We went to Margaret River for Easter and had 2 fun days playing in the wilderness. Nanny, Grandpa, Aunty Em, Uncle Carl, Jack and Sari came too!
We went to the Animal farm and fed some of the animals. I got to feed a lamb a bottle of milk....they sure do pull on those bottles, you have to hold on very tight!!!

Dinner time for Sari, Jack, Luc and I!

Daddy hung the rope in the tree and we all had turns in the harness climbing up and swinging. SO much fun!!!!

The teeniest tiniest baby rabbit I have ever seen!!
The Easter bunny visited us and left us some chocolate treats and we each had a nice letter from the easter bunny.........you know, telling us we should be good kids and clean our rooms etc.......

Sadly, our much loved Uncle John went to Heaven to be with the angels just after we came back from Margaret River.
I will miss him a lot and it won't be the same when we go to Margaret River anymore.
This is how I will remember Uncle John, always smiling and asking me questions and listening to me.
These photos were taken in Margaret River over the last couple of years.
Bye John, say hi to all the angels from me. Love Sophie
June 06

April 04