I am such a good help to mum. I helped her clean out the cupboards so that we could get new ones. Mummy let me do the 'plastic' cupboard and I cleared it out in 5 seconds flat!! It was so much fun. I played for ages in this cupboard it was almost as much fun as pulling all the Xmas decorations off the tree before dragging the whole treedown.................
Mostly all about Sophie and Luc, a couple of kids growing up in sunny Western Australia with their Aussie mum, Canadian (Can-Aussie) dad and Sadie the wonder puppy. Capturing the ordinary and extraordinary moments in life!
Wednesday, December 19, 2007
Tuesday, December 11, 2007
Christmas Concerts AND Kindergarten days are over!!!!
So in the photo above, (click on photos to make them bigger) towards the back, there I am being a shepherd, I have a white robe, hat and red over my shoulders. If you look very carefully you can see Luc in the doorway watching me. Mummy had to leave the room because Luc was being 'difficult' and he kept wanting to come to me, afterwards (picture below) you can see that he is sitting next to me, just trying to be a big kindy kid like me!!!!!!

SO now I am on school holidays until February 4 2008!!! That is a long long time away. Woo hoo, can't wait till Christmas now and see what Santa will bring me.
Lots of love
Saturday, December 01, 2007
Email boy

I had to call Mummy to my room this morning......."Quick Mummy, come quick, Luc is sitting at my 'princess dressing table' using my 'Dora computer' AND he thinks he knows how to check EMAILS!!!! He even thinks he can type. "

I said, "Mum, when is someone going to tell Luc he is JUST a toddler and not 5 like me and also Mummy, I think Luc thinks Dora is his girlfriend because she talks to him when he types!!!!!!
Sunday, November 11, 2007
Mini Maestros
Tuesday, November 06, 2007
Five Alive!!!!

Hi all, Can you guess what I got for my birthday??????????ROLLERSKATES!!!!!! I was so happy, I have been wanting rollerskates for AGES, since I was 4...actually!!! I LOVE my new skates and I am getting very good but lucky I have knee and elbow pads on as I have fallen down a lot as well. I have been rolleskating all over the house and backyard and I also went to the 'rollerskating rink' and had a go there as well.......so much fun.
So I just love being 5, it is so much more fun than 4. I have had a great birthday,I had 2 birthday cakes!!!!! I had an ice cream cake on Sunday afternoon when Nanny, Grandpa,and Aunty's, cousins and Uncles cames over and then on Monday I had a few friends come over in the afternoon for a chocolate cake that Mummy made.......then also on Tuesday Mummy came to kindy and had made 35 cupcakes for everyone in my class. I helped her decorate them and we did lots of different coloured icing with lollies on top......they were YUM!
Lots more going on at the moment and I'll be back later to fill you in....so busy all the time....
love Sophie
Sunday, November 04, 2007
Friday, October 26, 2007
Monday's picnic!
Hi there
Apologies to all our 'avid' readers on the lack of updates on our busy and exciting life but hopefully I can fill you in on the latest news....... but before I go on......have I mentioned it is only 2 sleeps till my "5th" birthday!!!!!!! I am so excited, I absolutely LOVE birthdays and parties ..(just like my daddy!) I have had a couple of great packages arrive in the mail ....(I LOVE to get packages!) one from Memere and Pepere with the cutest outfit and sticker books (also my favourite) and one from Matante Ginette, Mononcle John and Cousin Justin. I got so spoilt, (that's what Mummy said) a new nighty, a dress, a fairy wand, some great pens and rings and ear rings........I miss them a lot and wish I could see them soon :-(
I am back at kindy and it's been great fun. My teacher told me that I am ready to be a big "pre primary" kid already which is what I will be next year. She said it because I showed her how I can do the whole 'monkey bars' by myself, pretty clever don't you think! Last week we talked about 'circus fun" and we had a visit from a REAL clown. His name was 'Bloopo' and he was SO funny that my tummy hurt from all the laughing. He was almost as funny as daddy, but different funny if you know what I mean!!!!
I went on a picnic with Nanny, Grandpa, Mummy, Luc, Aunty Emily, Jack, Sari, Cisco and Aunty Jane. We had sandwiches and fruit and a big play in the playground and the basketball ring. We even walked down to the beach and the water was beautiful but cold. It was a great sunny day but we didn't go swimming, it's not summer yet!!!!

Tonight cousin Jack is having a sleep over at our house. I can't wait! Did I mention it's my birthday in 2 sleeps..........
Saturday, October 20, 2007
First Steps
Thursday, October 11, 2007
One year old

Surprised mummy and daddy and slept through the night for 4 nights in a row....before going back to the old tricks of waking every couple of hours or so..... I have still improved dramatically and have been back to the "expert" doctors. It seems when I get teeth I always get a bad cold, sore throat and ear infection......that's why I wake so much.
Anyway all is forgiven as I am just so adorable or so I am told.

the stats at 1: (by Mummy)
weight: 10kg
height: (not much, still a shorty)
eyes/hair: beautiful and brown
teeth: 3 up top (and very spaced apart, lets hope they start moving towards each other. 3 on bottom and about 6 more wanting to make an appearance....ouch
mobility: the fastest crawling baby in the world. No interest in walking, don't really understand the fuss about walking. Likes standing and holding onto things but crawling is WAY faster!
Food: likes mostly everything. LOVES vegemite on toast. Loves tuna, rice, pasta, fish, lamb, eggs, broccoli......hmm maybe its easier to list what I don't like.....hmmm, nothing.
Drinks: Loves water and milk before bed.
Vocab: Mama,dada, baba, "sasha", dog, and a whole bunch of unidentified words that Sophie keeps asking Mummy and Daddy...."is he speaking a french word"?????
Likes: loves playing with cars and putting them all into a box nd then tkaing them all out again, can throw and catch balls...(yes, really!) Loves climbing...(hello, where did he get that from!) loves books and actually reading them and listening to the stories. Can point out dogs in books.
sleep: 2 x 1- 2 .5 hour naps a day and 12 hours at night (give or take waking sometimes 4 plus times or so!) Loves going to bed.
temperament: mostly a happy, funny laughing little man...except for the dreaded week every month when he teethes and has the ear infections and not happy to be anywhere but held all day long.
Saturday, September 29, 2007
It's my party.......and I'll SLEEP if I want to!!!!!

My new wheels....it's OK Sophie, I got this one figured out...hands off!
Yes you DID read the title correctly. Yesterday was my first birthday and I felt tired just thinking about it.....(oh yeah that and combined with the fact I was up playing in my cot the night before for a few hours in the middle of the night.....you know me, I am more of a night partier!!!!) So I almost missed my party, I had 3 big naps during the day and made a liar out of Mummy because of course no one really believes her when she tells them how 'awake' I usually am!!!!
So I did manage to stay awake for the main event....the cake!!!! Wow, what fun, my first taste of cake and I loved it...... I'll certainly be trying my hardest to get more of that, I hope I don't have to wait another year for more!! I was a little 'overwhelmed" at first by all the guests, balloons and goings on and made sure Mummy and Daddy stayed in my sights.
Cousin Jacky Boy having a go on the pinata......look how nicely all the kids are lined up waiting for their turn!!

All the bigger kids had so much fun, Sophie had a great time as well but has been a little surprised that all though I turned 'one' I still can't walk and talk like a big kid. Sorry to disappoint you big sis I'll keep trying to figure out how to do those things.
I got some great presents, now it looks like a little boy really does live in the house. I am now the owner of a few trucks and cars, yippeee....boy stuff you know, not a pink pram in sight...yee ha!
Go Sophie......break the pinata

Ella, Sophie and Christina enjoying the party food

Happy Birthday to me, Happy Birthday to me......

Big bubble dad....wow

Kids playing on the tramp.....

Hands up who liked this cake!!!! Woooo hooo, yum yum

It's so fun being one.....lovin it already!

Hmmm, how do you know when the sugar rush hits.......
Now......saving the best for last.....you'll never guess what I did last night.............
I slept through the whole night without waking up or crying out........I know Mummy and Daddy are still in shock themselves......I'm not even sure how I managed it and I know Mummy is nervous to see if I can do it all again tonight......maybe it's because I am a big one year old now or maybe it's because I have noticed how tired Mummy has been looking and figure 365 days of waking 8 times a night can really take it's toll.........so stay tuned Ill be back tomorrow to let you know if I can pull it off again.....
Luc x x
Wednesday, September 26, 2007
How to eat Spaghetti!!!!

Can't get it in fast enough!!! Ooh yum, saving a few bits for later just keeping them hanging from my feet!!!!

This is soooooo yummy. Think i figured out why Mummy takes my clothes off before I eat.....I am a little messy! Why does she even bother with a bib?

Oh no, busted, the camera's in my face again, Can't a guy eat spaghetti in peace??? Why is Sophie laughing at me??? Why is Sasha trying to lick my toes??

How 'bout this......one at a a time.....just for the photo, can't have my avid readers think I have no manners now can I....after all I am turning the "big 1 year old" in 3 sleeps!!!!
Sunday, September 16, 2007
Daddy's boy!
I've been a a"Daddy's boy" lately! When he is home that is and not off working all over the world. When he walks in the door from one of his trips I get SO excited I can hardly contain myself. My legs start jiggling and I squeel and crawl so fast to him thatI almost fall flat on my face. Mummy and Sophie find it very funny and Daddy is just a bit bewildered by my 'over' enthusiasm for him. I tell Sophie that it's a "boy thing" so she just won't get it really!!! 

Daddy is very, very fun. He always does fun stuff with me like throwing me in the air and tickling me and wrestling with me. He plays guitar a lot as well and I just LOVE that......
Thursday, September 13, 2007
Party time!
Sophie has informed me that we are soon having a party at our house and it is all for ME!!! I am going to be a whole year old....WOW, must be a pretty big deal because my friends are coming over to celebrate with me. Sophie tells me......I get to eat CAKE!!! I can hardly wait, she has me so excited. I might even get a present of which she has already informed me that SHE is to help me open it and SHE is allowed to play with it and SHE will help mummy make lolly bags to give to my friends and that it is actually HER friends coming to my party because I really actually don't have many of my OWN friends yet!!! Hmmmmmm, not sure that its "ALL ABOUT ME" after all.
Tuesday, September 04, 2007
Seeing double!!!
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Lucs confirmation
Random I know.... Im posting on my blog for the first time in 2 years!!! Ive been wanting to post some very long overdue updates in so l...
Just back from Rottnest, wish I was still there!!! I LOVED riding my bike everywhere...without trainer wheels. It was the best fun ...
Lately Sophie spends more time upside down than upright! The girl has become gymastics "obsessed"!! Recently at her gymnastics cl...
Last Friday was my first day of kindy!!! I was so looking forward to it. I picked out my clothes the night before and packed my "scho...