Thursday, December 28, 2006

And so that was Christmas.......

WOW! I had the best Christmas ever!!! I was so excited on Christmas morning to discover that Santa had been to our house AND left a trampoline in the backyard. He is so clever...and strong to carry a trampoline all the way from the North Pole......which is even further than Canada! He also left Luc and I some surprise presents under the tree. I got some new sunglasses, a "Dora" watch and torch and a "Dora" nightie and game and I was SO impressed that Santa even knew that I liked "Dora the explorer" and that I actually needed all these things. I also got some new clothes and some lip gloss, cos now I am 4 I can wear lip gloss!!! I did get so many things and I just LOVED unwrapping presents. I got to unwrap all of Luc's as well as he is just too little to do it by himself. He got some clothes and some new sunglasses as well and a couple of little cars which my cousin Jack liked very much as well....... I was so lucky!

Nanny, Grandpa, Aunty Em, Uncle Carl and Jack all came over to our house and we spent a lot of time swimming n the neighbours pool as they haev gone away on holidays and said we are allowed to use it. It is so much fun to be able to have a swim whenever I like!! Actually whenever Mummy or Daddy or some other grown up like as I am not allowed to swim by myself of course. Then we had lunch at our house and it sure looked yummy. I wouldn't know what it tasted like as I was too busy eating chocolates and candy canes. Christmas is the only day in the year when you eat chocolates for breakfast!!! Anyway, everbody seemed to think it was yummy.

After lunch Jack went and had a 4.5 hour "nap" which made Mummy jealous as Luc does not sleep that long. I played a game with Nanny and Aunty Em and Uncle Carl called "Guess who" which was good fun and then we all went over to the pool for more swims!! Aunty Jane and Ian came over in the afternoon and Aunty Jane bought me a "Dora" laptop. How lucky am I!!! AND.....guess what else!!!!! Aunty Jane and Aunty Em are both growing babies in their bellies!!!!! Just like how Mummy grew Luc. I can't wait for the babies to come out. Mummy said it is going to be a really long July they come out! I will be so busy being a BIG sister as well as OLDER cousin to 2 new babies!!

Sunday, December 24, 2006

Merry Christmas


Sunday, December 17, 2006

A note from my teachers

This is what my teachers at "Buzy Kidz" (which is like a kindy for 3 year olds) had to say about me. I got my first report card last week and Mummy read it out to Daddy on the phone (because he was away). They seem to think it is a pretty accurate description of me........

"Our little Sophie! It took us a while to win you over but I think we succeeded. Sophie is an absolute little sweetheart with an endearing personality. As her confidence has grown Sophie has made good friends within the group and always shows consideration towards her peers and staff alike.
Sophie tends to take everything on her litttle shoulders and can sometimes let the worry of it all stop her from having fun. Once you have gained her trust she will talk for ever and is really entertaining with her stories.
Sophie you are a delight, a real shining star. Let yourself shine and every success will be yours!!!!"

Awwwwww, isn't that nice. I am going to really miss my teachers at Buzy Kidz. They were so nice. I hope my kindergarten teacher next year will be just as nice.

bye bye
Love Sophie

Friday, December 15, 2006

I don't like chocolate!!!

Yesterday we went to do some Xmas shopping, just Mummy, Luc and I!!! 7 people (mostly other mums) stopped my Mummy to say how cute my little brother Luc is!!! He was in his pram and wearing this little outfit that Mummy's friend Jill sent to Luc when he was born. No one could see what was written on his back but everybody sure did like his outfit. Mummy told me what it said and I thought it was pretty funny. Everybody knows baby's can't eat chocolate, I mean I am 4 and I still only get a little bit now and then if I am really really good!!!!
Love Sophie

Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Last Saturday's picnic

Last Saturday Mummy, Luc and I went on a picnic with some friends to Floreat Beach Park. It was so great because we could go swimming at the beach and play in the playground as well as picnic AND get an ice cream afterwards. A really great day all round. Even Luc was a good boy and Mummy wore him in her "kangaroo pouch" and he slept away most of the day.

My friend Alice's daddy took me out swimming really, really deep like how my daddy always takes me so I was very happy he could do that. I had lots.of fun playing with Ella and Will and Jayde as well.

After lunch you will never guess who came to see us.......SANTA!!!! He even brought us all a present. I got a sticker book on fairies and Luc got a little toy!!!! On the way home I asked Mummy how Santa knows exactly what we like and she says he is just like "magic"!!!!

I was very tired on the way home but it was just lots of fun. Later that night Mummy was watching the news and heard there had been a big shark sighting at the beach in Scarborough which was only just down the beach a bit from where we were swimming. Hmmmmm, maybe next time I won't go so far out!

Bye bye

Love Sophie


Friday, December 08, 2006

Facelift and new name

Well, not sure if you had noticed or not (hee hee) but it really is not all about me anymore!!!! Now that Luc is on the scene it is only fair that I write about him as well. I mean it would be great if it could always have been about me but I am actually OK with this. Sometimes Luc may even want to have a say himself. Yes, we are very clever for our ages!!!!

Luc is the best little brother in the world even if he does cry a lot AND keeps Mummy awake all night long. Yes, you read right......ALL night long! I witnessed it first hand. You see, daddy is away working on a big ship in the middle of the ocean so I took it upon myself to make sure Mummy wasn't scared at night sleeping by herself (that's a big sisters job by the way!!!!) so I have been creeping into her bed at night only to discover that she is not in it very much. She was up and down all night long last night because my baby brother has his first cold and he couldn't sleep very well. Poor little boy was coughing and sneezing and in the end Mummy stayed awake to hold him ALL night!!!!! He did go to sleep finally at 7am this morning for 2 hours but by then it's time to wake up and have breakfast. He is so not good at the sleeping thing but then Mummy said I was not exactly perfect at it either. Anyway, he ended up sleeping most of the day today so lets hope he is not awake again crying all night tonight and that he starts feeling better really soon.

So, Luc is 10 weeks old, that went fast! He has been smiling since he was 3 weeks old, talking/cooing since he was 5 weeks old but talking so much more in the last week or so. His favourite word is "agoo" which was also my favourite word at that age!!!! He weighs just over 5 kilos and is 54 cm long. He loves to look at me (of course he does, why wouldn't he!!!) his eyes follow me all over the room (ok, he also follows mummy and daddy but I think I am his favourite and if he could, he would say so!) he doesn't sleep much (too busy watching me, that's why!) he loves the latest Bob Dylan album, loves milk that Mummy makes especially for him (how clever is my mum!), loves to be held (yup, he has us trained already!) and is not that keen on driving in the car even though he gets to stare at me the whole trip (what is his problem?)

So, here are a couple of photos of him (not crying) and looking ever so cute..... and one of me getting a quick cuddle in the morning.
Love Sophie

Friday, December 01, 2006

Me and My Dad

Today I am a little bit sad :-(
My daddy is going on a plane tomorrow because he has to work far away for a long, long time. He is going to be gone for 20 sleeps!!!!!!! That is so long. He has been home for ever lately and I have been playing with him so much especially as Mummy has been more busy with baby Luc. We have been going to the beach a lot and riding my new bike to the park, playing in the backyard and even watching cricket together. Daddy likes to watch the cricket. I don't. I'd rather watch cartoons. So it will be just Mummy and me and Luc for the next 20 days. Mummy bought me one of those Christmas countdown calander things with the little piece of chocolate behind every number but as well as counting down till Christmas, I am counting down to when we pick Daddy up from the airport. At least he will be here before Santa comes, phew, thats lucky!
Here is a picture of daddy and I we fell asleep on the couch watching the cricket....(it's kind of boring sometimes and makes you go to sleep!!!!)

Bye Bye
Love Sophie

Thursday, November 30, 2006

Sophie the Artist

Well, I have been very busy lately working on my "art gallery". I have my little table set up with all kinds of bits of paper and I have been glueing away to my hearts content and drawing. Mummy said I could hang them on the wall as well. I made a big Christmas tree and then I have drawn pictures of our family all waiting for christmas.
Speaking of Christmas today Luc and I are going to see Santa and tell him what we want for Christmas. I will have to do the talking for Luc of course but that's OK. I want a trampoline for the backyard!!!!!!! I still don't know how Santa is going to carry it and how he will put it in the backyard but Mummy tells me he is "magic" so I really, really hope he is because I really, really ,really, really, want one (like really really badly!!!)
OK off to the shops we go...ho ho ho
Love Sophie

Thursday, November 16, 2006

Funny Sophie

Classic Sophie moment.....

Coming out of the doctor's office last week after having Luc's 6 week check up, Sophie ran ahead and yelled back....."let me push the button on the alligator"!!!! Alligator I said, it is not an alligator!!!! Ooops, I mean calculator!!!!!! What she really meant to say was ELEVATOR!!!!
The few people around us thought it was very funny!

By Mummy

Friday is Library day

We are off to the library soon. Mummy has been taking Luc and I to the Library every Friday as we go to "Storytime" and then afterwards I get to pick out 10 new books for the week. Storytime is great. A very nice lady reads out 4 stories to lots of kids and we all sit on cushions and then afterwards we do "craft" and get to take whatever we make home. It's good fun and today my friend Ella is coming too....yippee.

On Wednesday I had my kindergarten orientation day. I didn't know what orientation meant and Mummy said it just means, "going to have a look at my new kindy that I will go to after christmas"!!!! I don't know why people can't just say that instead of using big words all the time. Nanny uses lots of big words too. She teaches me words like, ridiculous and astonishing!!!! I use ridiculous all the time but I have forgotten already what astonishing means!
Anyway, my new kindy is going to be great fun. I am going to be going on Tuesday's and Friday's (all day) from February next year. Mummy said she will be a little sad when I start going to kindy. I'm not sure why as I would have thought that she needs the break from me constantly wanting to paint /play with playdough/make things etc and all the mess that goes with it as apparantly (another one of Nanny's words!!!) we are going to do LOTS of craft things at kindy......yay, yay!!

Bye Bye
Love Sophie

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Being 4!

Well I am into my 3rd week of being 4 and so far it is my favourite age!! I had a great birthday. I went to church in the morning with Nanny and Grandpa and then in the afternoon we had birthday cake and I rode my NEW bike!! Yes, I got a brand new bike and it was a big surprise. It is purple and has streamers on the handlebars and Daddy says it is by the coolest bike on the street! It even has a seat on the back for me to take my "babies" for a ride! I also got some great new clothes, a new talking baby (no not Luc) a toy baby, some "Dora the Explorer" things, some new books and colouring in books as well.

Then on Tuesday at Playgroup I had a little party with all my friends. Mummy made a great "Dora the Explorer" cake and it tasted very yummy as well. My favourite part was blowing out the candle and everyone singing "Happy Birthday to me"!!

That's all for now,
Love Sophie (now 4 )

Saturday, October 28, 2006

Last day being 3 years old!

Tomorrow is my 4th birthday. I am very, very happy to be turning 4 although I am not so sure Mummy is as happy. Today she said to me she would like me to stay 3!!!!!! I just looked at her and said..."Mummy, you know I have to grow up sometime"!!!!!!

Well, it has been fun being 3. I learnt lots of things this past year. I learnt many, many more words and I learnt how to talk non stop. I went on holiday to Hawaii to see Memere, Pepere, Ginette, John and Justin and had a really great time. I learnt to bake cookies with Nanny. I played with Jacky boy lots and lots. I enjoyed playing dress ups all the time. I had lots of fun with my friends at playgroup and Buzy kidz. I got really good at drawing and painting. I became really good at swimming and loved the beach and pool. So many more things as well, that I can't really remember all of them right now. Best of all, last month I met my new baby brother and I just love him so much.

OK, so tonight Daddy is making me my favourite dinner of lamb cutlets, salad and potatoes....because I am never, ever, ever going to be 3 years old again....oh yeah, I get green olives as well. Yum, Yum. I will be back soon to tell you all what 4 feels like. I think i am going to really really like it!

Good bye 3!
Love Sophie

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

More of baby Luc

Well, MY blog is in danger of being taking over by baby Luc!!!! I can't help but talk about him and show more photos of him because he is just SO CUTE!!! Not only that he is the most interesting not to mention time consuming thing happening in my life at the moment. But don't worry, I am not jealous. I still get lots and lots of attention not to mention all the "big sister" presents I have cool is that, presents for being a big sister!!!!! I think I better relax a bit on how often I ask to hold him as I think I am going to drive my Mummy and Daddy crazy because I ask to cuddle him at least 745 times a day! Oh yeah and my Mummy's best friend had a baby boy ...Harry.....12 days after Luc so he already has a "best buddy"!!!(apart from me of course).
Oh other news, Daddy is having a birthday tomorrow he is going to be 40!!!!!Wow, that seems like such a lot but I am so happy that he has a 4 in his number because in 10 more sleeps I am going to be 4!!!!!! I am very excited but trying to be calm and let daddy enjoy his birthday first because apparently it is a very big and important number. Daddy is having a party at the house but I am being sent off to Nanny and Grandpa's as no kids are coming to this party. I don't mind, doesn't sound like too much fun to me if no kids are coming. I mean, what is the point????
Bye Bye
Love Sophie

Friday, October 06, 2006

Show girl!!!

I had such a great time at the "Royal Show" with daddy the other day. Apart from getting caught in the rain and ending up really really wet and cold, it was still lot's of fun. Daddy was really sorry he hadn't listened to Mummy's advice about taking a change of clothes for me in case we got wet. Daddy said, nah, we won't get wet! Sometimes Daddy's really need to listen to Mummy's because they do seem to know about everything!!!!!
So I rode a pony, patted a pig, lamb, baby goat (Daddy said it is a kid????, I said, it is not a kid, I am a KID, but once again he didn't listen!!) I won a doll by putting balls into an open clowns mouth and I went on some rides. Then daddy bought me the "Dora the Explorer" show bag with lots of goodies in it including a backpack and a skipping rope.
So I have also been helping Mummy and daddy with baby Luc. I am really good at giving him cuddles and kisses. He is soooooo cute. Today I went to "Buzy Kidz" and I showed him to all my friends. I am a proud BIG sister!!
Love Sophie

Monday, October 02, 2006

I'm a BIG SISTER!!!!!

Baby is here. He was born on Friday morning. I am a big sister and I am sooooooo happy! It's a baby BOY!.... and I am Ok with him being a he and not a she, really I am!! His name is Luc Daniel!! He is just so cute and tiny and Mummy and Daddy say he looks just like I did when I was born. I just want to hold him all the time and play with him but it is hard because he does seem to sleep a lot and eat a lot which doesn't leave much time for playing with me! Although Mummy did say he doesn't sleep in the night time at all.......hmmm, thats strange, that's when you are supposed to sleep I said, but Mummy said baby's take a little while to figure that out!
Mummy came home from the hospital on Sunday with baby and I love to go into his room and stare at him in his bed and sometimes I sing him little songs and I think he really likes my songs even though I make up all the words.
So I have been having lots of fun playing with Daddy while Mummy was in the hospital and tomorrow he is taking me to the "Royal Show"!!! We are going to see baby animals and go on some rides for little kids and then get some show bags. It will be great fun. Mummy and Luc are going to stay at home and I am sure I will be happy to come home again to see them!
Love Sophie (the BIG sister!)

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Where baby will sleep!

Here is a picture of where "our" baby will sleep. It is my old room and it is so cute. Daddy painted the walls and Mummy made it look beautiful. I can't wait till the baby comes out of Mummy's tummy(still not sure how that is going to happen....and not asking either!!) and comes home from the hospital. I know it is getting closer because today Mummy and I put nappies on the changetable's got to be soon, I hope so anyway!
Bye Bye

Sunday, September 17, 2006

JackyBoy and I

Here is Jackyboy and I playing on my swing (which is actually his swing....we are just borrowing it, till he get's bigger and then we give it back to him!!!) Isn't he soooooooooo cute! He is pretty funny as well especially because he is still really a baby. He LOVES cars and trucks and planes.....he is such a boy! Sometimes when he comes to play at my house he takes all my "babies" out of their prams and puts cars in the prams instead and takes them for a walk!!!!! It makes me very mad but Mummy says I have to understand he is still only "little", so I let him do it for a little while and then explain to my "babies" why they have been thrown on to the floor and that they need to be more patient with him........
Love Sophie
PS: Jack is 17 months old today!!

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Baby Talk

I have been very busy going with Mummy to the Doctors every week(sometimes more) to check the baby out. It's great fun! I get to play with all the toys in the waiting room and sometimes if I am lucky I get to look at really tiny new babies and if I am really really lucky, those babies are girls and are wearing pink!!! The pink girl babies are my favourite. Then I always get to see "our" baby on the little screen and sometimes it waves at me THEN, the best bit of all...........the doctor puts smily face stamps on my hand and gives me stickers. Yep, doesn't really take much to make me happy.
Love Sophie

Sunday, September 03, 2006

Spring has Sprung!!

I am so happy as it is getting close to the time of year when we can go to the beach. I LOVE going to the beach and that means summer is coming!!! Yippee! Today is the 3rd day of Spring and also Fathers day. I made a card and lots of pictures for daddy. Mummy made French toast for Daddy and I and we had breakfast in bed and then after church with Nanny and Grandpa and a visit from Aunty Jane we went to have a look and go for a walk at the beach.
Of course I had to strip off and go swimming and the water was very, very cold, but I didn't care.
Love Sophie

Sunday, August 27, 2006

Tip toe through the Tulips......

Last Thursday Mummy and I went with Nanny, Grandpa and Lally to a place called Araluen. It took about 45 minutes to get there and it is a place with very beautiful tulips!!! It was a nice sunny day and we had a picnic on the grass and I raced around trying to catch butterflies and told Mummy 100 times that next time she should remember to bring my butterfly net!!!!! After lunch Lally bought me an icecream and then we went on a little train to look at all the pretty tulips. I heard kookaburras in the trees and they sound so funny! It was good fun and on the way home I had to have a little snooze in the car....(so did Mummy!!!)
Love Sophie

Thursday, August 24, 2006

Out of the mouth of Sophie!!!!

Classic Sophie conversation had with Aunty Emily whilst playing in her bedroom.......

Sophie: Emily, what is that little bug on my carpet????
Emily: Oh, that is just a cricket
Sophie: Ohhh
Emily: Some say it's good luck
Sophie: (Gets down on the ground really close to it and says)......Cricket, can you say "its gooduck"!!!

Friday, August 18, 2006

Bonjour, Playing dress ups is my very favourite thing to do at the moment!!! When we are at home I am usually dressed in dress up clothes, from being a fairy princess to dressing like a "lady" in old red high heeled shoes of Nanny's and her old dresses. Of course they are way too big for me but that's OK.

Here I am pictured in a pink dress (did I mention pink is my favourite colour!!) and I am making a wish on Mummy's belly for the baby to come out soon!!!!!! (actually, I am secretly still wishing for a baby girl and that Mummy and Daddy will call her "Luna" or "Angel" !!! I just can't wait for the baby to come out. Today it was moving a lot and I put my hands on it and it kicks them off, it's so funny our baby! Mummy said we still have to wait 6 more weeks.......that's forever!

Last night Angus and Molly had a sleep over at our house and Angus and I pretended we were "superhero's" all night. We had sheets tied around our necks to make capes and we saved a lot of people from burning houses and we rescued kittens from trees....we were pretty busy all night! It's hard work being "Super Sophie"!!!!

Bye bye
Love Sophie

Sunday, August 06, 2006

Rollerskating girl

Last Friday Mummy took me rollerskating in a real rollerdrome!!! It was the best fun ever and I can't wait to go back. I had my own little pair of rollerskates and it was just little kids like me there and we were falling down all over the place and laughing because it was funny to fall down. I was trying to run in my skates and then I would go sliding. I wasn't very good at it but Mummy said I was doing great as it was my first time. The music was on and they played "The Wiggles" and "Hi-5", so we danced on our skates as well. We also played games and had little races.
Then we had fairy bread and orange cordial for Morning tea and WOW, you should have seen how crazy and fast all the kids got after eating morning tea.....Mummy said it has something to do with the sugar and food colourings in the cordial!!!!!! I can't wait to go again!!!

Today I am excited because Jacky-boy is home from his holiday in Queensland and I missed him so much. He sent me a postcard (Aunty Em had to write it for him) . I will see him today after his nap.

Bye Bye
Love Sophie

Sunday, July 30, 2006

Just Hi

Today is Monday and I am off to "Buzy Kidz"!!! I get to see my friends and do lots of fun things! The last few days I have been very busy. I have been baking lots....and eating lots of the baking!!! I made cookies with Nanny on Saturday when Mummy and Daddy went to the football and I help Mummy making pancakes, muffins, puddings and all kinds of things. I help her make dinner every night and then I get to wash dishes...WOoohooo, great fun!!!

Yesterday our friends came over, Penny and Jason (the mummy and daddy) and Will and Oliver (the me!)and we made homemade pizza's and they were delicious. We played lots and I of course wore my "tutu" and everyone kept telling me to put warm clothes on because it was pretty cold and I was making them all feel cold!

Mummy has been helping me organise my bedroom and get all the little books and toys I don't need anymore for the new baby. I am going to be able to read it stories and help look after it. I want it to be a baby girl so it will play "dolls and babies" with me but Mummy and Daddy say it might be a boy and I say, "well, we will just have to get another girl baby if it is a boy!!!" Mummy and Daddy laugh and think that is funny but I am not sure why!

Bye Bye
Love Sophie

Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Sophie Ballerina Belliveauoskarova

I have a new favourite thing! Nanny and Grandpa bought me a "Tutu" and I have been wearing it pretty much since I got it (3 days ago). I can even do a few little ballet moves and I practice them all the time. It is really cold here at the moment but every afternoon I wait in the front yard wearing my tutu and playing soccer and waiting for Daddy to come home!!!!! As the pictures prove.......I even sleep in my tutu. I put it on over my jamies. Yesterday I went to Julie's and I had to take it off, BUT, soon as I got home I put it on again!!!!!
Love Sophie

Lucs confirmation

Random I know.... Im posting on my blog for the first time in 2 years!!!  Ive been wanting to post some very long overdue updates in so l...