I am sure you are all wondering.....can I sleep longer than 3 hours.....WEll, the answer is sort of! However last Tuesday I did surprise Mummy and slept from 7.30am till 5am. (I did wake a few times but just cried for a few seconds) Mummy was so excited I heard her tell everyone BUT, I haven't done it since and am back to the old routine of waking every couple of hours and screaming. Anyhow, I do have pain in the middle of the night and get "spasms" in my diaphragm (phew, that is a big word) So least there is actually a proper reason for it and let me tell you, it is actually not that fun having these spasms and I would much prefer to be asleep!!!!!
Here is a list of "firsts" for me last month:
- Had my first Easter and went on my first big car trip to Margaret River
- Sat up by myself
- Ate beetroots and brussel sprouts...(not mixed together......that wouldn't be nice!)
- Can stand up holding onto things and have been trying to climb up Mummy and daddy
- Giggled so much that I gave myself the hiccups
- Hold my own bottle of water
- Watching a lot of football.....C'mon Eagles!
So and in case you were wondering......I am still as cute as ever!