Friday, October 26, 2007

Monday's picnic!

Hi there
Apologies to all our 'avid' readers on the lack of updates on our busy and exciting life but hopefully I can fill you in on the latest news....... but before I go on......have I mentioned it is only 2 sleeps till my "5th" birthday!!!!!!! I am so excited, I absolutely LOVE birthdays and parties ..(just like my daddy!) I have had a couple of great packages arrive in the mail ....(I LOVE to get packages!) one from Memere and Pepere with the cutest outfit and sticker books (also my favourite) and one from Matante Ginette, Mononcle John and Cousin Justin. I got so spoilt, (that's what Mummy said) a new nighty, a dress, a fairy wand, some great pens and rings and ear rings........I miss them a lot and wish I could see them soon :-(

I am back at kindy and it's been great fun. My teacher told me that I am ready to be a big "pre primary" kid already which is what I will be next year. She said it because I showed her how I can do the whole 'monkey bars' by myself, pretty clever don't you think! Last week we talked about 'circus fun" and we had a visit from a REAL clown. His name was 'Bloopo' and he was SO funny that my tummy hurt from all the laughing. He was almost as funny as daddy, but different funny if you know what I mean!!!!

I went on a picnic with Nanny, Grandpa, Mummy, Luc, Aunty Emily, Jack, Sari, Cisco and Aunty Jane. We had sandwiches and fruit and a big play in the playground and the basketball ring. We even walked down to the beach and the water was beautiful but cold. It was a great sunny day but we didn't go swimming, it's not summer yet!!!!

Tonight cousin Jack is having a sleep over at our house. I can't wait! Did I mention it's my birthday in 2 sleeps..........

Saturday, October 20, 2007

First Steps

Look how clever I am!!!!! (actually not as clever as Sophie, she walked at 10 months old!!!!) Mummy says girls are cleverer (hmm, is that a word!) than boys anyway, not sure about that, better check that one with daddy!!! I've been pushing my little toy here for a while and taking one or 2 steps by myself but not really interested in learning any more. I just LOVE to crawl!

Thursday, October 11, 2007

One year old

I'm a big one year old and so far so good....

Surprised mummy and daddy and slept through the night for 4 nights in a row....before going back to the old tricks of waking every couple of hours or so..... I have still improved dramatically and have been back to the "expert" doctors. It seems when I get teeth I always get a bad cold, sore throat and ear infection......that's why I wake so much.
Anyway all is forgiven as I am just so adorable or so I am told.

the stats at 1: (by Mummy)
weight: 10kg

height: (not much, still a shorty)

eyes/hair: beautiful and brown

teeth: 3 up top (and very spaced apart, lets hope they start moving towards each other. 3 on bottom and about 6 more wanting to make an appearance....ouch

mobility: the fastest crawling baby in the world. No interest in walking, don't really understand the fuss about walking. Likes standing and holding onto things but crawling is WAY faster!

Food: likes mostly everything. LOVES vegemite on toast. Loves tuna, rice, pasta, fish, lamb, eggs, broccoli......hmm maybe its easier to list what I don't like.....hmmm, nothing.
Drinks: Loves water and milk before bed.

Vocab: Mama,dada, baba, "sasha", dog, and a whole bunch of unidentified words that Sophie keeps asking Mummy and Daddy...."is he speaking a french word"?????

Likes: loves playing with cars and putting them all into a box nd then tkaing them all out again, can throw and catch balls...(yes, really!) Loves climbing...(hello, where did he get that from!) loves books and actually reading them and listening to the stories. Can point out dogs in books.

sleep: 2 x 1- 2 .5 hour naps a day and 12 hours at night (give or take waking sometimes 4 plus times or so!) Loves going to bed.

temperament: mostly a happy, funny laughing little man...except for the dreaded week every month when he teethes and has the ear infections and not happy to be anywhere but held all day long.

Lucs confirmation

Random I know.... Im posting on my blog for the first time in 2 years!!!  Ive been wanting to post some very long overdue updates in so l...