Thursday, March 29, 2007

Six months old already!!

Yep, 6 months old already....and the "chicks dig me". That is what my t-shirt says in this photo in case you couldn't see it!!!! Sister Sophie digs me for sure! All is great in my world. My family are pretty good fun, my sister constantly makes me laugh, my mum feeds me really well and give me lots of cuddles and kisses and daddy, well, what can I say.....he is "the ministry of entertainment"!!! He is a like my own personal playground, throws me in the air and catches me, rolls me around on the ground and tickles me, plays guitar to me and sings for hours on end and in general make me laugh.

The major change for me this month has been the introduction of food. This has been a whole new world for me and I am loving the stuff! I mean I still love my milk BUT, I am loving my mushed up vegies, rice cereal and pureed apples. My favourite mix so far has been the .......pumpkin, sweet potato, beans, broccoli, carrot, corn, peas, cauliflower, spinach......yummo!!! Mum says I have been a great help in using up lots of vegetables from the fridge that may have otherwise ended up as science experiments!!!! Not really sure what she means by that but she seems to think you readers will all know what she is on about!!!!! So yes, I will eat everything that comes my way and LOTS of it!

As for sleeping at night, I am s-l-o-w-l-y- getting a bit better. I am roughly waking 4-5 times (yes, this IS an improvement :-) a night and sometimes it is just to have a little chat with myself...(I am such great company!) Most times it is to see if Mummy will come running...yep, she usually does (boy, have I got control over her already!) sometimes I think she gets sick of me calling out for no reason and she leaves me in my bed having a cry. I usually give up after a little while and go back to sleep.

I am really good at going to bed, soon as mum turns the "Norah Jones" CD on, I am out like a light. Her singing reminds me of the angels I use to hang with! Ha ha
I am still not really that mobile. I kind of like being carried or carted around a bit and just love being in my pram ......apart from when cousin Jack is in control when Mummy isn't looking......yikes, then I get worried about being tipped out.....(don't worry readers, it actually hasn't happened, just had a close call that's all!!!

I weigh 7.3 kilos now and am 65cm long. Can you tell my hair has grown???? My eyes are still brown and I am still really really cute. This I know for sure as I am constantly being told!!!

I am looking forward to going on my first holiday next week to Margaret River for Easter. Mum and Dad are not really looking forward to the 3.5 hour drive down there with me as they think I will get bored and cry a lot.......they may be right about that one, it is SO boring being in the car that long.

Bye for now

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Good Morning cuddles

Every morning when I wake up I smother Luc in cuddles. He is always so happy to see me and he gives me the biggest smiles. he has been trying to talk to me as well, he can be very loud. Yesterday I think he said..."Yahoo"!!!! H e is always playing on his mat by the time I wake up as he is an early riser and Mummy says he still wakes up lots of times in the night as well!!!!

Anyway, today there is no kindy and I am going to my friend Ella's house to play..............Bye Bye

Love Sophie

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

More photo's

1.Godparents~Aunty Em and Uncle Carl
2. Jacky Boy giving Luc a kiss
3 .With Father Joe
4. Godparents~Matante Ginette and Mononcle John (picture taken in Hawaii)

Monday, March 19, 2007

Luc gets baptized!

Yesterday we went to church for Luc to get baptized. Mummy says it is so Luc can be part of God's family. Hmmmmm, I want him in our family I said!!!!! Mummy said that I have been baptized too and it means you can still stay in our family. God is just going to look after him more now. Mummy also said he was secretly hoping that by putting the holy water on his head he may even sleep more!!!!!!That really would be a miracle Daddy said! My favourite part was when they put the water on his head. he didn't cry. He loved it and it cooled him down. Talk about lucky! It was so HOT in the church and it was very hot outside. I was looking at the sink where they wash the babies heads and Jacky boy and I wanted to just jump in and get cool. I like Father Joe as well. He always gives me a "High 5" when I see him at church on Sunday when I go with Nanny and Grandpa! He is funny as well, not as funny as Daddy though!

Aunty Emily, Uncle Carl, Matante Ginette and Mononcle John are Luc's Godparents. Luc is lucky to have 4 godparents. Matante Ginette and Mononcle John are all the way over in Canada so Luc is a very lucky boy to have them to be his godparents as well.

After church we went to a restaurant and had lunch and.........CAKE AND ICE CREAM!!!! Yipeee, I sure do love going to baptizm's!
Here are some pictures, Luc getting ready in his "Big boy" clothes AND he wore shoes for the first time ever.

Saturday, March 17, 2007

Before and after

It is a very funny thing you know, to watch baby Luc eat his food. First of all he sits patiently in his highchair. Then he sees Mummy get the bowl and he gets excited and his little legs start jiggling in excitement. Then the spoon full of mushed together pumpkin, spinach and sweet potato gets close to his mouth and he lets out a squeel before devouring the entire spoon. The entire time he eats he makes a happy humming sound. He sometimes gets so excited he rubs the food all over his face and it gets in his nose and eyes and ears. He can eat quite a bit as well and when he is all done he looks at Mummy as if to say......"more please"!!!! Then I help by getting the face cloth and washing the bits of food from him. Sometimes he is so messy he has to have a bath. So very funny.

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Happy Tuesday!

Had a good day at Kindy today. I did lots of paintings, sang songs, played games, played with my friend Ebony, a boy called Ben wanted to hold my hand (and I let him!!!!!!), ate all my vegemite sandwich for lunch, Mrs Huggins (my teacher) gave me the "Star" of the day certificate for being brave when I missed Mummy and didn't cry. I missed Luc too and he was so happy to see me as well. Mummy said when I am not in the car to entertain him he gets very upset. He likes to look at my face and try to make me laugh. Oh yeah, another thing that happened today....Luc started eating vegetables!!!!! He loved them, he had pumpkin and spinach all mushed together and he got it everywhere.....even in his eyes and up his nose........he just cracks me up that little man!!!

Here is a picture of me in the hammock and one of my ever so cute baby brother........
Love Sophie xx

Thursday, March 08, 2007

We're with the band!!!!

Mummy and Daddy took us to a party on Saturday. It was in the afternoon and I had lots of fun swimming in the pool with the other kids. Daddy's band......"The Pool Cleaners" played. It was the first time I had seen Daddy play with his band and it was funny to watch. I danced a lot! Luc wore his "It's OK, I'm with the band" t-shirt. Daddy was funny as well, he had dress ups on and he waved to me a lot. Yep, when I grow up I want to be in a band too. I want to be the one that sings with the microphones. That is my favourite part, or I could be a dancer, I like that too.

Love Sophie xx

Thursday, March 01, 2007

5 months old

Another month older but still as cute as ever. Well, that's what I am told anyway. It's been a big month. My sleeping habits have improved and Mummy is very pleased with the progress I have made. I still throw in the odd really bad night for her so that she really learns to appreciate the good nights!!!! Other things you may be interested in about me..........

I weigh 7.2 kilos

I am 65 cm long

My hair has grown and is dark brown

My eyes are looking very brown

I am extremely cheeky

I can wave!!!! If you don't believe me ask my mummy and daddy!!
I am really enjoying listening to Bernard Fanning (an Aussie singer)

Milk is still my favourite drink , and lots of it. Mummy still makes the best milk.

I have tried baby rice cereal and kind of liked it. I actually knew how to swallow.

I am camera shy.

Women is the streets and shopping centres stop to talk to me and tell Mummy how cute I am.....(daddy says, this is a GREAT thing if it is still happening in about 16 years time!!!!)

I roll all over the place but not that interested in sitting or crawling forward. (unlike big sister Sophie whom apparently was crawling at this age)

I have had my little toes dipped in the Indian Ocean and been swimming in the pool.

My favourite toy is a little cloth book

My favourite thing to chew is my hand

I am happy to sit in the backyard and watch the wind blow the leaves on the trees

I love it when daddy throws me in the air and catches me and I giggle very loudly

I love the shower water on my face

I love to stare at Sophie, doesn't matter what she is doing.

My gums hurt a lot and I am not sure why and it makes me sad sometimes!!

Lucs confirmation

Random I know.... Im posting on my blog for the first time in 2 years!!!  Ive been wanting to post some very long overdue updates in so l...