Friday, August 14, 2009

Missing in action....

Hello all, sorry to our avid readers (if any) for not updating recently. We have been very busy as always and here are some pictures to prove it......

Luc and I cooked dinner one night, chopped the vegies and everything and made fried rice!!! It was YUM!!

Making cubbies!!

Washing our bikes in the winter sunshine....
Taking our nice clean bikes for a ride.....

Luc on his little trike!!

The ice cream truck came up our street and we each got an ice cream.....

We spent hours, days even playing in this box. We could both fit in it and Daddy would carry us around the house like a package. It was so much fun....until the box could take it no more and broke!!

When we got sick of the box, there was always this bucket we could sit in...

Luc taking his Superman role too far and trying to climb the front door!!

Sari and Luc....

Say cheeeeeeeese!!!

Promise to be back soon.......
Love Sophie xxx

Lucs confirmation

Random I know.... Im posting on my blog for the first time in 2 years!!!  Ive been wanting to post some very long overdue updates in so l...