So much to tell you all. Firstly, I no longer have my 3 dummies. One day I just decided I didn't need them anymore. Actually to tell the truth, I think Mummy tricked me into thinking it was my decision because if I do ask about them she always says...."You wanted to cut them up and YOU wanted to put them in the garbage bin and then the garbage truck took them all away"....OK, I remember it happening like that but not sure why I decided to do that. Anyway, I am OK with it now as I am a pretty big girl. On Sunday Nanny took me to church again. I love going to church. I like to stand at the end of the pew and yell out "Alleluia"(Pretty good spelling for a 2 year old!!!!) Also, I like to point out to Nanny all the babies with dummies which the people sitting behind me think is very amusing.
OK, now for the really BIG news!!! I am not wearing nappies anymore!!!!! I go on the potty or the big toilet sometimes as well. I am so clever. I haven't had many accidents either. Yesterday when all my friends came over to play, I showed them how I go on the potty and everybody clapped and said what a good girl I am. So now you can see why I am so big now, no dummies and no nappies. WOW, things really do happen fast when you are 2!!!
OK, now I have to go and I mean I really have to go.
Bye Bye
Love Sophie
Mostly all about Sophie and Luc, a couple of kids growing up in sunny Western Australia with their Aussie mum, Canadian (Can-Aussie) dad and Sadie the wonder puppy. Capturing the ordinary and extraordinary moments in life!
Tuesday, December 14, 2004
Thursday, December 02, 2004
I have swimming lessons again tomorrow. I am so excited, I hope I can sleep. Ok, that is not very funny as Mummy says as I actually have been a bit naughty in the "sleeping" department. I have been going to bed at the right time, but for some reason I just wake up and cry out for mummy. I yell out all kinds of things, like"I want milk", or "I no want more sleep" or"I want mummy's bed" or "I need blanket on". Anyway, the last few nights I have been crying and yelling out for a couple of hours and I can tell Mummy is not very impressed with me. She comes to my room in the night and tells me to lie down and go to sleep and she doesn't listen to any of my requests. Maybe I need a new tactic. I mean, it's not that hard to give me milk or a blanket or put me in her bed now is it. It's not like I am asking her for a 3 course meal when I wake in the night and I mean after all, I am 2 and why can't I get whatever I like. Actually, because you are all avid readers of my daily life, I will let you in on a secret. I am trying to see how much"pull" I have got in this Mummy /toddler relationship and I have to tell you folks I really don't have a lot. So after our little chat before bed (the chat Mummy has with me everynight) the one about, if I wake in the night I am supposed to just roll over and go back to sleep...(pullleeeaaase, does she think I am Sasha!!!!) and that I am not supposed to cry out for hours on end and that in the morning Mummy will come and get me out of my cot when I wake up. Ok, so after that chat I decided maybe she is right and really it does get pretty exhausting yelling out at all those ungodly hours of the morning so tonight I am going to try very, very hard to stay asleep all night. I will let you know how I go tomorrow........that's if you don't here it from Mummy first!!!
Love Sophie
I have swimming lessons again tomorrow. I am so excited, I hope I can sleep. Ok, that is not very funny as Mummy says as I actually have been a bit naughty in the "sleeping" department. I have been going to bed at the right time, but for some reason I just wake up and cry out for mummy. I yell out all kinds of things, like"I want milk", or "I no want more sleep" or"I want mummy's bed" or "I need blanket on". Anyway, the last few nights I have been crying and yelling out for a couple of hours and I can tell Mummy is not very impressed with me. She comes to my room in the night and tells me to lie down and go to sleep and she doesn't listen to any of my requests. Maybe I need a new tactic. I mean, it's not that hard to give me milk or a blanket or put me in her bed now is it. It's not like I am asking her for a 3 course meal when I wake in the night and I mean after all, I am 2 and why can't I get whatever I like. Actually, because you are all avid readers of my daily life, I will let you in on a secret. I am trying to see how much"pull" I have got in this Mummy /toddler relationship and I have to tell you folks I really don't have a lot. So after our little chat before bed (the chat Mummy has with me everynight) the one about, if I wake in the night I am supposed to just roll over and go back to sleep...(pullleeeaaase, does she think I am Sasha!!!!) and that I am not supposed to cry out for hours on end and that in the morning Mummy will come and get me out of my cot when I wake up. Ok, so after that chat I decided maybe she is right and really it does get pretty exhausting yelling out at all those ungodly hours of the morning so tonight I am going to try very, very hard to stay asleep all night. I will let you know how I go tomorrow........that's if you don't here it from Mummy first!!!
Love Sophie
Thursday, November 25, 2004
I have to tell you about my swimming lesson today. Let's just say I am 1/4 fish and 1/4 mermaid (that's because Mummy say's I am too pretty to be all fish and mermaids can be very beautiful!!!), anyway, I am becoming a champion swimmer and it is only my 4th lesson!!!!! Look out here I come. I am sure my instructor will tell Mummy next week that I am good enough for the olympics but maybe not the ones in 4 years as I may still be a bit little for those ones. It was so much fun and I just love to jump off the side of the pool.
Mummy is supposed to catch me but it is even funner (is that a word??) if she doesn't catch me and I go way under the water and then she picks me up and throws me in the air and I say..."More, More, More, More" and all the spectators sitting in the grandstands cheer and chant my name loudly and laugh at me as because not only am I a fantastic swimmer I am also so very funny(see, grandstands just like an Olympic pool and yes, slightly eggagerated as no one knows my name, although I am sure they would chant it if they knew it!!!)
Another great thing about swimming lessons is also the treat I am promised afterwards. Daddy started this new thing last week called, "Be a good girl and you might get a treat" and sure enough that's all I have to do, just be good and I mean how easy is that as I am usually so well behaved (snicker!). So Daddy told Mummy about the after swimming "treat" and now Mummy is in on it as well. Although, today as I was happily licking my multi coloured ice cream cone and thinking about how great my life is whilst walking back to our car my ice cream dropped and the cone broke in half. How can life be so good and then turn so bad in an instant. I looked at Mummy with a completely devasted look on my face and do you know what she said.........wait for it........she said "Never Mind"..... I was so confused, here I am devastated and she says "Never Mind, we will pick it up and put it in the bin". Oh my goodness, it get's worse, my treat is going to go in the bin. Sometimes I really think Mummy forgets what it was like to be 2 years old and drop your ice cream on the ground, maybe Mummy never was 2, maybe she was always old like a mummy. Maybe she doesn't know how yummy ice cream is because come to think of it, she never get's one with me. So then, we get home and she offers me lunch instead. Somebody please explain to her that lunch can never replace "treats"!!!! Just wait till I tell Daddy!
Bye Bye,
Love Sophie
I have to tell you about my swimming lesson today. Let's just say I am 1/4 fish and 1/4 mermaid (that's because Mummy say's I am too pretty to be all fish and mermaids can be very beautiful!!!), anyway, I am becoming a champion swimmer and it is only my 4th lesson!!!!! Look out here I come. I am sure my instructor will tell Mummy next week that I am good enough for the olympics but maybe not the ones in 4 years as I may still be a bit little for those ones. It was so much fun and I just love to jump off the side of the pool.
Mummy is supposed to catch me but it is even funner (is that a word??) if she doesn't catch me and I go way under the water and then she picks me up and throws me in the air and I say..."More, More, More, More" and all the spectators sitting in the grandstands cheer and chant my name loudly and laugh at me as because not only am I a fantastic swimmer I am also so very funny(see, grandstands just like an Olympic pool and yes, slightly eggagerated as no one knows my name, although I am sure they would chant it if they knew it!!!)
Another great thing about swimming lessons is also the treat I am promised afterwards. Daddy started this new thing last week called, "Be a good girl and you might get a treat" and sure enough that's all I have to do, just be good and I mean how easy is that as I am usually so well behaved (snicker!). So Daddy told Mummy about the after swimming "treat" and now Mummy is in on it as well. Although, today as I was happily licking my multi coloured ice cream cone and thinking about how great my life is whilst walking back to our car my ice cream dropped and the cone broke in half. How can life be so good and then turn so bad in an instant. I looked at Mummy with a completely devasted look on my face and do you know what she said.........wait for it........she said "Never Mind"..... I was so confused, here I am devastated and she says "Never Mind, we will pick it up and put it in the bin". Oh my goodness, it get's worse, my treat is going to go in the bin. Sometimes I really think Mummy forgets what it was like to be 2 years old and drop your ice cream on the ground, maybe Mummy never was 2, maybe she was always old like a mummy. Maybe she doesn't know how yummy ice cream is because come to think of it, she never get's one with me. So then, we get home and she offers me lunch instead. Somebody please explain to her that lunch can never replace "treats"!!!! Just wait till I tell Daddy!
Bye Bye,
Love Sophie
Wednesday, November 24, 2004
20 Interesting facts about ME!!!!!:
1. Ask Mummy and Daddy 100 times a day..."What you doing"? and after their response wait a few minutes then ask..."what you doing now"?
2. Choose my own coloured bowl from the cupboard for when I get a snack
3. Brush my own teeth (ok,ok, not very good at it)
4. Put my own sandals on
5. Tell (boss) Sasha what to do (can you believe it....she actually listens to me!)
6. Wear high heeled shoes and actually walk in them (even better than Mummy can!!)
7. Watch "The Lion King" over and over and over and over and over and over and over
8. Have conversations with Memere and Pepere and Justin by talking to their photos... (miss them a lot)
9. Don't like it when my friend Maddy always tried to kiss me and hold my hand (I just wish she would "GROW UP"!! (FYI..... she is 2 as well!!)
10. Prefer to eat seaweed rice crackers over cocolate coated teddy biscuits (teddy biscuits are for babies)
11. Have already spent 60 hours on an aeroplane.
12. Have consumed 14 airline meals
13. Love spaghetti, apples, cheese, eggs, vegemite on toast, grapes, blueberries......actually I eat everything.
14. Even like curry!!
15. Tell Mummy she is "pretty" when she comes to get me out of my cot...even if it is 5am!
16. Have 16 teeth
18. Love to help Mummy wash dishes
19. Say please and thank you when I need soemthing (most of the time)
20. Laugh a lot and conside myself very funny...(for a 2 year old)
1. Ask Mummy and Daddy 100 times a day..."What you doing"? and after their response wait a few minutes then ask..."what you doing now"?
2. Choose my own coloured bowl from the cupboard for when I get a snack
3. Brush my own teeth (ok,ok, not very good at it)
4. Put my own sandals on
5. Tell (boss) Sasha what to do (can you believe it....she actually listens to me!)
6. Wear high heeled shoes and actually walk in them (even better than Mummy can!!)
7. Watch "The Lion King" over and over and over and over and over and over and over
8. Have conversations with Memere and Pepere and Justin by talking to their photos... (miss them a lot)
9. Don't like it when my friend Maddy always tried to kiss me and hold my hand (I just wish she would "GROW UP"!! (FYI..... she is 2 as well!!)
10. Prefer to eat seaweed rice crackers over cocolate coated teddy biscuits (teddy biscuits are for babies)
11. Have already spent 60 hours on an aeroplane.
12. Have consumed 14 airline meals
13. Love spaghetti, apples, cheese, eggs, vegemite on toast, grapes, blueberries......actually I eat everything.
14. Even like curry!!
15. Tell Mummy she is "pretty" when she comes to get me out of my cot...even if it is 5am!
16. Have 16 teeth
18. Love to help Mummy wash dishes
19. Say please and thank you when I need soemthing (most of the time)
20. Laugh a lot and conside myself very funny...(for a 2 year old)
Sunday, November 21, 2004
Today Daddy has gone away to work again so I am a bit sad. To make matters even worse, Dan and Maryse are going away for a week as well. So it will be Mummy and I all by ourselves for a little while, although today Mummy and I are going to pick up Nanny from the airport because she is coming home from her holiday with Grandpa.....that's going to be great.
So I have been so busy lately and getting so much attention. I always have someone to talk to and play with and haven't had to rely on Sasha so much of late as my source of entertainment..(no offence Sasha, but sometimes I get really bored of just playing with an old tennis ball!!!!)
I have been to the beach a few times last week and had lots of fun playing in the sand and the waves. I know how to get myself ready for the beach, as soon as I know we are going, I get my littel pink sunglasses, my pink flip flops with the flower at the toes (thongs for the Aussie readers), my big hat that says "Cool Babe" on it, my lady bird beach towel and then I request "cream" for my delicate skin!!! Oh yeah, I also make sure Mummy or Daddy bring snacks, water and all my beach toys. Usually after the beach, I come home and play in my little pool and yesterday I went and got all my babies and some other toys and put them all in the pool. Mummy was a bit shocked when she saw all my babies in the water (face down) and she said that my babies shouldn't be in the pool because they don't know how to now all my babies are hanging on the clothesline. Maybe they can all come to swimming lessons with me when I go next time. That reminds me, I have had 3 swimming lessons. The first one was OK, I love the water but I just didn't want to do some things the instructor wanted me to do, so then I cried...(Daddy came home and told Mummy they would definately not be using me in the commercial to advertise the swimming lessons!!!!), the second lesson, Daddy got a bit in trouble for not staying with the group, but that is because I was crying a lot because I was very tired from being awake since 5 am.....then my last lesson, I was the star of the pool, I jump off the edge all by myself, I can go under and swim from from daddy to the instructor and I sing all the little songs with the group. My favourite is " Legs on the swimmers go kick kick kick, kick, kick, kick". This week Mummy is going to take me because Daddy will be at work.
Ok, off to watch "The Lion King" my favourite movie now...Buzz who??, Woody who???(Toy Story is not my favourite anymore.
Today is going to be very hot, Mummy just said 37 degrees......yippee, maybe that means I can eat an icypole!!!!
Love Sophie
Today Daddy has gone away to work again so I am a bit sad. To make matters even worse, Dan and Maryse are going away for a week as well. So it will be Mummy and I all by ourselves for a little while, although today Mummy and I are going to pick up Nanny from the airport because she is coming home from her holiday with Grandpa.....that's going to be great.
So I have been so busy lately and getting so much attention. I always have someone to talk to and play with and haven't had to rely on Sasha so much of late as my source of entertainment..(no offence Sasha, but sometimes I get really bored of just playing with an old tennis ball!!!!)
I have been to the beach a few times last week and had lots of fun playing in the sand and the waves. I know how to get myself ready for the beach, as soon as I know we are going, I get my littel pink sunglasses, my pink flip flops with the flower at the toes (thongs for the Aussie readers), my big hat that says "Cool Babe" on it, my lady bird beach towel and then I request "cream" for my delicate skin!!! Oh yeah, I also make sure Mummy or Daddy bring snacks, water and all my beach toys. Usually after the beach, I come home and play in my little pool and yesterday I went and got all my babies and some other toys and put them all in the pool. Mummy was a bit shocked when she saw all my babies in the water (face down) and she said that my babies shouldn't be in the pool because they don't know how to now all my babies are hanging on the clothesline. Maybe they can all come to swimming lessons with me when I go next time. That reminds me, I have had 3 swimming lessons. The first one was OK, I love the water but I just didn't want to do some things the instructor wanted me to do, so then I cried...(Daddy came home and told Mummy they would definately not be using me in the commercial to advertise the swimming lessons!!!!), the second lesson, Daddy got a bit in trouble for not staying with the group, but that is because I was crying a lot because I was very tired from being awake since 5 am.....then my last lesson, I was the star of the pool, I jump off the edge all by myself, I can go under and swim from from daddy to the instructor and I sing all the little songs with the group. My favourite is " Legs on the swimmers go kick kick kick, kick, kick, kick". This week Mummy is going to take me because Daddy will be at work.
Ok, off to watch "The Lion King" my favourite movie now...Buzz who??, Woody who???(Toy Story is not my favourite anymore.
Today is going to be very hot, Mummy just said 37 degrees......yippee, maybe that means I can eat an icypole!!!!
Love Sophie
Sunday, November 14, 2004
I am back from our holiday in Denmark and it was great fun. Although, I was not always happy in the car as it got to be a bit boring. I much preffered the plane because that was at least I could get out of my seat. Mummy and Maryse did such a good job of entertaining me even if their singing was not the greatest. My favourite song is..."The wheels on the bus"!!! I am also getting very good at joining in on the "ABC song"!!
When we got to our little cottage we were staying in, I was so excited because where we were staying had stairs and it reminded me of Memere and Pepere's house. Not only that, there was a horse, cows, sheep and chicken's all on the farm and a farmdog called Jessie. I had a great time exploring and playing with Jessie.
In fact, I was so excited about being on holiday I woke up very early to get the most out of the day. In fact I was up at 5 am with endless energy and a very loud voice. Mummy said I was too loud and was going to wake up the whole house so we went out walking the farm. We had a kangaroo jump up right next to us as we walked and then we watched Jessie the dog chase after the kangaroo into the forest and they went really really fast! Then we went to see the horses and the donkey. We also saw rabbits running across the paddock. Then we visited the big bulls and then the cows and hundreds of was so much fun. When we got back to the cottage it was 8am and I told Daddy all about our adventure. Mummy said that tommorow morning it will have to be Daddy's turn to take on an advernture at 5.30am...(which daddy said would be an experience in itself to be up at 5.30am on holidays!!!!) Of course the next day I slept in much later and didn't wake until 6.30am!
We stayed for 3 nights and mostly played at the cottage. I spent a lot of time asking everyone what they were doing. I took my litle baby for lots of walks on the verandah in her little stroller and baby said she was having a lovely holiday as well.
Speaking of holidays, Nanny is on holiday as well. Mummy and I took her to the plane as she was going to see Grandpa as he is working a long way away in a place called Exmouth. I really miss him and Nanny but I hope thay are having a good time.
Bye Bye
Love Sophie
I am back from our holiday in Denmark and it was great fun. Although, I was not always happy in the car as it got to be a bit boring. I much preffered the plane because that was at least I could get out of my seat. Mummy and Maryse did such a good job of entertaining me even if their singing was not the greatest. My favourite song is..."The wheels on the bus"!!! I am also getting very good at joining in on the "ABC song"!!
When we got to our little cottage we were staying in, I was so excited because where we were staying had stairs and it reminded me of Memere and Pepere's house. Not only that, there was a horse, cows, sheep and chicken's all on the farm and a farmdog called Jessie. I had a great time exploring and playing with Jessie.
In fact, I was so excited about being on holiday I woke up very early to get the most out of the day. In fact I was up at 5 am with endless energy and a very loud voice. Mummy said I was too loud and was going to wake up the whole house so we went out walking the farm. We had a kangaroo jump up right next to us as we walked and then we watched Jessie the dog chase after the kangaroo into the forest and they went really really fast! Then we went to see the horses and the donkey. We also saw rabbits running across the paddock. Then we visited the big bulls and then the cows and hundreds of was so much fun. When we got back to the cottage it was 8am and I told Daddy all about our adventure. Mummy said that tommorow morning it will have to be Daddy's turn to take on an advernture at 5.30am...(which daddy said would be an experience in itself to be up at 5.30am on holidays!!!!) Of course the next day I slept in much later and didn't wake until 6.30am!
We stayed for 3 nights and mostly played at the cottage. I spent a lot of time asking everyone what they were doing. I took my litle baby for lots of walks on the verandah in her little stroller and baby said she was having a lovely holiday as well.
Speaking of holidays, Nanny is on holiday as well. Mummy and I took her to the plane as she was going to see Grandpa as he is working a long way away in a place called Exmouth. I really miss him and Nanny but I hope thay are having a good time.
Bye Bye
Love Sophie
Friday, November 05, 2004
Well, lot's has been happening. Daddy came home from working away and he came home on a big plane!!! Then, after Mummy and I picked up Daddy we went to another airport and picked up Mummy and Daddy's friends, Dan and Maryse. They are really nice and I like to play with them a lot. They are from Canada, really close to where Memere and Pepere, Ginette, John, Justine and all my other Canadian relatives are....... it is fun to have so many people in the house again and I just love the attention!!!!
So, this week, it was also Melbourne Cup day, which is a HUGE big horse race in Australia and it is a really big deal...not sure why, it just is!!! Anyway, Mummy and I went to Ella and Jo's house for a Melbourne Cup day party and we had yummy food and then we watched the race on the TV and guess what......the horse Mummy drew came first and we (I mean she!!!) won $28.00....she was very excited as it is the third year in a row she has won the sweep. So, I am not really sure why it all means so much anad why such a big deal, but as you know, I have come to realise that adults...(especially Mummy's and Daddy's get very excited about the weirdest things!!)
Dan, Maryse, Mummy and Daddy and I are going to be going on a holiday to Denmark which is a 4.5 hour drive south of our house. It I going to be great fun. We are leaving on Sunday.
I will tell you more tommorow.
Love Sophie
Well, lot's has been happening. Daddy came home from working away and he came home on a big plane!!! Then, after Mummy and I picked up Daddy we went to another airport and picked up Mummy and Daddy's friends, Dan and Maryse. They are really nice and I like to play with them a lot. They are from Canada, really close to where Memere and Pepere, Ginette, John, Justine and all my other Canadian relatives are....... it is fun to have so many people in the house again and I just love the attention!!!!
So, this week, it was also Melbourne Cup day, which is a HUGE big horse race in Australia and it is a really big deal...not sure why, it just is!!! Anyway, Mummy and I went to Ella and Jo's house for a Melbourne Cup day party and we had yummy food and then we watched the race on the TV and guess what......the horse Mummy drew came first and we (I mean she!!!) won $28.00....she was very excited as it is the third year in a row she has won the sweep. So, I am not really sure why it all means so much anad why such a big deal, but as you know, I have come to realise that adults...(especially Mummy's and Daddy's get very excited about the weirdest things!!)
Dan, Maryse, Mummy and Daddy and I are going to be going on a holiday to Denmark which is a 4.5 hour drive south of our house. It I going to be great fun. We are leaving on Sunday.
I will tell you more tommorow.
Love Sophie
Saturday, October 30, 2004
I am now officially 2 years old......just incase I hadn't mentioned it before.....haha!! So, I had a great day and I will explain my whole day to you.
I started it at 12.05am when I decided I would yell out for Mummy to come in and hopefully wish me a "Happy Birthday". Mummy came in to my room and she didn't even mention my birthday, she just mumbled something that sounded like..."lie down and go to sleep". I don't think she is too impressed with my night wakings...then, I woke her again at 2.30am and then at 5am, I was up for good and raring to start the day. Once again Mummy was not too impressed at my early rise and let me watch my "Toy Story" movie and happily drink my milk and rotate my 17 dummies!!!! (slight eggageration there!!) So after an hour of this I got up only to discover Mummy was up as well and cleaning the bathroom and sweeping and being unusually fast moving for this time of the morning. Then it dawned on me, today was my birthday party. I started getting very excited because Mummy and I were practising the "Happy Birthday" song.
When I went out to sit at the bench for breakfast I spotted a lolly on the counter and Mummy let me eat it. Ok, now I start getting really excited...a lolly before I am really loving this birthday thing. Mummy was busy cutting fruit and then making fairy bread and little cakes. I was allowed to watch the Teletubbies and then Toy Story again, this has already become the best day of my life!!!
Then Nanny came over and brought some little cakes with orange icing and smarties and guss what....I was allowed to eat one. Somebody, wake me from this is not even 9am and I have had a lolly, cake with smarties, fairy bread and watched Toy Story twice!!!!
Nanny and Grandpa bought me a cradle and highchair for my babies and I love it. Then Angus arrived with his mum and little baby sister Molly. They bought me a present and I got a mirror that tells me I am special and beautiful and also a really long necklace for playing dress ups.
There were bowls of lollies and cheezels on the tables and I am having so much fun. Then more of my friends arrived.....Maddy gave me a book and it is about being "Best friends" will I tell her that Ella is my best friend.....then Ella arrived and she gave me an easel so I can draw and paint and then Jack arrived and gave me 2 books which I am going to really like because they have pop up things in them, then Will came and he gave me a Mrs Potato Head, Taj and Kobi gave me some very cool sunglasses and a baby teletubbie. Lenny was a bit late as he had to do his swimming lessons and when he arrived he gave me some new white sandals.
I played and played. Mostly I wanted to play with my babies and my new cradle and I spent a lot of time putting the blankets on baby and telling everyone to "Sshh" so baby could sleep....some kids are just so loud!!! My friends played with all my things but I didn't mind as long as they didn't touch my babies or new cradle I was happy.
We ate sausage rolls, little fishes, nuggets, fairy bread and fruit and lollies and we all had our own apple juice. I am sure it was the best party ever.
Then we played a game called "Pass the Parcel". We sit in a circle and we pass a parcel around and when the music stops the person holding the parcel unwraps a sheet of paper and gets a little toy. This goes on until the end where the last person wins a bigger toy.
Mummy made a "Nemo" cake and all the other Mummy's said she can now win the "Mother of the Year award" because her cake was so good. All the kids loved it and we all chose what part of Nemo we wanted to eat. I had his special fin!! Everyone sung Happy Birthday and then I blew out the candle. I loved the singing and the hip hooray at the end! At the end I said..."More"!
By this time I was starting to feel very tired, I mean after all, I was up at 5am and half the night, so a few of my friends also had to go home to have sleeps and then I went to have a sleep as well...(I kept my new sandals on!!) I woke up an hour later and was so pleased to see some of my friends still here so we played some more.
Later that afternoon, Aunty Jane came over and gave me some very nice shorts and sandals and some cool books. Then Aunty Emily and Uncle Carl came over and gave me a new tricycle. It is pink and geen and has a little wagon in the back. I got very spoilt but was feeling very, very, very tired. Aunty Jane gave me my bath and then I went to bed. It is tiring work being 2 thats for sure. I am pretty sure Mummy went to sleep not long after me as well as she was very tired as well.
So that is my whole first day of being 2 summed up. The only sad part was that Daddy was at work and I didn't see him or Grandpa as he is at work as well. Also Memere and Pepere and Ginette and John and Justin and all my lovely Canadian Relatives are in Canada and I couldn't see them either and I miss them all so much. For my party I wore an outfit that Memere and Pepere bought me when we went shopping together so I made sure I told everyone where it came from and they said I looked pretty in it!!
OK, so my next big news is that daddy is home tommorow and we are going to pick him up at the airport. I can't wait to show him all my new things. Yay!!
Bye Bye
Love Sophie
I am now officially 2 years old......just incase I hadn't mentioned it before.....haha!! So, I had a great day and I will explain my whole day to you.
I started it at 12.05am when I decided I would yell out for Mummy to come in and hopefully wish me a "Happy Birthday". Mummy came in to my room and she didn't even mention my birthday, she just mumbled something that sounded like..."lie down and go to sleep". I don't think she is too impressed with my night wakings...then, I woke her again at 2.30am and then at 5am, I was up for good and raring to start the day. Once again Mummy was not too impressed at my early rise and let me watch my "Toy Story" movie and happily drink my milk and rotate my 17 dummies!!!! (slight eggageration there!!) So after an hour of this I got up only to discover Mummy was up as well and cleaning the bathroom and sweeping and being unusually fast moving for this time of the morning. Then it dawned on me, today was my birthday party. I started getting very excited because Mummy and I were practising the "Happy Birthday" song.
When I went out to sit at the bench for breakfast I spotted a lolly on the counter and Mummy let me eat it. Ok, now I start getting really excited...a lolly before I am really loving this birthday thing. Mummy was busy cutting fruit and then making fairy bread and little cakes. I was allowed to watch the Teletubbies and then Toy Story again, this has already become the best day of my life!!!
Then Nanny came over and brought some little cakes with orange icing and smarties and guss what....I was allowed to eat one. Somebody, wake me from this is not even 9am and I have had a lolly, cake with smarties, fairy bread and watched Toy Story twice!!!!
Nanny and Grandpa bought me a cradle and highchair for my babies and I love it. Then Angus arrived with his mum and little baby sister Molly. They bought me a present and I got a mirror that tells me I am special and beautiful and also a really long necklace for playing dress ups.
There were bowls of lollies and cheezels on the tables and I am having so much fun. Then more of my friends arrived.....Maddy gave me a book and it is about being "Best friends" will I tell her that Ella is my best friend.....then Ella arrived and she gave me an easel so I can draw and paint and then Jack arrived and gave me 2 books which I am going to really like because they have pop up things in them, then Will came and he gave me a Mrs Potato Head, Taj and Kobi gave me some very cool sunglasses and a baby teletubbie. Lenny was a bit late as he had to do his swimming lessons and when he arrived he gave me some new white sandals.
I played and played. Mostly I wanted to play with my babies and my new cradle and I spent a lot of time putting the blankets on baby and telling everyone to "Sshh" so baby could sleep....some kids are just so loud!!! My friends played with all my things but I didn't mind as long as they didn't touch my babies or new cradle I was happy.
We ate sausage rolls, little fishes, nuggets, fairy bread and fruit and lollies and we all had our own apple juice. I am sure it was the best party ever.
Then we played a game called "Pass the Parcel". We sit in a circle and we pass a parcel around and when the music stops the person holding the parcel unwraps a sheet of paper and gets a little toy. This goes on until the end where the last person wins a bigger toy.
Mummy made a "Nemo" cake and all the other Mummy's said she can now win the "Mother of the Year award" because her cake was so good. All the kids loved it and we all chose what part of Nemo we wanted to eat. I had his special fin!! Everyone sung Happy Birthday and then I blew out the candle. I loved the singing and the hip hooray at the end! At the end I said..."More"!
By this time I was starting to feel very tired, I mean after all, I was up at 5am and half the night, so a few of my friends also had to go home to have sleeps and then I went to have a sleep as well...(I kept my new sandals on!!) I woke up an hour later and was so pleased to see some of my friends still here so we played some more.
Later that afternoon, Aunty Jane came over and gave me some very nice shorts and sandals and some cool books. Then Aunty Emily and Uncle Carl came over and gave me a new tricycle. It is pink and geen and has a little wagon in the back. I got very spoilt but was feeling very, very, very tired. Aunty Jane gave me my bath and then I went to bed. It is tiring work being 2 thats for sure. I am pretty sure Mummy went to sleep not long after me as well as she was very tired as well.
So that is my whole first day of being 2 summed up. The only sad part was that Daddy was at work and I didn't see him or Grandpa as he is at work as well. Also Memere and Pepere and Ginette and John and Justin and all my lovely Canadian Relatives are in Canada and I couldn't see them either and I miss them all so much. For my party I wore an outfit that Memere and Pepere bought me when we went shopping together so I made sure I told everyone where it came from and they said I looked pretty in it!!
OK, so my next big news is that daddy is home tommorow and we are going to pick him up at the airport. I can't wait to show him all my new things. Yay!!
Bye Bye
Love Sophie
Tuesday, October 26, 2004
I am counting down to my last few days of being a one year old. I am so excited about being 2, it's going to be great. It's just going to start opening up all kinds of new doors for me. First of all, I am going to be able to communicate so much more effectively. Apparently soon, lots more people will start understanding what I am trying to say ...(I know this because I have older friends and they have told me this is what happens!!!) One other thing is that you get to start doing more things by yourself, like put shoes on, get dressed (still getting the hang of that one), sit on the big potty, (yep, still learning that one as well!), sing songs, read( I bet you didn't know I can read already!!, well, actually I can't really, but I like to turn the pages and pretend I am reading exactly what it says.(It fools a lot of people!!) So many more things I will be able to do and I am going to let you all know about them when they happen.
Anyway, I am having a party on Friday because that is my birthday and my friends are coming over and after I show them all MY toys and MY room and exactly what they are allowed to play with, (Nothing) because I don't like to share that much, except for Ella, she can play with what she likes because she is my BEST friend in the whole world. Apparently I will like sharing more when I am 2 but right now I like knowing everything is MINE!!!
Oh yeah, Mummy said she is going to make a cake that looks like Nemo. He was my favourite when I was one but now my favourite is Woody and Buzz from Toy Story, but I didn't want to hurt Mummy's feelings because she is very excited about making a Nemo cake and she probably doesn't know how to make a Buzz or Woody birthday cake.
Bye Bye
Love Sophie
I am counting down to my last few days of being a one year old. I am so excited about being 2, it's going to be great. It's just going to start opening up all kinds of new doors for me. First of all, I am going to be able to communicate so much more effectively. Apparently soon, lots more people will start understanding what I am trying to say ...(I know this because I have older friends and they have told me this is what happens!!!) One other thing is that you get to start doing more things by yourself, like put shoes on, get dressed (still getting the hang of that one), sit on the big potty, (yep, still learning that one as well!), sing songs, read( I bet you didn't know I can read already!!, well, actually I can't really, but I like to turn the pages and pretend I am reading exactly what it says.(It fools a lot of people!!) So many more things I will be able to do and I am going to let you all know about them when they happen.
Anyway, I am having a party on Friday because that is my birthday and my friends are coming over and after I show them all MY toys and MY room and exactly what they are allowed to play with, (Nothing) because I don't like to share that much, except for Ella, she can play with what she likes because she is my BEST friend in the whole world. Apparently I will like sharing more when I am 2 but right now I like knowing everything is MINE!!!
Oh yeah, Mummy said she is going to make a cake that looks like Nemo. He was my favourite when I was one but now my favourite is Woody and Buzz from Toy Story, but I didn't want to hurt Mummy's feelings because she is very excited about making a Nemo cake and she probably doesn't know how to make a Buzz or Woody birthday cake.
Bye Bye
Love Sophie
Saturday, October 16, 2004
Mummy and Daddy have a new computer and I just can't understand what all the fuss is about. It looks just like the last one if you ask me, but they sure are excited about it. I think this is one of those things, (like so many more things I am constantly reminded of)...that I will appreciate when I am much bigger.
Anyway, Daddy has been home from work all week so we have been having lots of fun and I have been getting very spoilt with lots of horsey rides. Mummy told Daddy that I have been "testing" her a lot as I have been having the odd tantrum. I am not really sure what that all means but I have been doing a lot of crying and screaming when I dont get my own way and I have even surprised myself at my endurance....I can really scream for a long time, I am actually very good at it. The only problem is, sometimes I cry and cry for so long that I actually forget what I am supposed to be crying at and then I just give up because it all seems so pointless and it makes Mummy very sad.(That's what she says anyway!!!)
Guess what, last night I actually slept through the whole night and didn't cry out for Mummy once. I went to bed at 7.30pm and woke up at 6.05am. Mummy was so excited but she's like that, she gets excited about silly things.....(like new computers!!!!)
Today Sasha and Mummy and I went to the park with Ella and her Mummy Jo. I had to keep reminding Ella when it was "MY turn" on the slide and then I also pointed out to Ella at least 10 times "MY Mummy" , "MY snack" and "MY Sasha"....just incase she thought everything was hers because I've decided that most things are mine unless it is something broken and then it's not MINE, but if it gets fixed then its MINE again. We saw lots of ducks in the lake and we laughed when Sasha chased after the magpies. It was a very warm day and after my nap I played in MY pool and Mummy put MY slide in the pool and lots of MY toys. It was lots of fun.
Bye Bye
Love Sophie
Mummy and Daddy have a new computer and I just can't understand what all the fuss is about. It looks just like the last one if you ask me, but they sure are excited about it. I think this is one of those things, (like so many more things I am constantly reminded of)...that I will appreciate when I am much bigger.
Anyway, Daddy has been home from work all week so we have been having lots of fun and I have been getting very spoilt with lots of horsey rides. Mummy told Daddy that I have been "testing" her a lot as I have been having the odd tantrum. I am not really sure what that all means but I have been doing a lot of crying and screaming when I dont get my own way and I have even surprised myself at my endurance....I can really scream for a long time, I am actually very good at it. The only problem is, sometimes I cry and cry for so long that I actually forget what I am supposed to be crying at and then I just give up because it all seems so pointless and it makes Mummy very sad.(That's what she says anyway!!!)
Guess what, last night I actually slept through the whole night and didn't cry out for Mummy once. I went to bed at 7.30pm and woke up at 6.05am. Mummy was so excited but she's like that, she gets excited about silly things.....(like new computers!!!!)
Today Sasha and Mummy and I went to the park with Ella and her Mummy Jo. I had to keep reminding Ella when it was "MY turn" on the slide and then I also pointed out to Ella at least 10 times "MY Mummy" , "MY snack" and "MY Sasha"....just incase she thought everything was hers because I've decided that most things are mine unless it is something broken and then it's not MINE, but if it gets fixed then its MINE again. We saw lots of ducks in the lake and we laughed when Sasha chased after the magpies. It was a very warm day and after my nap I played in MY pool and Mummy put MY slide in the pool and lots of MY toys. It was lots of fun.
Bye Bye
Love Sophie
Wednesday, October 06, 2004
Sorry I have'nt updated you all for a little while but I am just such a busy little girl!!! I am not sure if I have mentioned it or not, but I am almost 2 years old and I am noticing that I am way more grown up than I have ever been before so sometimes it is hard to find the time to write my diary!!!! I have been attending a lot of birthday parties and it has been so much fun. I know how to sing "Happy Birthday" and I practice is all the time. Daddy is away at work and he gets to go in a big plane but, he is coming home in 5 more sleeps, so I am going to be very happy to see him and play with him again.
I like to watch the "telletubbies" on the televisiion and it has been a long time since I last watched my old favourite...."Nemo" on TV. I am also talking so much more and I can say so many words. Mummy said I am just like a little girl and not a baby anymore and I have even been sitting on the big toilet like a big girl. I am still not very good at sharing my toys but I am getting much better and I still miss Memere and Pepere and especially Justin. Mummy shows me their photos everyday but I don't understand why I can't see them anymore.
I am tired right now as I am getting new teeth and they really hurt. I will write more later
Love Sophie
Sorry I have'nt updated you all for a little while but I am just such a busy little girl!!! I am not sure if I have mentioned it or not, but I am almost 2 years old and I am noticing that I am way more grown up than I have ever been before so sometimes it is hard to find the time to write my diary!!!! I have been attending a lot of birthday parties and it has been so much fun. I know how to sing "Happy Birthday" and I practice is all the time. Daddy is away at work and he gets to go in a big plane but, he is coming home in 5 more sleeps, so I am going to be very happy to see him and play with him again.
I like to watch the "telletubbies" on the televisiion and it has been a long time since I last watched my old favourite...."Nemo" on TV. I am also talking so much more and I can say so many words. Mummy said I am just like a little girl and not a baby anymore and I have even been sitting on the big toilet like a big girl. I am still not very good at sharing my toys but I am getting much better and I still miss Memere and Pepere and especially Justin. Mummy shows me their photos everyday but I don't understand why I can't see them anymore.
I am tired right now as I am getting new teeth and they really hurt. I will write more later
Love Sophie
Sunday, September 19, 2004
I have been a busy little girl once again. All weekend I helped Mummy and Daddy weed the garden and dig and sweep. It is very hard work but I am such a huge help. I am starting to learn that you are not supposed to pull the flowers up out of the garden, only weeds. I am getting better at telling the difference but you know I am not even 2 years old yet and Mummy and Daddy have had to remind me a lot of times.....but the flowers are so pretty, I like to pull at them more than boring green weeds!!!
My cold is getting better as well.....oh yeah, I forgot to tell you that I even had a cold in the first place. That's because it doesn't bother me too much, not as much as my sore black finger does so I thought I didn't even need to mention it and besides I am so brave a bit of a blocked nose and cough doesn't slow me down too much.
Yesterday we went to the park and I saw Bailey and I went running up to him because I thought Justin and Ginette and John were at the park as well and I was so happy I ran straight up to Bailey but Daddy kept saying that it is not Bailey although it looks just like him. Anyway, sometimes Daddy's don't know everything so I just kept calling him Bailey anyway and patting him and running after him and calling for Justin and then when we left the park I said bye bye Bailey.
Guess what else, daddy's name is not just daddy but Denis so I have been calling him Denis as well especially when I need his urgent attention.
Have to go now asI am playing at Nanny and Grandpa's house and they have put up a tent in the backyard and I love playing in there.
Bye Bye
Love Sophie
I have been a busy little girl once again. All weekend I helped Mummy and Daddy weed the garden and dig and sweep. It is very hard work but I am such a huge help. I am starting to learn that you are not supposed to pull the flowers up out of the garden, only weeds. I am getting better at telling the difference but you know I am not even 2 years old yet and Mummy and Daddy have had to remind me a lot of times.....but the flowers are so pretty, I like to pull at them more than boring green weeds!!!
My cold is getting better as well.....oh yeah, I forgot to tell you that I even had a cold in the first place. That's because it doesn't bother me too much, not as much as my sore black finger does so I thought I didn't even need to mention it and besides I am so brave a bit of a blocked nose and cough doesn't slow me down too much.
Yesterday we went to the park and I saw Bailey and I went running up to him because I thought Justin and Ginette and John were at the park as well and I was so happy I ran straight up to Bailey but Daddy kept saying that it is not Bailey although it looks just like him. Anyway, sometimes Daddy's don't know everything so I just kept calling him Bailey anyway and patting him and running after him and calling for Justin and then when we left the park I said bye bye Bailey.
Guess what else, daddy's name is not just daddy but Denis so I have been calling him Denis as well especially when I need his urgent attention.
Have to go now asI am playing at Nanny and Grandpa's house and they have put up a tent in the backyard and I love playing in there.
Bye Bye
Love Sophie
Wednesday, September 15, 2004
I have a sore finger. I accidently slammed my drawers on my finger this morning when Mummy and I were in my room picking out my clothes to wear today. Mummy opened the drawer and then I put my fingers on the edge and slammed it thinking it would be a really fun thing to do and boy was I wrong!!! Mummy put it under the cold water and then she kissed it better....(starting to realise that that never works!!!) Tonight my whole finger nail is all black and I cant wait to show Daddy when he comes home tommorow because now I am quite fascinated with my black fingernail and I think Daddy will like it as well.
So I had a great time at my 2 parties on the weekend....I played so much and had so much fun party food to eat. Aunty Jane took me to the party in the afternoon and there was a bouncy castle and I jumped and jumped all afternoon and had so much fun with the other kids. When Mummy came to pick me up I realised I was very very tired so we came home and I went to sleep....but not for very long...soon I was awake and crying and Mummy said that I had probably had too much sugar and party food and my tummy was a bit sore...(Mummy's are so clever!!!). Anyway, the next day, Mummy told me we had to go to another birthday party as my friend Madeline was having her 2nd birthday off we went and it was at a play centre called "Wild Kidz", which is exactly what I turned into after another day of party food and lots of jumping and playing on the slide.
So today and yesterday I have not been too happy with Mummy because she hasn't taken me to any more parties and I was starting to think that it would be a regular thing. In the morning when I am getting dressed I say to Mummy....I want a party, I want a party. Mummy said the only party coming up was the one we are having when Daddy gets home and it is called, "Weeding the garden and tidying the backyard party".....something tells me there will be no bouncy castle or fairy bread at this party!! Not only that the only people going to this party is Mummy, Daddy and I!!!!
Yesterday I sat on the bench and helped Mummy squeeze hundreds of lemons from our tree in the backyard to make juice and then we put the juice in the freezer. Well, because Mummy called it juice I decided to have a drink of it and that is something I will try to remember not to do again as it tasted very different to the juice I normally drink. Mummy looked at my face and laughed at me for a long time because my face was all screwed up, I dont know what was so was so yuck and the new word I learnt for it is sour!!!!
Bye Bye
Love Sophie
PS: I am going with Mummy to pick daddy up from the airport tommorow and I can't wait!!
I have a sore finger. I accidently slammed my drawers on my finger this morning when Mummy and I were in my room picking out my clothes to wear today. Mummy opened the drawer and then I put my fingers on the edge and slammed it thinking it would be a really fun thing to do and boy was I wrong!!! Mummy put it under the cold water and then she kissed it better....(starting to realise that that never works!!!) Tonight my whole finger nail is all black and I cant wait to show Daddy when he comes home tommorow because now I am quite fascinated with my black fingernail and I think Daddy will like it as well.
So I had a great time at my 2 parties on the weekend....I played so much and had so much fun party food to eat. Aunty Jane took me to the party in the afternoon and there was a bouncy castle and I jumped and jumped all afternoon and had so much fun with the other kids. When Mummy came to pick me up I realised I was very very tired so we came home and I went to sleep....but not for very long...soon I was awake and crying and Mummy said that I had probably had too much sugar and party food and my tummy was a bit sore...(Mummy's are so clever!!!). Anyway, the next day, Mummy told me we had to go to another birthday party as my friend Madeline was having her 2nd birthday off we went and it was at a play centre called "Wild Kidz", which is exactly what I turned into after another day of party food and lots of jumping and playing on the slide.
So today and yesterday I have not been too happy with Mummy because she hasn't taken me to any more parties and I was starting to think that it would be a regular thing. In the morning when I am getting dressed I say to Mummy....I want a party, I want a party. Mummy said the only party coming up was the one we are having when Daddy gets home and it is called, "Weeding the garden and tidying the backyard party".....something tells me there will be no bouncy castle or fairy bread at this party!! Not only that the only people going to this party is Mummy, Daddy and I!!!!
Yesterday I sat on the bench and helped Mummy squeeze hundreds of lemons from our tree in the backyard to make juice and then we put the juice in the freezer. Well, because Mummy called it juice I decided to have a drink of it and that is something I will try to remember not to do again as it tasted very different to the juice I normally drink. Mummy looked at my face and laughed at me for a long time because my face was all screwed up, I dont know what was so was so yuck and the new word I learnt for it is sour!!!!
Bye Bye
Love Sophie
PS: I am going with Mummy to pick daddy up from the airport tommorow and I can't wait!!
Thursday, September 09, 2004
Mummy is very happy this morning with me because I have finally stopped waking up at 4am every morning and wanting breakfast!! Today I didnt wake up until 7am which is supposedly the correct time for little people like me! I dont know what the big fuss is but I do notice Mummy and Daddy seem a lot happier when I wake at the time they prefer. I was a bit sad because Mummy then said that Daddy had to go to work and he is gone for 6 days....oh no, as if I don't have enough people I am missing already, I now am going to really miss daddy as well.
To ease my sadness, Mummy told me that I am going to 2 birthday parties on Sunday...gosh, I am popular!! One in the morning and one in the afternoon. Aunty Jane is taking me to the party in the afternoon and there is going to be a bouncy castle so I can jump to my little hearts content...(we all know how I love to jump!!!!)
Also my biggest news is that I am going to be getting a new cousin....a baby cousin, because Aunty Emily and Uncle Carl are going to be getting me one, but they're not getting it for a little while so I have to wait. Mummy said it wont get here in time for Christmas and that we have to wait till Aunty Emily's tummy gets really big because that is where the baby will live for a while. I know that probably sounds very weird to you all, because a baby growing in a tummy sounds weird to me as well!!
Bye Bye
Love Sophie
Mummy is very happy this morning with me because I have finally stopped waking up at 4am every morning and wanting breakfast!! Today I didnt wake up until 7am which is supposedly the correct time for little people like me! I dont know what the big fuss is but I do notice Mummy and Daddy seem a lot happier when I wake at the time they prefer. I was a bit sad because Mummy then said that Daddy had to go to work and he is gone for 6 days....oh no, as if I don't have enough people I am missing already, I now am going to really miss daddy as well.
To ease my sadness, Mummy told me that I am going to 2 birthday parties on Sunday...gosh, I am popular!! One in the morning and one in the afternoon. Aunty Jane is taking me to the party in the afternoon and there is going to be a bouncy castle so I can jump to my little hearts content...(we all know how I love to jump!!!!)
Also my biggest news is that I am going to be getting a new cousin....a baby cousin, because Aunty Emily and Uncle Carl are going to be getting me one, but they're not getting it for a little while so I have to wait. Mummy said it wont get here in time for Christmas and that we have to wait till Aunty Emily's tummy gets really big because that is where the baby will live for a while. I know that probably sounds very weird to you all, because a baby growing in a tummy sounds weird to me as well!!
Bye Bye
Love Sophie
Tuesday, September 07, 2004
Bonjour all,
I am back!!!!! I have taken a little break as you can see by the date of my last diary entry and I have very good reasons for this. I have been such a busy little girl and I am now a world seasoned traveller. I have been to Hong Kong and Canada and been on more planes and eaten more airline meals and waited for long times in more airports than any other baby I know. I know how to open and close a seatbelt on a plane in less than that 5.5 seconds and I know that if you play long enough with the buttons on the armrest on the plane an important looking person in a uniform will come and ask me if I want juice or cool is that!!!
Right now I am a bit sad because I am really missing my Memere and Pepere, (especially the horsy rides) and I also miss Justin, Ginette and John and today I even missed Bailey as I asked Mummy is we could see Bailey!!! I have figured it out that the long plane rides were to go see all my Canadian relatives as I have noticed since we came home that I haven't been able to see them and that makes me sad. Although, I was very happy to see Nanny and Grandpa, Lally, Emily, Jane and Carl!
Mummy and Daddy have been showing me all the photos of our trip and so I know I didn't dream all the fun things I did, like playing in the pool with Justin, Memere and Pepere, walking around the house in Memere's sandals, climbing up and down stairs....(I really, really miss that!!!) driving in Pepere's car, going visiting with Memere and Pepere to see Grand Memere and Grand Pepere....(thay have stairs in their house as well that I love!!!), playing on the slide...oooohhh, I really really miss that as well!!, staying at the cottage with Ginette, John, Justin andBailey and going to the beach and playing in the sand with Memere and Pepere. It was all so much fun and I even miss all my "great" aunts, like Gisele, (she's my favourite as well!!), Della, Bernice and Gerry, Lea and Ronnie and I had so much fun with Nadine and Jean and Luc and Alexandre...(they are my big cousins), but I also have some other little ones, Maxim and Simon as well. Then there was all the fun I had with Justin, Jakob and Mathieu. I haven't told Mummy and Daddy yet, but I think I am in love with Mathieu!!!! It is going to have to be a very long distance relationship and as we both can't really talk yet, I am not sure how we will continue. I would first be in love with Justin, but he is my cousin, so it is a different kind of love!!!!! He is the best cousin in the world and I really loved playing with him. He is so good at sharing, where I am not so good at it yet, but one day I hope to be as good as Justin. We loved to watch movies together and I like to laugh at the bits he laughs at because he knows if they are really funny whereas I just laugh because I think HE is so funny!
Well it is time for me to go and eat breakfast, so I will fill you in on some more of my adventures later......Bye bye
Love Sophie
I am back!!!!! I have taken a little break as you can see by the date of my last diary entry and I have very good reasons for this. I have been such a busy little girl and I am now a world seasoned traveller. I have been to Hong Kong and Canada and been on more planes and eaten more airline meals and waited for long times in more airports than any other baby I know. I know how to open and close a seatbelt on a plane in less than that 5.5 seconds and I know that if you play long enough with the buttons on the armrest on the plane an important looking person in a uniform will come and ask me if I want juice or cool is that!!!
Right now I am a bit sad because I am really missing my Memere and Pepere, (especially the horsy rides) and I also miss Justin, Ginette and John and today I even missed Bailey as I asked Mummy is we could see Bailey!!! I have figured it out that the long plane rides were to go see all my Canadian relatives as I have noticed since we came home that I haven't been able to see them and that makes me sad. Although, I was very happy to see Nanny and Grandpa, Lally, Emily, Jane and Carl!
Mummy and Daddy have been showing me all the photos of our trip and so I know I didn't dream all the fun things I did, like playing in the pool with Justin, Memere and Pepere, walking around the house in Memere's sandals, climbing up and down stairs....(I really, really miss that!!!) driving in Pepere's car, going visiting with Memere and Pepere to see Grand Memere and Grand Pepere....(thay have stairs in their house as well that I love!!!), playing on the slide...oooohhh, I really really miss that as well!!, staying at the cottage with Ginette, John, Justin andBailey and going to the beach and playing in the sand with Memere and Pepere. It was all so much fun and I even miss all my "great" aunts, like Gisele, (she's my favourite as well!!), Della, Bernice and Gerry, Lea and Ronnie and I had so much fun with Nadine and Jean and Luc and Alexandre...(they are my big cousins), but I also have some other little ones, Maxim and Simon as well. Then there was all the fun I had with Justin, Jakob and Mathieu. I haven't told Mummy and Daddy yet, but I think I am in love with Mathieu!!!! It is going to have to be a very long distance relationship and as we both can't really talk yet, I am not sure how we will continue. I would first be in love with Justin, but he is my cousin, so it is a different kind of love!!!!! He is the best cousin in the world and I really loved playing with him. He is so good at sharing, where I am not so good at it yet, but one day I hope to be as good as Justin. We loved to watch movies together and I like to laugh at the bits he laughs at because he knows if they are really funny whereas I just laugh because I think HE is so funny!
Well it is time for me to go and eat breakfast, so I will fill you in on some more of my adventures later......Bye bye
Love Sophie
Monday, July 26, 2004
Tomorrow I am going on a big plane way up high in the sky and Im going to be on it for a really long time. Mummy and Daddy are taking me to Canada to visit all of my lovely Canadian relatives and friends. I am very excited as Daddy has been telling me about all the fun we are going to have and how I am probably going to be very spoiled with lots of attention and we all know how much I love attention. I know Mummy hasn't written my diary for a long time as she has been very busy getting organised for our big trip and also Mummy has had to go to a place called work. I'm not sure if it is the same place as Daddy's work because she looks much nicer in her work clothes than the clothes Daddy wears to work. While Mummy was at work, Daddy looked after me and we had lots of fun. We went out for breakfast and to the park and up and down the slide as many times as I liked. Daddy took me to the Aquarium and guess what.....I found Nemo!!! All those people out there looking for Nemo and there he was, right in the aquarium in Perth. Daddy said we can come and visit Nemo again when we come home from Canada!
I am staying at Nanny and Badpa's (Grandpas) house tonight as Mummy and Daddy are still getting packed up for our big trip. Nanny will give me my bath and I can't wait because she sings songs in the bath and makes me giggle.
Bye Bye
Love from Sophie
Tomorrow I am going on a big plane way up high in the sky and Im going to be on it for a really long time. Mummy and Daddy are taking me to Canada to visit all of my lovely Canadian relatives and friends. I am very excited as Daddy has been telling me about all the fun we are going to have and how I am probably going to be very spoiled with lots of attention and we all know how much I love attention. I know Mummy hasn't written my diary for a long time as she has been very busy getting organised for our big trip and also Mummy has had to go to a place called work. I'm not sure if it is the same place as Daddy's work because she looks much nicer in her work clothes than the clothes Daddy wears to work. While Mummy was at work, Daddy looked after me and we had lots of fun. We went out for breakfast and to the park and up and down the slide as many times as I liked. Daddy took me to the Aquarium and guess what.....I found Nemo!!! All those people out there looking for Nemo and there he was, right in the aquarium in Perth. Daddy said we can come and visit Nemo again when we come home from Canada!
I am staying at Nanny and Badpa's (Grandpas) house tonight as Mummy and Daddy are still getting packed up for our big trip. Nanny will give me my bath and I can't wait because she sings songs in the bath and makes me giggle.
Bye Bye
Love from Sophie
Saturday, June 26, 2004
Today I went to Nanny and Grandpa's (or, Badpa as I say it!!) house to play and stay for a little while. We went to the beach but it was very cold too swim even though I tried very hard to go in the water, I was not allowed. I hadn't been to the beach for along time and I was kind of wondering why, so maybe it is because it is cold at the beach now. Then we went to the park and I showed them how good I am at climbing and they were so impressed at how good I was. After that we came home and had lunch and then I had a really long sleep....I slept for almost 3 hours!!!! When I woke up Mummy was back as well so we played outside, throwing the ball for Sasha.
Mummy told me today that Daddy comes home in one more week, that is still a really long way away and I can't wait to play with him again. I get to talk to him on the phone at night except usually I just listen to him talking and then I go and get my toy phone and walk around the house and tell him all about my day...(that's what Mummy does as well!!!)
In 3 days I am exactly 20 months old,
Bye Bye
Love Sophie
Today I went to Nanny and Grandpa's (or, Badpa as I say it!!) house to play and stay for a little while. We went to the beach but it was very cold too swim even though I tried very hard to go in the water, I was not allowed. I hadn't been to the beach for along time and I was kind of wondering why, so maybe it is because it is cold at the beach now. Then we went to the park and I showed them how good I am at climbing and they were so impressed at how good I was. After that we came home and had lunch and then I had a really long sleep....I slept for almost 3 hours!!!! When I woke up Mummy was back as well so we played outside, throwing the ball for Sasha.
Mummy told me today that Daddy comes home in one more week, that is still a really long way away and I can't wait to play with him again. I get to talk to him on the phone at night except usually I just listen to him talking and then I go and get my toy phone and walk around the house and tell him all about my day...(that's what Mummy does as well!!!)
In 3 days I am exactly 20 months old,
Bye Bye
Love Sophie
Thursday, June 10, 2004
I am all better from my cold except for a little bit of a runny nose still, but thats a lot better than having your whole head feeling like it is going to blow up, because that is how I felt. Now that I am back to feeling great again I have been so busy catching up on playing with all my toys and playing with my friends.
On Monday I went to Ella's house and we went all over her house on our little push bikes and then we went into her room nad climbed into her cot and then we took turns lying down and putting the blankets on us. Mummy and Jo (Ella's Mummy) found us and they thought it was funny, I am not sure why though.
On Wednesday Mummy and I went to the airport to pick Daddy up again. I was very happy to see him and just yelled out "daddy" all the way home. Also, on the way home, we stopped at the shops and I sat in the trolley while Daddy pushed me and I just yelled out "Daddy, dad, dad, daddy" over and over until Daddy had to explain to the other shoppers that he had been away and I was just very happy to see him again. I like it when daddy comes shopping because he knows how to push the trolley fast and turn it really fast around and around in circles, it is so much fun, but if Mummy catches him doing this she tells him off because it is not appropriate (wow, what a big word) behaviour and people are looking at us.....
Today, I am sad again as we had to take him back to the airport as he had to go back to work. All the way home, I stared out the window and said, "Bye bye daddy" until we got home. I am going to really miss him again as he is so funny and always makes me giggle!
Bye Bye
Love Sophie
I am all better from my cold except for a little bit of a runny nose still, but thats a lot better than having your whole head feeling like it is going to blow up, because that is how I felt. Now that I am back to feeling great again I have been so busy catching up on playing with all my toys and playing with my friends.
On Monday I went to Ella's house and we went all over her house on our little push bikes and then we went into her room nad climbed into her cot and then we took turns lying down and putting the blankets on us. Mummy and Jo (Ella's Mummy) found us and they thought it was funny, I am not sure why though.
On Wednesday Mummy and I went to the airport to pick Daddy up again. I was very happy to see him and just yelled out "daddy" all the way home. Also, on the way home, we stopped at the shops and I sat in the trolley while Daddy pushed me and I just yelled out "Daddy, dad, dad, daddy" over and over until Daddy had to explain to the other shoppers that he had been away and I was just very happy to see him again. I like it when daddy comes shopping because he knows how to push the trolley fast and turn it really fast around and around in circles, it is so much fun, but if Mummy catches him doing this she tells him off because it is not appropriate (wow, what a big word) behaviour and people are looking at us.....
Today, I am sad again as we had to take him back to the airport as he had to go back to work. All the way home, I stared out the window and said, "Bye bye daddy" until we got home. I am going to really miss him again as he is so funny and always makes me giggle!
Bye Bye
Love Sophie
Tuesday, June 01, 2004
Well, once again Mummy does not understand where the time goes as she says that everytime she updates my diary for me and realises it has been a while since my last entry!!!! Mummy said that before we know it, we will be in Canada visiting all my Canadian realtives. We are going to go a big huge aeroplane, just like the ones I have seen Daddy come from. I am so excited as Mummy and Daddy tell me that I am probably going to be getting very spoilt with lots of attention and I just love attention. Mummy and Daddy have been showing me the photos of all my relatives and I have been practising to say their names. So far I am not very good at any of them although I do know how to say "Della" as that is close to my bestest friend in the whole worlds name as her name is Ella!!!!
Have I told you how much I love the movie "Finding Nemo". It is the only thing I like to watch on the television and I could watch it over and over again if I had my way....which I try very hard at getting all the time!!!! I also have a book about Nemo and Mummy reads it to me as well and I love it so much.
I have a cold at the moment and a very runny nose but I am very good at wiping my own nose as I am getting to be so big now. I can also eat soup from a spoon all by myself and I hardly spill any.
Today Ella is coming over to play and Mummy said we might do some finger pianting but she's not sure because the last time we did fnger painting, I was trying to eat the paint and Mummy said that was not a very clever thing to do and that, besides it tastes yucky. She said I was very lucky that it was child proof paint so therefore I won't get sick but it is still a silly thing to do. Oh well, Mummy's and Daddy's are alsways so right, aren't they!!!!
Bye Bye
Love Sophie
Well, once again Mummy does not understand where the time goes as she says that everytime she updates my diary for me and realises it has been a while since my last entry!!!! Mummy said that before we know it, we will be in Canada visiting all my Canadian realtives. We are going to go a big huge aeroplane, just like the ones I have seen Daddy come from. I am so excited as Mummy and Daddy tell me that I am probably going to be getting very spoilt with lots of attention and I just love attention. Mummy and Daddy have been showing me the photos of all my relatives and I have been practising to say their names. So far I am not very good at any of them although I do know how to say "Della" as that is close to my bestest friend in the whole worlds name as her name is Ella!!!!
Have I told you how much I love the movie "Finding Nemo". It is the only thing I like to watch on the television and I could watch it over and over again if I had my way....which I try very hard at getting all the time!!!! I also have a book about Nemo and Mummy reads it to me as well and I love it so much.
I have a cold at the moment and a very runny nose but I am very good at wiping my own nose as I am getting to be so big now. I can also eat soup from a spoon all by myself and I hardly spill any.
Today Ella is coming over to play and Mummy said we might do some finger pianting but she's not sure because the last time we did fnger painting, I was trying to eat the paint and Mummy said that was not a very clever thing to do and that, besides it tastes yucky. She said I was very lucky that it was child proof paint so therefore I won't get sick but it is still a silly thing to do. Oh well, Mummy's and Daddy's are alsways so right, aren't they!!!!
Bye Bye
Love Sophie
Friday, May 07, 2004
Mummy is finding it so much harder to find time to write my diary for me as I have been keeping her so busy. I am such a busy little bee and constantly walking around and playing with whatever takes my fancy. I really like playing with little stones and different containers, dont ask me why but putting the stones in one container and then tipping them into another container is just so much fun!!!! I really dont like it when Mummy goes off and does her when she sweeps the floor, washes dishes, hangs out clothes and I especially do not like the loud thing she uses to clean the makes me cry and I am scared of it. I don't know why Mummy likes to do these things but I usually follow her around and stand at her feet until she stops doing them and plays with me again.
My Daddy came home on Wednesday and we went to the airport again to pick him up and I was so excited when I saw him I ran straight to him saying "Daddy, Daddy, Daddy"!!! We have been playing a lot and he lets me climb all over him and jump on him way more than Mummy lets me jump on her...(but daddy's are a lot tougher I think!!!) we also went to the Zoo. Now, this is a very interestiing place. All the animals in my picture books all came to life and they were real. I am not sure what I think about that because the elephant sure was very big in real life. I also saw a tiger, orangatang (this looks like a really big monkey), giraffes, zebra's and lots more. Although, my favourite thing to look at were the babies in their prams being wheeled around by their Mummy's and Daddy's. Daddy told Mummy in the car on the way home that I seemed to be more interested in the other kids and that we could of saved some money and just gone to the mall to look at screaming children . Now that sounds like a great idea daddy!!!!!!
I am now 18 and a bit months old and next week I have to have my check up with the Health nurse. I am sure she will tell Mummy that I am so incredibly advanced for my age...(like last visit!!!). I know where all the parts of the body are and I can count up to 3 fact I can count 6 things but I just say 1, 2, 3 twice. I can say please, no more, all gone, there it is, car, dog, apple, juice, and so many more words. I can even brush my own hair, although not very well!!!
I will let you know all anout my check up next week.
Bye Bye
Love Sophie
Mummy is finding it so much harder to find time to write my diary for me as I have been keeping her so busy. I am such a busy little bee and constantly walking around and playing with whatever takes my fancy. I really like playing with little stones and different containers, dont ask me why but putting the stones in one container and then tipping them into another container is just so much fun!!!! I really dont like it when Mummy goes off and does her when she sweeps the floor, washes dishes, hangs out clothes and I especially do not like the loud thing she uses to clean the makes me cry and I am scared of it. I don't know why Mummy likes to do these things but I usually follow her around and stand at her feet until she stops doing them and plays with me again.
My Daddy came home on Wednesday and we went to the airport again to pick him up and I was so excited when I saw him I ran straight to him saying "Daddy, Daddy, Daddy"!!! We have been playing a lot and he lets me climb all over him and jump on him way more than Mummy lets me jump on her...(but daddy's are a lot tougher I think!!!) we also went to the Zoo. Now, this is a very interestiing place. All the animals in my picture books all came to life and they were real. I am not sure what I think about that because the elephant sure was very big in real life. I also saw a tiger, orangatang (this looks like a really big monkey), giraffes, zebra's and lots more. Although, my favourite thing to look at were the babies in their prams being wheeled around by their Mummy's and Daddy's. Daddy told Mummy in the car on the way home that I seemed to be more interested in the other kids and that we could of saved some money and just gone to the mall to look at screaming children . Now that sounds like a great idea daddy!!!!!!
I am now 18 and a bit months old and next week I have to have my check up with the Health nurse. I am sure she will tell Mummy that I am so incredibly advanced for my age...(like last visit!!!). I know where all the parts of the body are and I can count up to 3 fact I can count 6 things but I just say 1, 2, 3 twice. I can say please, no more, all gone, there it is, car, dog, apple, juice, and so many more words. I can even brush my own hair, although not very well!!!
I will let you know all anout my check up next week.
Bye Bye
Love Sophie
Thursday, April 15, 2004
Well, happy belated easter everybody!!!!! I am so sorry that I have not been keeping you informed of my many adventures but my Mummy has been very busy as well just trying to keep up with me, let alone type my diary for me!!! Daddy has had to go away to work again, but he will be home in 4 more days and I am already getting excited about seeing him again. I have had my second Easter and Mummy and I went to Margaret River with Nanny, Grandpa, Aunty Jane, Aunty Emily, Uncle Carl, Great Aunty Valerie and Great Uncle John. It was so much fun and I really loved always having someone available to entertain me. My favourite thing was to walk around the property and explore the forest. For all my Canadian relatives, Margaret River is 3 hours south of Perth and a very popular holiday town and we stayed in Aunty Valerie and Uncle Johns beautiful house and there are so many trees all around and lots of lovely gravel stones for me to play with. I was so sad that Daddy couldn't come with us this time but I was kept so busy anyway. I was such a good girl and I even enjoyed the car ride down and didn't complain too much but luckily Mummy sat in the back and was able to read me lots of stories on the way.
Mummy also had a great time because my Nanny and Grandpa and my lovely Aunties are always so happy to look after me. On Saturday and Monday, Mummy took me for a 10 kilometre walk which was great fun because all the way I pointed things out to Mummy. Well, the things I know how to say....cow, horse, car, tree. Mummy was most impressed with my knowledge but this really wore me out so I had a sleep in my pram. On Easter Sunday I went to Church and was most impressed with all the things I can do in church. I can walk from one end of the seat and back and I have so many people to stare at especially behind us. I was a very good girl in Church but I didn't want to sing the last song...(I found the singing fascinating......also Grandpa has such a loud voice that I haven't really noticed before!!!!) so I walked down the aisle and Mummy had to follow me and lots of people smiled at me and told Mummy how cute I was!!! I had a hot cross bun for breakfast and I also had a little Easter Egg.......mmmmmm ....yum, yum!!
I have to go to bed now so I will tell you more later,
Bye Bye
Love Sophie
Well, happy belated easter everybody!!!!! I am so sorry that I have not been keeping you informed of my many adventures but my Mummy has been very busy as well just trying to keep up with me, let alone type my diary for me!!! Daddy has had to go away to work again, but he will be home in 4 more days and I am already getting excited about seeing him again. I have had my second Easter and Mummy and I went to Margaret River with Nanny, Grandpa, Aunty Jane, Aunty Emily, Uncle Carl, Great Aunty Valerie and Great Uncle John. It was so much fun and I really loved always having someone available to entertain me. My favourite thing was to walk around the property and explore the forest. For all my Canadian relatives, Margaret River is 3 hours south of Perth and a very popular holiday town and we stayed in Aunty Valerie and Uncle Johns beautiful house and there are so many trees all around and lots of lovely gravel stones for me to play with. I was so sad that Daddy couldn't come with us this time but I was kept so busy anyway. I was such a good girl and I even enjoyed the car ride down and didn't complain too much but luckily Mummy sat in the back and was able to read me lots of stories on the way.
Mummy also had a great time because my Nanny and Grandpa and my lovely Aunties are always so happy to look after me. On Saturday and Monday, Mummy took me for a 10 kilometre walk which was great fun because all the way I pointed things out to Mummy. Well, the things I know how to say....cow, horse, car, tree. Mummy was most impressed with my knowledge but this really wore me out so I had a sleep in my pram. On Easter Sunday I went to Church and was most impressed with all the things I can do in church. I can walk from one end of the seat and back and I have so many people to stare at especially behind us. I was a very good girl in Church but I didn't want to sing the last song...(I found the singing fascinating......also Grandpa has such a loud voice that I haven't really noticed before!!!!) so I walked down the aisle and Mummy had to follow me and lots of people smiled at me and told Mummy how cute I was!!! I had a hot cross bun for breakfast and I also had a little Easter Egg.......mmmmmm ....yum, yum!!
I have to go to bed now so I will tell you more later,
Bye Bye
Love Sophie
Wednesday, March 24, 2004
Mummy and Daddy told me today that I have been a really good girl lately. What do they mean ...lately??? I think I have been one my whole life!! Also, they are very impressed with the amount of words I can say now! Soon I will be talking just as much as them...(although, I am not sure how I will get a word in!!) Yesterday Mummy and I went to buy groceries and usually after sitting in the trolley for 2 minutes I feel like climbing out, but yesterday I was quite happy sitting and watching all the action that was taking place in our local supermarket and there were lots of little people like me to stare at as well. Anyway, when we finished shopping and were waiting at the place where mummy hands daddy's hard earned money, I looked at mummy and said..."Good girl"!!!! I said that because I had sat in the trolley the whole time without mummy having to make me sit down a hundred times and I knew that that was very good but maybe mummy had forgot to tell I reminded her!!!
We went to the beach yesterday as it was the hottest day I have ever experienced in my whole life...(I think), it was 42 degrees which is very very hot. We stayed at the beach until 6.15pm which is the time I usually have had my bath by and am almost ready for bed and even when we came home I swam in my pool a bit as well. It was great fun at the beach and mummy made me lots f sand castles but I kept knocking them over. I went to bed a little bit later but it was still hard to fall alseep even with my fan on me.
Bye bye
Love Sophie
Mummy and Daddy told me today that I have been a really good girl lately. What do they mean ...lately??? I think I have been one my whole life!! Also, they are very impressed with the amount of words I can say now! Soon I will be talking just as much as them...(although, I am not sure how I will get a word in!!) Yesterday Mummy and I went to buy groceries and usually after sitting in the trolley for 2 minutes I feel like climbing out, but yesterday I was quite happy sitting and watching all the action that was taking place in our local supermarket and there were lots of little people like me to stare at as well. Anyway, when we finished shopping and were waiting at the place where mummy hands daddy's hard earned money, I looked at mummy and said..."Good girl"!!!! I said that because I had sat in the trolley the whole time without mummy having to make me sit down a hundred times and I knew that that was very good but maybe mummy had forgot to tell I reminded her!!!
We went to the beach yesterday as it was the hottest day I have ever experienced in my whole life...(I think), it was 42 degrees which is very very hot. We stayed at the beach until 6.15pm which is the time I usually have had my bath by and am almost ready for bed and even when we came home I swam in my pool a bit as well. It was great fun at the beach and mummy made me lots f sand castles but I kept knocking them over. I went to bed a little bit later but it was still hard to fall alseep even with my fan on me.
Bye bye
Love Sophie
Wednesday, March 17, 2004
I am so happy!! Daddy came home and Mummy and I went to the airport to get him from the big bird that came out of the minute it was very little and then it was very big and landed....right in front of Mummy and I!!! Then Daddy came off....he was the last person to come off and I was getting worried that he wasn't coming after all!! I like going to the airport, there are so many stairs to climb. When we got there, Mummy said the plane was late so then I got to climb up and down stairs until it was me who didn't want to do it anymore, not because Mummy said I had to stop, which is usually what happens.
So I gave Daddy a cuddle straight away and then all the way home I stared at him while he drove the car. When we got home I had baked beans for dinner...yum yum, then Daddy gave me a bath and it is so fun when he plays in the bath with me because he lets me tip my bucket of water on the floor and make as much mess as I want. Mummy said the reason for this is because he is not the one that has to clean it up and also he is also really good at making messes and she is really use to it and that when I am bigger tipping water all over the floor will be not be as much fun as it use to be so she is OK with it ......for now!!!
The the next day when I woke up I remembered that Daddy was home and so I called for him to come and get me from my cot, and I was so excited to see him again. Daddy took me out for breakfast in Leederville (while Mummy went to the gym) and we had boiled eggs and toast and all the girls in the cafe kept coming over to tell Daddy how cute I am ........ I was being on my best behaviour, then after that we went to a very big park (Hyde Park) and I chased after the ducks and kept yelling, "cack, cack" at them, because that is what they kept saying to me. I also fed the ducks some of my toast crumbs. It was so much fun but when I got home I was really happy to see Mummy again as well.
Bye bye
Love Sophie
I am so happy!! Daddy came home and Mummy and I went to the airport to get him from the big bird that came out of the minute it was very little and then it was very big and landed....right in front of Mummy and I!!! Then Daddy came off....he was the last person to come off and I was getting worried that he wasn't coming after all!! I like going to the airport, there are so many stairs to climb. When we got there, Mummy said the plane was late so then I got to climb up and down stairs until it was me who didn't want to do it anymore, not because Mummy said I had to stop, which is usually what happens.
So I gave Daddy a cuddle straight away and then all the way home I stared at him while he drove the car. When we got home I had baked beans for dinner...yum yum, then Daddy gave me a bath and it is so fun when he plays in the bath with me because he lets me tip my bucket of water on the floor and make as much mess as I want. Mummy said the reason for this is because he is not the one that has to clean it up and also he is also really good at making messes and she is really use to it and that when I am bigger tipping water all over the floor will be not be as much fun as it use to be so she is OK with it ......for now!!!
The the next day when I woke up I remembered that Daddy was home and so I called for him to come and get me from my cot, and I was so excited to see him again. Daddy took me out for breakfast in Leederville (while Mummy went to the gym) and we had boiled eggs and toast and all the girls in the cafe kept coming over to tell Daddy how cute I am ........ I was being on my best behaviour, then after that we went to a very big park (Hyde Park) and I chased after the ducks and kept yelling, "cack, cack" at them, because that is what they kept saying to me. I also fed the ducks some of my toast crumbs. It was so much fun but when I got home I was really happy to see Mummy again as well.
Bye bye
Love Sophie
Friday, March 12, 2004
I have been missing my "dada" as he had to go away to work again. It makes me very sad. Sometimes when I see his car I think he is home and I point at it and say "dada" and when the phone rings now I straight away say "daddadadada" because sometimes Mummy lets me listen to the phone and I hear his voice, but I can't see him. I'm still not really sure about the telephone as I can't see where the people are when their voices come out of the's all a bit confusing really. I do know that I really dont like it when Mummy is talking on the phone and I try everything to get her attention. Lately I have found that sneaking into my bedroom and pulling open my drawers and then throwing all of my clothes out on to the carpet is a really good way of getting mummy off the phone or another way is going into the kitchen cupboards and pulling all the plastic containers out onto the floor.......
Last night my friend Ella and her Mummy Jo came to our house and we had dinner together and played with Sasha and all of my toys. Mummy made us tuna and pasta mornay with vegetables and Ella loved it as well and she ate all of her us as well. We sat outside on my picnic bench and Sasha sat next to us to see if we were going to leave her any. but we didn't. (Although, don't tell Mummy, but we let Sasha lick our fingers and hands...that made us giggle!!!!) Then we had blueberries and strawberries with yoghurt and we tried to see who could get the messiest face....I think I won!!! After that, we had a bath and then we played a little bit more before Ella had to go home to her bed. It was so much fun, she is my very best friend!!!! So my Daddy is coming home in 2 sleeps (4 sleeps if you count my naps!!!!) and I can't wait to show him how clever I am on the big kids slide at the park as I can climb up the slide all the way to the top by myself.....and then I get to the top and say"one, doo, theeeeee" which means, (1,2,3) and then slide all the way back's the best fun ever.
Bye bye
Love Sophie
I have been missing my "dada" as he had to go away to work again. It makes me very sad. Sometimes when I see his car I think he is home and I point at it and say "dada" and when the phone rings now I straight away say "daddadadada" because sometimes Mummy lets me listen to the phone and I hear his voice, but I can't see him. I'm still not really sure about the telephone as I can't see where the people are when their voices come out of the's all a bit confusing really. I do know that I really dont like it when Mummy is talking on the phone and I try everything to get her attention. Lately I have found that sneaking into my bedroom and pulling open my drawers and then throwing all of my clothes out on to the carpet is a really good way of getting mummy off the phone or another way is going into the kitchen cupboards and pulling all the plastic containers out onto the floor.......
Last night my friend Ella and her Mummy Jo came to our house and we had dinner together and played with Sasha and all of my toys. Mummy made us tuna and pasta mornay with vegetables and Ella loved it as well and she ate all of her us as well. We sat outside on my picnic bench and Sasha sat next to us to see if we were going to leave her any. but we didn't. (Although, don't tell Mummy, but we let Sasha lick our fingers and hands...that made us giggle!!!!) Then we had blueberries and strawberries with yoghurt and we tried to see who could get the messiest face....I think I won!!! After that, we had a bath and then we played a little bit more before Ella had to go home to her bed. It was so much fun, she is my very best friend!!!! So my Daddy is coming home in 2 sleeps (4 sleeps if you count my naps!!!!) and I can't wait to show him how clever I am on the big kids slide at the park as I can climb up the slide all the way to the top by myself.....and then I get to the top and say"one, doo, theeeeee" which means, (1,2,3) and then slide all the way back's the best fun ever.
Bye bye
Love Sophie
Sunday, February 29, 2004
Today I went to play at Nanny and Grandpa's house for a couple of hours. I like to play in the backyard and I helped Grandpa plant some flowers. I like to smell them and sometimes when no one is looking I pull the pretty flowers off the plant but I am not really supposed to do that even if it is fun!! I also like ot pick grapes right off the vine in the backyard....mmmm grapes are my favourite and there is all the grapes in the whole world hanging on the trees ready for me to eat but sometimes I get sick of them when I have eaten too much. After that, Mummy came back to get me and we had lunch. I had pasta shaped all differently and then I had yoghurt and I am getting very clever at using the spoon and getting it in my mouth and not all over the place and in my hair and on Sasha. Mummy said I was soooo smart!! After lunch I was very tired but I had Gymbaroo and I didn't really feel like playing today so I cried a bit and wanted Mummy to hold me. I didn't mind watching the other kids play, I just didn't feel like playing today and I really wasn't in the mood for dancing, even though I am a very good dancer!!! So when we came home I had a very very long sleep...almost 3 that is good as I will now be very happy and playful for when Daddy gets home.
Yesterday was a very hot day and Aunty Jane came over and we went to the beach and then in the afternoon after my sleep we played in the pool and it was so much fun.
Bye bye
Love Sophie
Today I went to play at Nanny and Grandpa's house for a couple of hours. I like to play in the backyard and I helped Grandpa plant some flowers. I like to smell them and sometimes when no one is looking I pull the pretty flowers off the plant but I am not really supposed to do that even if it is fun!! I also like ot pick grapes right off the vine in the backyard....mmmm grapes are my favourite and there is all the grapes in the whole world hanging on the trees ready for me to eat but sometimes I get sick of them when I have eaten too much. After that, Mummy came back to get me and we had lunch. I had pasta shaped all differently and then I had yoghurt and I am getting very clever at using the spoon and getting it in my mouth and not all over the place and in my hair and on Sasha. Mummy said I was soooo smart!! After lunch I was very tired but I had Gymbaroo and I didn't really feel like playing today so I cried a bit and wanted Mummy to hold me. I didn't mind watching the other kids play, I just didn't feel like playing today and I really wasn't in the mood for dancing, even though I am a very good dancer!!! So when we came home I had a very very long sleep...almost 3 that is good as I will now be very happy and playful for when Daddy gets home.
Yesterday was a very hot day and Aunty Jane came over and we went to the beach and then in the afternoon after my sleep we played in the pool and it was so much fun.
Bye bye
Love Sophie
Sunday, February 22, 2004
I am very sorry I have not been keeping you all informed about my exciting daily events but I have not been feeling my usual happy self lately and have been keeping Mummy very busy looking after me so she hasn't had a lot of time to type my diary for me. I have had very, very sore gums as I now have 2 molars and boy did they hurt coming through. I even have had bleeding gums and even the doctors say that that is unusual. Last week when it was 40 degrees I had a high temperature as well so I felt very hot and cranky so Mummy kept putting me under a cool shower and this felt a little better. Today I am feeling a bit better but I didn't get to go to Gymbaroo because I was very very tired so I stayed home and had a sleep instead. I am sad because I will miss seeing all my friends at gymbaroo and I have been practising my dancing and I am sure they would have all been very impressed with my cool new moves.....(I can point my finger and do the twist!!!!!) Also I have been saying a lot more words lately as well...No is my new favourite word and I say it all the time....even when I really mean yes....I think it is very confusing for Mummy and Daddy as often they ask me if I want something to eat and I say "No" and then I get angry with them because they don't give me anything, I just don't know how to say "Yes" yet!!
I have to go now but I promise I will get Mummy to type more about my adventures later.
Bye bye
Love Sophie
I am very sorry I have not been keeping you all informed about my exciting daily events but I have not been feeling my usual happy self lately and have been keeping Mummy very busy looking after me so she hasn't had a lot of time to type my diary for me. I have had very, very sore gums as I now have 2 molars and boy did they hurt coming through. I even have had bleeding gums and even the doctors say that that is unusual. Last week when it was 40 degrees I had a high temperature as well so I felt very hot and cranky so Mummy kept putting me under a cool shower and this felt a little better. Today I am feeling a bit better but I didn't get to go to Gymbaroo because I was very very tired so I stayed home and had a sleep instead. I am sad because I will miss seeing all my friends at gymbaroo and I have been practising my dancing and I am sure they would have all been very impressed with my cool new moves.....(I can point my finger and do the twist!!!!!) Also I have been saying a lot more words lately as well...No is my new favourite word and I say it all the time....even when I really mean yes....I think it is very confusing for Mummy and Daddy as often they ask me if I want something to eat and I say "No" and then I get angry with them because they don't give me anything, I just don't know how to say "Yes" yet!!
I have to go now but I promise I will get Mummy to type more about my adventures later.
Bye bye
Love Sophie
Thursday, February 05, 2004
Well, just when I thought I had Mummy and Daddy all figured out, they have gone and changed the rules on me!!!! For a little while now, I had been waking up in the night and finding that I would much rather be up and playing with Mummy and Daddy and my toys, so I would stand in my cot and scream until one of them...(mostly Mummy) would come running. Because I have found this so fun, I had started to do it more and more often and sometimes I would wait for Mummy to get back in bed and almost fall asleep before I would start screaming again.....I could tell she really liked this game!!!! Anyway, like I said I thought this was great fun although I had been feeling a lot more tired in the day as all that screaming at night can really take it all out of you and then one night I screamed and nobody came. I screamed and screamed for a very long time and then I thought, oh point carrying on, I will just go to sleep and so I did and for the last 2 nights I have not bothered with the game anymore and I have noticed that Mummy seems extra happy when she comes to get me in the morning and I also have been feeling so much better as well.
I have also had so much happening in my life this past week, I now go to Gymbaroo as well as Playgroup. On Mondays Mummy takes me to Gymbaroo and it is great fun. I love playing on all the equipment and I am a really good climber...(just like Daddy) then we sit in a circle and sing songs but I'm not very good at that as sitting still is not one of my strong points...(just like Daddy)...although Daddy is good at singing songs, he is not good at sitting still, (according to Mummy).
Love Sophie
Well, just when I thought I had Mummy and Daddy all figured out, they have gone and changed the rules on me!!!! For a little while now, I had been waking up in the night and finding that I would much rather be up and playing with Mummy and Daddy and my toys, so I would stand in my cot and scream until one of them...(mostly Mummy) would come running. Because I have found this so fun, I had started to do it more and more often and sometimes I would wait for Mummy to get back in bed and almost fall asleep before I would start screaming again.....I could tell she really liked this game!!!! Anyway, like I said I thought this was great fun although I had been feeling a lot more tired in the day as all that screaming at night can really take it all out of you and then one night I screamed and nobody came. I screamed and screamed for a very long time and then I thought, oh point carrying on, I will just go to sleep and so I did and for the last 2 nights I have not bothered with the game anymore and I have noticed that Mummy seems extra happy when she comes to get me in the morning and I also have been feeling so much better as well.
I have also had so much happening in my life this past week, I now go to Gymbaroo as well as Playgroup. On Mondays Mummy takes me to Gymbaroo and it is great fun. I love playing on all the equipment and I am a really good climber...(just like Daddy) then we sit in a circle and sing songs but I'm not very good at that as sitting still is not one of my strong points...(just like Daddy)...although Daddy is good at singing songs, he is not good at sitting still, (according to Mummy).
Love Sophie
Wednesday, January 28, 2004
I had lots of fun on the weekend, even though Mummy says that everyday is a weekend for me!!!!! I went to the beach 3 times and played in my pool a lot. Daddy has taught me how to float and I really like to do that except sometimes I swallow a bit of water as well. Then on Sunday, we went to the Markets and Mummy and Daddy bought lots of fruit and vegetables and then the highlight of my very first taste of ice cream!!!!!! I had what they call, "a baby cone"!!! All that means is that my ice cream cone was about five times smaller than the one Daddy was eating!!!!! It was so delicious and I really loved getting it all over my face, hands, clothes and Mummy even found some in my armpit!!!!! I look forward to one day enjoying having another one of those, that's for sure.
I also had to have 2 more needles, one is so I don't get chicken pox and one was so I don't get Meningoccocal (not bad spelling for a 15 month old????) disease. Anyway, I was not very happy with Mummy for the rest of the day as she was the one that took me to get the needles and then proceeded to hold me tightly so the nurse could jab me........what a mean Mummy!!!!! So I decided to get back to her and on Sunday night I thought it would be a great idea to wake up at 12.30am and stay awake until 4.30am and cry every 1 5 minutes...or until Mummy would come in to see me. Poor Daddy had to get up to go to work at 4.30am and so because of me he didn't get much sleep either. So Needless to say, I was one very grumpy baby the next day and Mummy took me on the train into the city and I cried a lot because I wanted to run up the aisle of the moving train and Mummy wouldn't let me and then I tried to climb on the lady sitting next to me so Mummy had to strap me back in the pram which made me cry even louder and then a man with a big hat and lots of badges on came to talk to Mummy and she showed him our ticket but when he walked away Mummy said he had come to tell me to be quiet or that we were going to have to get off the train........miraculously after that I was quiet for the rest of the journey!!!!!!!!
Today I have been a really good girl and even had a 2 and a half hour sleep which is very good for me.
Bye bye
Love Sophie
I had lots of fun on the weekend, even though Mummy says that everyday is a weekend for me!!!!! I went to the beach 3 times and played in my pool a lot. Daddy has taught me how to float and I really like to do that except sometimes I swallow a bit of water as well. Then on Sunday, we went to the Markets and Mummy and Daddy bought lots of fruit and vegetables and then the highlight of my very first taste of ice cream!!!!!! I had what they call, "a baby cone"!!! All that means is that my ice cream cone was about five times smaller than the one Daddy was eating!!!!! It was so delicious and I really loved getting it all over my face, hands, clothes and Mummy even found some in my armpit!!!!! I look forward to one day enjoying having another one of those, that's for sure.
I also had to have 2 more needles, one is so I don't get chicken pox and one was so I don't get Meningoccocal (not bad spelling for a 15 month old????) disease. Anyway, I was not very happy with Mummy for the rest of the day as she was the one that took me to get the needles and then proceeded to hold me tightly so the nurse could jab me........what a mean Mummy!!!!! So I decided to get back to her and on Sunday night I thought it would be a great idea to wake up at 12.30am and stay awake until 4.30am and cry every 1 5 minutes...or until Mummy would come in to see me. Poor Daddy had to get up to go to work at 4.30am and so because of me he didn't get much sleep either. So Needless to say, I was one very grumpy baby the next day and Mummy took me on the train into the city and I cried a lot because I wanted to run up the aisle of the moving train and Mummy wouldn't let me and then I tried to climb on the lady sitting next to me so Mummy had to strap me back in the pram which made me cry even louder and then a man with a big hat and lots of badges on came to talk to Mummy and she showed him our ticket but when he walked away Mummy said he had come to tell me to be quiet or that we were going to have to get off the train........miraculously after that I was quiet for the rest of the journey!!!!!!!!
Today I have been a really good girl and even had a 2 and a half hour sleep which is very good for me.
Bye bye
Love Sophie
Wednesday, January 21, 2004
Today Mummy, Sasha and I went for a very long walk. We even stopped along the way and I played in a park for a little while and made some new friends. They were much older than me but because I am so friendly I just get along with everyone, in fact I think they were far more interested in Sasha than me as they kept playing more with Sasha. After that we kept on walking and I started to play a game with Mummy, except I forgot to tell Mummy that I was playing it!!! The game is called....."Throw my hat out of the pram and onto the pavement"!!!! Its really fun, I throw my hat out and then Mummy picks it up and gives it back to me, often we do this about 5 times until Mummy gets bored with it...(by the way, she gets bored very quickly!!!) Anyway today Mummy didn't even throw it back once and it wasnt till we had walked for another half an hour that Mummy said, "Sophie, where is your hat????" and I gave her my best look of, "What do you mean, 'where is my hat', then I heard her say...Oh no, youv'e dropped it and we will have to go back to find anyway, our walk turned very very long and I got a little bit bored sitting still for so long and then Mummy gave me a drink of water and I thought maybe she did want to play the "Pick up" game after all, so I threw my water cup onto the pavement and then it cracked and broke and after that I thought maybe I better think of a new game becasue Mummy doesn't sem to enjoy that one too much.
Anyway, my Daddy is working away at the moment but he will be home tomorrow so that is only one sleep away. I was a bit confused this morning because when I woke up I called for him, like this...Da, Da da and then Mummy came in and I gave her the "Not you, I want dada look!!!!
I have to go now, its hout outside so I am going to go in my pool.....yipppeeeee!!!
Love Sophie
Today Mummy, Sasha and I went for a very long walk. We even stopped along the way and I played in a park for a little while and made some new friends. They were much older than me but because I am so friendly I just get along with everyone, in fact I think they were far more interested in Sasha than me as they kept playing more with Sasha. After that we kept on walking and I started to play a game with Mummy, except I forgot to tell Mummy that I was playing it!!! The game is called....."Throw my hat out of the pram and onto the pavement"!!!! Its really fun, I throw my hat out and then Mummy picks it up and gives it back to me, often we do this about 5 times until Mummy gets bored with it...(by the way, she gets bored very quickly!!!) Anyway today Mummy didn't even throw it back once and it wasnt till we had walked for another half an hour that Mummy said, "Sophie, where is your hat????" and I gave her my best look of, "What do you mean, 'where is my hat', then I heard her say...Oh no, youv'e dropped it and we will have to go back to find anyway, our walk turned very very long and I got a little bit bored sitting still for so long and then Mummy gave me a drink of water and I thought maybe she did want to play the "Pick up" game after all, so I threw my water cup onto the pavement and then it cracked and broke and after that I thought maybe I better think of a new game becasue Mummy doesn't sem to enjoy that one too much.
Anyway, my Daddy is working away at the moment but he will be home tomorrow so that is only one sleep away. I was a bit confused this morning because when I woke up I called for him, like this...Da, Da da and then Mummy came in and I gave her the "Not you, I want dada look!!!!
I have to go now, its hout outside so I am going to go in my pool.....yipppeeeee!!!
Love Sophie
Wednesday, January 14, 2004
Yesterday I went swimming in my friend Will's pool, it was great fun and great to be able to get nice and cool. I liked to climb up the stairs of the pool and then jump back in and Mummy would catch me. Then after about 20 minutes I was bored with this and needed Mummy to provide some new stimulating activity to entertain me with. I have been doing this a lot lately and I heard Mummy telling Daddy she thinks I am going through the "terrible twos"....even though I am only 1!!!!! I have been whining a lot but I get so frustrated when Mummy and Daddy don't know what I am wanting and also I am only sleeping 1 nap a day which was purely my decision because if it were up to Mummy she would have me sleeping 2 times a day still!!!!! Mummy tries to put me to sleep but I end up sitting and playing in my cot for about 10 minutes before I start yelling out...Mumumumumumum....until I am rescued out of there.
Anyway, I better go, so much to do, so much mess to make...
Bye bye
Love Sophie
Yesterday I went swimming in my friend Will's pool, it was great fun and great to be able to get nice and cool. I liked to climb up the stairs of the pool and then jump back in and Mummy would catch me. Then after about 20 minutes I was bored with this and needed Mummy to provide some new stimulating activity to entertain me with. I have been doing this a lot lately and I heard Mummy telling Daddy she thinks I am going through the "terrible twos"....even though I am only 1!!!!! I have been whining a lot but I get so frustrated when Mummy and Daddy don't know what I am wanting and also I am only sleeping 1 nap a day which was purely my decision because if it were up to Mummy she would have me sleeping 2 times a day still!!!!! Mummy tries to put me to sleep but I end up sitting and playing in my cot for about 10 minutes before I start yelling out...Mumumumumumum....until I am rescued out of there.
Anyway, I better go, so much to do, so much mess to make...
Bye bye
Love Sophie
Tuesday, January 13, 2004
I have been one little hot girl lately. It is so hot I have found it hard to sleep at night because I am so hot. I have a fan in my room but I still feel really really warm. During the day I have been in my pool a lot and also I have been at the beach in the morning for the last 4 days in a row. Yesterday I looked very cool in my pink swimsuit and hat and my trendy pink sunglasses I am setting a fashion example for all 1 year olds for the beach!!!! I like it when Mummy and Daddy take me out in the ocean a little bit deeper....but not too far out!! Today I wnet to play at Ella's house. Mummy said we were going there for a few hours because they have air conditioning ....and we don't, so we went there to play and there house was nice and cool. I had so much fun because Ella has her very own cubby house. We took turns playing inside and making each other cups of tea and then we had vegemite sandwiches for lunch and when it was time to go home we kissed each other and waved good bye. Ella is my best friend in the whole world!!!!!!!
When we got home I only slept for 1 hour instead of 2 and a half, so I have been very tired and cranky and hot for the rest of the day, I have a feeling Mummy and Daddy are going to put me to bed early tonight and I am quite glad about that.
Bye Bye
Love Sophie
I have been one little hot girl lately. It is so hot I have found it hard to sleep at night because I am so hot. I have a fan in my room but I still feel really really warm. During the day I have been in my pool a lot and also I have been at the beach in the morning for the last 4 days in a row. Yesterday I looked very cool in my pink swimsuit and hat and my trendy pink sunglasses I am setting a fashion example for all 1 year olds for the beach!!!! I like it when Mummy and Daddy take me out in the ocean a little bit deeper....but not too far out!! Today I wnet to play at Ella's house. Mummy said we were going there for a few hours because they have air conditioning ....and we don't, so we went there to play and there house was nice and cool. I had so much fun because Ella has her very own cubby house. We took turns playing inside and making each other cups of tea and then we had vegemite sandwiches for lunch and when it was time to go home we kissed each other and waved good bye. Ella is my best friend in the whole world!!!!!!!
When we got home I only slept for 1 hour instead of 2 and a half, so I have been very tired and cranky and hot for the rest of the day, I have a feeling Mummy and Daddy are going to put me to bed early tonight and I am quite glad about that.
Bye Bye
Love Sophie
Sunday, January 04, 2004
Today Mummy said that I was in danger of turning into a fish because I like my pool so much, just like a fish would I suppose!!!!. I cry lots when it is time to get out and that is even when my fingers and toes are a bit wrinkly. I already have a suntan as well but Mummy and Daddy are very careful about me being covered up in the sun and always make sure I have my hat on as well. I think I am getting some more teeth as I haven't been my usual happy self lately and I have been waking up a lot in the night many more teethe am I going to need is what I want to know as I seem to do very well with the 7 and a half that I have right now!!!!
Daddy and I have a new game. He asks me, "what does a cow say" and I say "Moooooo", then he asks me "what does a pussy cat say" and I say meeeeeoooow and then he says "what does a puppy dog say" and I say oof woof and sometimes I try to trick him and when he says, "what does a cow say", I say woof oof and he calls me silly because we all know that that is what the puppy says!!!!
Bye for now,
Love Sophie
Today Mummy said that I was in danger of turning into a fish because I like my pool so much, just like a fish would I suppose!!!!. I cry lots when it is time to get out and that is even when my fingers and toes are a bit wrinkly. I already have a suntan as well but Mummy and Daddy are very careful about me being covered up in the sun and always make sure I have my hat on as well. I think I am getting some more teeth as I haven't been my usual happy self lately and I have been waking up a lot in the night many more teethe am I going to need is what I want to know as I seem to do very well with the 7 and a half that I have right now!!!!
Daddy and I have a new game. He asks me, "what does a cow say" and I say "Moooooo", then he asks me "what does a pussy cat say" and I say meeeeeoooow and then he says "what does a puppy dog say" and I say oof woof and sometimes I try to trick him and when he says, "what does a cow say", I say woof oof and he calls me silly because we all know that that is what the puppy says!!!!
Bye for now,
Love Sophie
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