Saturday, April 28, 2007

7 months today!

Where does the time go! I am 7 months old today...woohoo! Well, what a month I have had. I am still a really happy little baby and I still really, really LOVE food! I eat everything that comes my way on the end of a spoon....I even eat beetroot!! I am getting very vocal and starting to babble off lots of words, even mamamama and dadadad. I sit up really well and can sit for ages and play with my toys....ALTHOUGH, just in the last couple of days I have been getting very frustrated with sitting and would much prefer to stand. Whenever I am plonked down on the floor lately, I stretch my little legs and won't let them bend. I just don't understand why I can't stay in that position. I am not really that into being on my tummy so not sure on how to get around on my own.
I am sure you are all wondering.....can I sleep longer than 3 hours.....WEll, the answer is sort of! However last Tuesday I did surprise Mummy and slept from 7.30am till 5am. (I did wake a few times but just cried for a few seconds) Mummy was so excited I heard her tell everyone BUT, I haven't done it since and am back to the old routine of waking every couple of hours and screaming. Anyhow, I do have pain in the middle of the night and get "spasms" in my diaphragm (phew, that is a big word) So least there is actually a proper reason for it and let me tell you, it is actually not that fun having these spasms and I would much prefer to be asleep!!!!!

Here is a list of "firsts" for me last month:
  • Had my first Easter and went on my first big car trip to Margaret River
  • Sat up by myself
  • Ate beetroots and brussel sprouts...(not mixed together......that wouldn't be nice!)
  • Can stand up holding onto things and have been trying to climb up Mummy and daddy
  • Giggled so much that I gave myself the hiccups
  • Hold my own bottle of water
  • Watching a lot of football.....C'mon Eagles!

So and in case you were wondering......I am still as cute as ever!

Sunday, April 22, 2007

Soaking up the Sunday sun!

We had a busy and noisy household last night. Mummy and Daddy had lots of their friends over for a BBQ and I had Riley and Kai to play with as well. It was good fun. I stayed up until 9pm!!!!!!!! Yeah, been a little bit grumpy today. Daddy's not feeling too great either......hmmm too may Mooseheads Mummy says! Michelle played Cello and Nigel sang and daddy played guitar and I played my very own "maracas" that I made from a tennis ball cannister and some rice! Also, Michelle and Nigel have asked me to be their 'flowergirl' at their wedding next January!!!! Wow!! I am very excited about that. I get to be a princess for the day. I can hardly wait! That is very cool (my new favourite word!!!!)

So here is daddy (with his hurting head!!!) hanging on the hammock with baby Luc and soaking up the morning sun!

Having a haircut

My Aunty Kathleen (Grandpa's sister) came over to visit last Wednesday. She played with me and looked after Luc as well while Mummy had a bit of a catch up on some sleep she so badly needs right now. We played in my sand pit and did some colouring in and then.......she gave me a haircut! It is okay folks as she is an actual hairdresser, so she knows how to cut hair. I LOVE getting my hair cut and am always bugging mummy to go and get my hair cut so this was just great that I got to have my very own haircut right in my house. I didn't have too much hair cut off and that is OK because I love to be able to tie it up and have lots of different hairstyles.

Aunty Kathleen bought some litle "fairy cakes" for afternoon tea and she bought 2 candles because it was Jacky-boy's 2nd birthday. He is still on holidays with his mummy and daddy but we put the candles in the cake and sang happy birthday to him know me. I just LOVE singing happy birthday and eating cake!!!!!

Sunday, April 15, 2007

Rainy Sunday

Yesterday it rained and rained and rained. Aunty Jane and Pascal (aged 9)(Jane's partner Ian's son) picked me up for an afternoon of fun. They took me fishing!!!! My first time ever fishing. We didn't catch anything and me being still only 4 I got tired of waiting for those fish,........ so then we went to a cafe and had ice cream and babycino's (baby cappucino's without the coffee). Afterwards I had some games of "snakes and ladders" with Pascal and we had a really fun day. Ian is very funny and he always makes me laugh. In the afternoon we went to Aunty Emily and Uncle Carl's house as Aunty Jane had to feed their pussy cat. They are all away on holidays in Queensland at the moment and having lots of fun. While we were there Mummy and Luc came over to pick me up and Pascal and I decided to go swim in their NEW pool. They put a pool in a month ago and even though it was raining and cold......we went swimming!! Pascal showed me how to get on the boogey board. He's 9 so he knows how to do lots of things, he's better than me at everything but that is only becasue he is 9 and I am only 4!!!!! It is the first time I have gone swimming in a pool when it has been raining and cold!

I was pretty tired after my big day but I already can't wait till I go to Aunty Jane and Ian's house again. They are going to have a new baby soon (about 13 weeks Mummy said!!) and I know that little babies take up a LOT of time especially if they get one like my baby Luc, one that doesn't like sleeping much.....phew, I hope they get one that likes sleeping, otherwise they are going to be really, really, really, busy, not to mention tired (anyway, that is just what Mummy says) I am sure it will be really cute even if it doesn't sleep.....because Mummy always says, lucky Luc is sooooooooooooooo cute that way we don't mind so much that he is awake all the time!!!!!


Mummy, Luc and I went to our very good friends Nigel and Michelle's "engagement party" on Saturday. I had the best time ever! I wasn't really sure what "engagement" meant but I just love going to any kind of party especially if there are balloons and cake!!!!! I relaly like Nigel and Michelle when they come over to visit, they are lots of fun. The party was held at a Bowling Club and lots of guests were playing "lawn bowls" and us kids including me spent the evening running around and playing on the greens! It was a dress up party as well, (for the grown ups that is) you had to dress up as Nanna's or Grandpa's (Nanna chic being the theme). Some boys were dressed as Nanna's so that was all very confusing for us little people!!!!
Daddy has been away working so he couldn't come. He would've had fun dressing up as a 'Grandpa'. Mummy borrowed Lally's (my great grandmother) clothes to look like a Nanna. Even though Lally is very"trendy" for her 85 years. Anyway, it was hard for Mummy to look like a Nanna when she had baby Luc to look after and push around in the pram!!
Unfortunately Mummy forgot to take her camera and take photos (gee Mummy, how could you's not like you are busy or anything remembereing everything Luc and I needed!!!!!!!)

Tuesday, April 10, 2007


Hoppy Easter

We are back from Margaret River. I had a great time even though Luc cried a bit on the way home in the car AND pulled my hair a lot when I was trying to sleep. I think he was crying because the Easter Bunny didn't bring him any easter eggs!!!! I was really sad for him when Mummy said he didn't get any!!!!!! Mummy said, he can't eat chocolate yet PLUS he has no teeth!!!!! I still think he was sad because of that but Mummy thinks he is sad because he is STILL trying to get teeth!!!!! So I had lots of fun playing with Aunty Kathleen, Aunty Valerie, Uncle John, Nanny, Grandpa, Mummy and Daddy. I went on lots of walks in the bush and had fun finding the easter eggs that the Easter Bunny hid in the bushes for me on Sunday morning. We went down to the beach and also I went swimming in the river (the actual Margaret River!!) Daddy even let me sit on his lap and drive the car on the dirt tracks....that was great fun!!!

More photos to come....her5e I am entertaining Luc with my "bubble blower" and Luc in teh jolly jumper, he loves it!!!

Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Going away to Margaret River

Hi there,
Wow, I feel like I just updated you on my weekend and another one is fast approaching. I had my last day of kindy on Tuesday for 2 weeks. I am now on "holidays"! We had an "Easter Parade" and we all wore our "Easter bonnets" that we made. We also made easter egg baskets and when we finished kindy my teacher filled them all up with easter eggs!!!!!!! Yum yum. Oh yeah, today at the shops I saw the "Easter Bunny", he hopped over to me and gave me a little egg. Wow, I have never seen him before and I was starting to think he wasn't really real!!!! Can't wait till Sunday because in Margaret River where we are staying at Uncle John and "Great" Aunt Valerie's house, the Easter Bunny hides the eggs in the "bushes" and I have to find them!!!! It's great fun!
Bye Bye......

Sunday, April 01, 2007

The weekend

I had a good weekend. I LOVE going to swimming lessons on Saturday mornings and after that, I came home and got ready as Nanny was taking me to my very first "kids opera" concert. It was really, really good, I loved all the musical instruments and all the songs. Nanny has me already used to opera and I kept whispering to her..."oh, I know this song!" They had an orchestra playing and some of the kids got to do the conducting. Not me though as there were lots and lots of kids there and even though I wore a bright pink top and a bright green skirt (chosen myself and refused to change to something that boring!) .......I still didn't stand out enough to get picked to conduct!!!!

On the way home I talked Nanny into letting me have a "sleep over" at their house. So we went home to get my pajamas and to also to ask Mummy if it was OK. Nanny, Grandpa and I watched the football...(not my choice of programs I can tell you!) I fell asleep at 6.30pm....thats how boring it was for me even though Nanny was playing games with me at the same time.

On Sunday I went home to my house and my friends Riley and Kai came over with their Mummy and Daddy and we played for a while. The rest of the day I had fun dressing up like a"princess", jumping on the trampoline, doing some "art", and playing in the sand pit with Luc. What is it with babies......always wanting to EAT the sand!!!!!!

Here are some photos from the weekend....

Lucs confirmation

Random I know.... Im posting on my blog for the first time in 2 years!!!  Ive been wanting to post some very long overdue updates in so l...