Tomorrow is my 4th birthday. I am very, very happy to be turning 4 although I am not so sure Mummy is as happy. Today she said to me she would like me to stay 3!!!!!! I just looked at her and said..."Mummy, you know I have to grow up sometime"!!!!!!
Well, it has been fun being 3. I learnt lots of things this past year. I learnt many, many more words and I learnt how to talk non stop. I went on holiday to Hawaii to see Memere, Pepere, Ginette, John and Justin and had a really great time. I learnt to bake cookies with Nanny. I played with Jacky boy lots and lots. I enjoyed playing dress ups all the time. I had lots of fun with my friends at playgroup and Buzy kidz. I got really good at drawing and painting. I became really good at swimming and loved the beach and pool. So many more things as well, that I can't really remember all of them right now. Best of all, last month I met my new baby brother and I just love him so much.
OK, so tonight Daddy is making me my favourite dinner of lamb cutlets, salad and potatoes....because I am never, ever, ever going to be 3 years old again....oh yeah, I get green olives as well. Yum, Yum. I will be back soon to tell you all what 4 feels like. I think i am going to really really like it!
Good bye 3!
Love Sophie