fun day. Ian is very funny and he always makes me laugh. In the afternoon we went to Aunty Emily and Uncle Carl's house as Aunty Jane had to feed their pussy cat. They are all away on holidays in Queensland at the moment and having lots of fun. While we were there Mummy and Luc came over to pick me up and Pascal and I decided to go swim in their NEW pool. They put a pool in a month ago and even though it was raining and cold......we went swimming!! Pascal showed me how to get on the boogey board. He's 9 so he knows how to do lots of things, he's better than me at everything but that is only becasue he is 9 and I am only 4!!!!! It is the first time I have gone swimming in a pool when it has been raining and cold!
I was pretty tired after my big day but I already can't wait till I go to Aunty Jane and Ian's house again. They are going to have a new baby soon (about 13 weeks Mummy said!!) and I know that little babies take up a LOT of time especially if they get one like my baby Luc, one that doesn't like sleeping much.....phew, I hope they get one that likes sleeping, otherwise they are going to be really, really, really, busy, not to mention tired (anyway, that is just what Mummy says) I am sure it will be really cute even if it doesn't sleep.....because Mummy always says, lucky Luc is sooooooooooooooo cute that way we don't mind so much that he is awake all the time!!!!!
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