Wednesday, May 21, 2003

I got an early start on the day and woke up at 6.30am, had a little play in my cot and talked to all my lovely toy friends on the shelves above my cot until I got so hungry I couldn't talk to them anymore. Then I cried and guess what happened.....Mummy came in to get me!!! I was very happy to see her. After breakfast and my nap, Mummy took me to a place with lots of other little people like me while she went to exercise. I think she said it was called a creche!!!! I made lots of new friends and the grown ups looking after me thought I was a very small baby and they put me in the "babies that lie on their backs and don't move section"....well, boy were they sorry !!!! I tried to crawl right over the 2 little babies lying happily looking at the walls.....(how boring!!!) and then I turned around and almost sat on one of them. The grown up lady...(like Mummy, but not as nice!!!) was laughing when she told Mummy and said she didn't realise a little baby like me could move so fast. It was fun and I will get to go back there whenever Mummy has exercise classes.
Tonight for dinner I had yummy plain yoghurt and apple and then I had fun splish splashing in the bath. Wow, what a busy day, I better get some sleep now.
Love Sophie

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Random I know.... Im posting on my blog for the first time in 2 years!!!  Ive been wanting to post some very long overdue updates in so l...