WOW! I had the best Christmas ever!!! I was so excited on Christmas morning to discover that Santa had been to our house AND left a trampoline in the backyard. He is so clever...and strong to carry a trampoline all the way from the North Pole......which is even further than Canada! He also left Luc and I some surprise presents under the tree. I got some new sunglasses, a "Dora" watch and torch and a "Dora" nightie and
game and I w
as SO impressed that Santa even knew that I liked "Dora the explorer" and that I actually needed all these things. I also got some new clothes and some lip gloss, cos now I am 4 I can wear lip gloss!!! I did get so many things and I just LOVED unwrapping presents. I got to unwrap all of Luc's as well as he is just too little to do it by himself. He got some clothes and some new sunglasses as well and a couple of little cars which my cousin Jack liked very much as well....... I was so lucky!

Nanny, Grandpa, Aunty Em, Uncle Carl and Jack all came over to our house and we spent a lot of time swimming n the neighbours pool as they haev gone away on holidays and said we are allowed to use it. It is so much fun to be able to have a swim whenever I like!! Actually whenever Mummy or Daddy or some other grown up like as I am not allowed to swim by myself of course. Then we had lunch at our house and it sure looked yummy. I wouldn't know what it tasted like as I was too busy eating chocolates and candy canes. Christmas is the only day in the year when you eat chocolates for breakfast!!! Anyway, everbody seemed to think it was yummy.
After lunch Jack went and had a 4.5 hour "nap" which made Mummy jealous as Luc does not sleep that long. I played a game with Nanny and Aunty Em and Uncle Carl called "Guess who" which was good fun and then we all went over to the pool for more swims!! Aunty Jane and Ian came over in the afternoon and Aunty Jane bought me a "Dora" laptop. How lucky am I!!! AND.....guess what else!!!!! Aunty Jane and Aunty Em are both growing babies in their bellies!!!!! Just like how Mummy grew Luc. I can't wait for the babies to come out. Mummy said it is going to be a really long time...next July they come out! I will be so busy being a BIG sister as well as OLDER cousin to 2 new babies!!