Friday, February 20, 2009

Flashback..... Luc 16 months, Sophie 5 years, 3 months!

This video is from 10 months ago when we went to Rottnest for a holiday........

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

6 random facts about Sophie

1. I am loving being in Year one and already 2.5 weeks in, I CAN READ!!!

2. FUN is very important to me and a neccessary part of everyday.I either swim in a pool, go to the beach or rollerblade every single day....sometimes all in one day!

3. I LOVE spanish green pimento stuffed olives and would quite happily just eat a bowl of these as a meal. Also I love to make my own pizza.

4. Matching clothes and co ordinating my clothes for the day is very important...I also colour co ordinate Luc's clothes for the day!!

5. I am really good at diving. Aunty Emily coached me and and one day in her pool I scored a 9.5!!! I can now also snorkel and am looking forward to seeing the big turtles in Maui!

6. I love nailpolish and rings and wish I could wear both to school but we are not allowed as we have to wear the uniform.

Love Sophie


Sunday, February 15, 2009

Sophie get's a room mate!

Well after months of pestering Mummy to have Luc sleep in my room, It finally happened. Luc got a bed, a "Spongebob squarepants" bed. Luc is a bit crazy about Spongebob, he just loves him so therefore he LOVES his new bed. He moved over to my room 4 nights ago and so far we love sharing a room. Sometimes if he wakes up in the night he gets in my bed for a cuddle and in the mornings I read him books before we get up.

He is getting to be such a big boy!!

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Bushfires in Victoria

There are some big huge fires burning in Victoria and it makes me very sad. Mummy and Daddy have been telling me about these fires and also our school principal talked to us about it as well.
Many people have lost their lives and houses. Some Mummy's and Daddy's lost their children and some children have lost lots of their families, they have all gone to heaven and Mummy said everyone will go there eventually like when your 100 or something but is more sad if you have to go before you are ready!!!!
I am so sad for them all and I am very interested in it. I am amazed that a fire can burn for 6 days straight!!!
Tomorrow we have a fund raiser at school so we can send some money to all the people that have nothing left and I am taking my tooth fairy money of $6 (plus I have another loose tooth and I am going to try for it to come out today!!) my piggy bank money and the $20 I had saved to spend in Hawaii because I can't imagine what it would be like to have your house burnt down and your Mummy and Daddy gone to heaven.
Even the animals have no homes now and I am happy the koala in the picture above has been saved!
Love Sophie

Tuesday, February 03, 2009

First Day of School

Monday I had my first day of Year One!!! I was so excited to get there and see all my friends and meet my new teacher. My teacher is named Mrs Hughes and I really like her, she is so nice and has pretty hair and nice shoes and a pretty handbag......of course I noticed this and of course I told Mummy! To which she replied.....oh that's just great Sophie but can you read yet????? Mummy was only joking of course, because you don't learn to read everything on the first day!!!!!

So there are lots of different kids in my class this year as there are 2 Year one classes in the school so we all got mixed about a bit but the best thing is, Levi is still in my class. I was so happy to see him. I could tell he was happy to see me too because he totally ignored me and Mummy said that's what boys do when they like you....I'm not sure about that one because when I asked Daddy he said, when he liked Mummy he asked her to go out with him every day for 6 whole months and she ignored him?????? I can see that is going to be one of those confusing conversations that I may as well just drop!!!

So you can see me in my new uniform and with my new school bag. Luc was funny because he went to get his little backpack as well and he cried when he had to leave me at school. He didn't know how important it is to be in Year 1 now!!!
So very soon I will be reading and writing and updating my blog myself......What, you actually thought I typed this?????ha ha
Love Sophie Belliveau
Age 6 and 1/4

Lucs confirmation

Random I know.... Im posting on my blog for the first time in 2 years!!!  Ive been wanting to post some very long overdue updates in so l...