All of us at the beach

Giggling our heads off on the trampoline

All of us having dinner...(look at Luc, thinks he is such a big boy!!!)
So the day after they left to go home, Mummy, Luc and I went to Rottnest with Nanny, Grandpa, Aunty Em, Uncle Carl, Jack and Sari. We went 2 days earlier than Daddy as he had to work. Rottnest as always was so much fun. I just love to look for quokkas and swim and ride my bike everywhere. I got a little daring and tried to ride my bike without training wheels, but soon put them back on as I am really not ready yet to be that much of a big girl.
Number 240 Thompson Bay, our place
Brown eyed sandy beach boy!
I love giving Sari cuddles!
Me on my bike, my baby in the back!

Aunty Em and Daddy taking us to the beach. (Mummy taking the photo!). Look how much stuff we needed to take for all of us kids!!!!
Mummy with her hands full...(again) Probably just saved Luc from climbing up rocks or something!!!!!
Grandpa and Luc walking opposite our cottage and overlooking Thompson Bay.
Belive it or not, I have only brought you up to date to the middle of January!!!!!! I know I know...all that fun!!! We came back from Rottnest on the 15th and only for 1 day as we then drove 5 hours south to Albany for our good friends Nigel and Michelle's wedding.....hmmm, have I mentioned I was a flower girl!!!! I'll be back soon to tell you all about Albany and the wedding.
Love Sophie