Well, I am starting to like Santa!!! I woke up on Christmas morning last week and Mummy and Daddy said that Santa had been and left me some presents. I liked to bang on the boxes but didn't really care too much about opening them up. Daddy had to help and inside was a little bus with some little people in it and when I press the drivers seat it plays songs.......I really like it. Santa was so clever to know exactly what I would like, he is almost as clever as Mummy!!!!! Then we went to the beach and we saw Grandpa, Aunty Jane and Uncle Carl and Aunty Em at the beach. Santa brought Grandpa a boogie board and Aunty Jane said he was just like a seven year old with his new toy!! I liked it at the beach and played in the sand a bit and then we went home and Mummy dressed me up to look pretty and then we went to have lunch at Nanny and Grandpa's. I had my usual avocado sandwich but I also had some cherries and grapes and cheese. Then I played in my pool. Oh yeah, I almost forgot to tell you my big news........I am a land owner!!!! Aunty Jane has bought me my very own acre block of land on the MOON!!!!!! So, just like lots of famous people I also own land on the moon. Mummy said one day we all may need to move there......but it might be along long time away. I also have my own little purple couch which I love to play on and I also got a lovely dress from Memere and Pepere and yesterday I got another beautiful dress from Matant Ginette and Monuncle John and Cousin Justin......thank you very much for my gifts!!
The other day my friend Ella came over to play and we had a great time hiding the tennis balls from Sasha and seeing how badly she wanted the tennis balls from us, she kept running after us and trying to get them off us but us 1 year olds are way too clever for her!!!!!
I have to go now as its time for a nap.
Bye bye
Love Sophie
Mostly all about Sophie and Luc, a couple of kids growing up in sunny Western Australia with their Aussie mum, Canadian (Can-Aussie) dad and Sadie the wonder puppy. Capturing the ordinary and extraordinary moments in life!
Monday, December 29, 2003
Monday, December 22, 2003
Oh no, Mummy has just reminded me again that in 2 more sleeps...(big sleeps that is!!), that the big jolly round man in the crazy red outfit with the long white beard is going to be coming to our house!!!!! Apparently he goes to every house especially if they have little people living there and he leave presents for them. Oh no, I really don't want to see him up close again, I hope I am fast asleep when he visits our house!
Mummy and Daddy have been visiting a lot of people lately and I have been going out so much which has been great fun. I have explored so many different backyards, tasted lots of yummy crackers with dips and met some new friends. On Saturday night on one of these visits out, I met 3 babies that were exactly the same age and came out of the same Mummy all at once. I'm not really sure how that all works but Mummy seemed to think it was pretty incredible as all the babies were only born weighing a little bit less than me and Mummy said something to Daddy about how their Mummy was so amazing to have 3 little babies as one is sometimes enough for her...(thats me I think!!)
Today Daddy took me to the beach and we had a great time playing in the water and the sand and when we came home I got in my little pool as it is a very hot day today!
Tomorrow I am going to pay at "Go bananas' with my friends and I can't wait to see them, especially Ella as she is my best friend!!
Love Sophie
Oh no, Mummy has just reminded me again that in 2 more sleeps...(big sleeps that is!!), that the big jolly round man in the crazy red outfit with the long white beard is going to be coming to our house!!!!! Apparently he goes to every house especially if they have little people living there and he leave presents for them. Oh no, I really don't want to see him up close again, I hope I am fast asleep when he visits our house!
Mummy and Daddy have been visiting a lot of people lately and I have been going out so much which has been great fun. I have explored so many different backyards, tasted lots of yummy crackers with dips and met some new friends. On Saturday night on one of these visits out, I met 3 babies that were exactly the same age and came out of the same Mummy all at once. I'm not really sure how that all works but Mummy seemed to think it was pretty incredible as all the babies were only born weighing a little bit less than me and Mummy said something to Daddy about how their Mummy was so amazing to have 3 little babies as one is sometimes enough for her...(thats me I think!!)
Today Daddy took me to the beach and we had a great time playing in the water and the sand and when we came home I got in my little pool as it is a very hot day today!
Tomorrow I am going to pay at "Go bananas' with my friends and I can't wait to see them, especially Ella as she is my best friend!!
Love Sophie
Thursday, December 11, 2003
Guess what everybody, I know where my toes and my head and my belly is!!!!! Its a good thing I know that now because I dont think Mummy and Daddy knew where my head was as they keep saying to me..."Sophie, where's your head" and "now, where's your toes" and I can happily point to the part they need to know and then they clap hands and say "clever girl"!!!! I like to look at other little people like me and call them "Bubba"and point at them a lot. Yesterday in the supermarket I pointed to a bubba and said "Bubba" and his Mummy looked at my Mummy and said, Your the bubba little girl, as he is a lot older than you!!!!! Mummy said he was nearly 2 years old but he looked like a bubba to me!!
I also saw Santa Claus again yesterday and I made sure I clutched on to Mummy's shirt as tight as I could just incase she felt the urge to pass me over to him again, anyway I safely made it past him and then I saw him again in another shop and I thought, Wow, he really is everywhere and he had even lost weight since the last time I saw him 8 minutes ago and didn't need to wear glasses anymore either!!! See what an observant baby I am!!
Today I have been in my pool 6 times as it is a warm day today, I filled my pool with so many of my beach toys there was no room for me to sit down and I accidently sat on the spade and it was very uncomfortable. Tonight I am having a sleep over at Nan and Grandpa's as Mummy and Daddy have to go out again. They went out 3 weeks ago and I dont know why they need to go out again !!!! Anyway, I am not sad at all because I like to go and stay there as I have lots of fun there as well.
Bye bye
Love Sophie
Guess what everybody, I know where my toes and my head and my belly is!!!!! Its a good thing I know that now because I dont think Mummy and Daddy knew where my head was as they keep saying to me..."Sophie, where's your head" and "now, where's your toes" and I can happily point to the part they need to know and then they clap hands and say "clever girl"!!!! I like to look at other little people like me and call them "Bubba"and point at them a lot. Yesterday in the supermarket I pointed to a bubba and said "Bubba" and his Mummy looked at my Mummy and said, Your the bubba little girl, as he is a lot older than you!!!!! Mummy said he was nearly 2 years old but he looked like a bubba to me!!
I also saw Santa Claus again yesterday and I made sure I clutched on to Mummy's shirt as tight as I could just incase she felt the urge to pass me over to him again, anyway I safely made it past him and then I saw him again in another shop and I thought, Wow, he really is everywhere and he had even lost weight since the last time I saw him 8 minutes ago and didn't need to wear glasses anymore either!!! See what an observant baby I am!!
Today I have been in my pool 6 times as it is a warm day today, I filled my pool with so many of my beach toys there was no room for me to sit down and I accidently sat on the spade and it was very uncomfortable. Tonight I am having a sleep over at Nan and Grandpa's as Mummy and Daddy have to go out again. They went out 3 weeks ago and I dont know why they need to go out again !!!! Anyway, I am not sad at all because I like to go and stay there as I have lots of fun there as well.
Bye bye
Love Sophie
Sunday, December 07, 2003
First of all, I was not happy like I told you I wouldn't be about sitting on the "Big round man in red with the white hair and beards" knee, but I did like to stare at him even from up close but when I had to sit on his knee, I cried. In the end I was happy to sit on Mummy's knee and she could sit next to the man...(By the way, his name is Santa Claus!!) all for a photo. I'm not sure what all the fuss is about but Santa Claus sure is everywhere. I've seem him in so many places and sometimes on the one day! This morning I saw him on the television and I turned to Mummy and pointed and said, "anta"!!!!
Last week my friends came over to my house to play but I wasn't in a very playful mood and just wanted to sit on Mummy's knee. My gums were hurting so much it made me so sad. Yesterday though, one more tooth appeared and I am not as sad anymore and another three teeth will probably come through very soon as well. I am now feeling so much better that last night I didn't even wake up crying for Mummy or Daddy to come and see me and I just slept all night long.
Daddy has been working a lot lately but Mummy has let me stay up a little bit later so that I can play with him when he gets home but then I get so worked up from laughing at him I don't want to go to bed at all!!!! He is very funny and a little bit silly because I like to put my pyjamas on my head and then I can't see and he pretends he can't find me so then I have to pull them off my head so he can see me again....he is so silly!! This little game makes me laugh a lot.
Better go as I need to have a nap now.
Bye bye
Love Sophie
First of all, I was not happy like I told you I wouldn't be about sitting on the "Big round man in red with the white hair and beards" knee, but I did like to stare at him even from up close but when I had to sit on his knee, I cried. In the end I was happy to sit on Mummy's knee and she could sit next to the man...(By the way, his name is Santa Claus!!) all for a photo. I'm not sure what all the fuss is about but Santa Claus sure is everywhere. I've seem him in so many places and sometimes on the one day! This morning I saw him on the television and I turned to Mummy and pointed and said, "anta"!!!!
Last week my friends came over to my house to play but I wasn't in a very playful mood and just wanted to sit on Mummy's knee. My gums were hurting so much it made me so sad. Yesterday though, one more tooth appeared and I am not as sad anymore and another three teeth will probably come through very soon as well. I am now feeling so much better that last night I didn't even wake up crying for Mummy or Daddy to come and see me and I just slept all night long.
Daddy has been working a lot lately but Mummy has let me stay up a little bit later so that I can play with him when he gets home but then I get so worked up from laughing at him I don't want to go to bed at all!!!! He is very funny and a little bit silly because I like to put my pyjamas on my head and then I can't see and he pretends he can't find me so then I have to pull them off my head so he can see me again....he is so silly!! This little game makes me laugh a lot.
Better go as I need to have a nap now.
Bye bye
Love Sophie
Monday, December 01, 2003
I had so much fun on the weekend. I stayed at Nan Nan and Grandpa's house on Saturday night because Mummy and Daddy had to go to a wedding and I wasn't invited!! Aunty Jane also came over and we all went to the beach and I played so much in the sand and the was great!! I was a good girl and only woke up once in the middle of the night uinlike at home when I have been waking up lots of times!! Then on Sunday Nan Nan took me to my house and at first I was a little bit upset with Mummy for going away for the night and not taking me with her but I didn't stay mad for long as we had to get ready for my friend Lenny's first birthday. (Lenny is the cute little boy sitting in the chair in the photos of my party....on my webpage....for those who don't know!) He had a party in a park and their were lots of other little one year olds just like me and they were all girls. So there were 8 little girls and only 1 boy. I told Mummy I was not happy that Lenny had so many girlfriends as I thought I was the only one in his life and I didn't feel like playing with them and I just stayed close to Daddy and Mummy all day. I only smiled a bit when daddy put me on the swings as that was fun but for the rest of the party I was not very happy and was not in my usual party mood!!
Today all my friends are coming over for lunch and I told Mummy to tell their Mummy's to bring their bathers so we can all go in my pool. I am so excited about that as I love playing in the pool. First of all I have to have a nice sleep as I am a bit grumpy this morning....I have 4 teeth that are so close to coming through it literally is just not funny any more!!!!! Thats why I get grumpy!! Oh yeah, Mummy also said this week she is going to take me to sit on the knee of a big fat man wearing a red suit with a huge white beard and that he comes from a place near Canada. I have no idea what she is on about but I wondered is he knows Justin seeing as he lives near Canada....Mummy said he just knows everybody, so I will tell you all about it, although I am not too keen on sitting on his knee, I can tell you that right now!!!
Bye bye
Love Sophie
I had so much fun on the weekend. I stayed at Nan Nan and Grandpa's house on Saturday night because Mummy and Daddy had to go to a wedding and I wasn't invited!! Aunty Jane also came over and we all went to the beach and I played so much in the sand and the was great!! I was a good girl and only woke up once in the middle of the night uinlike at home when I have been waking up lots of times!! Then on Sunday Nan Nan took me to my house and at first I was a little bit upset with Mummy for going away for the night and not taking me with her but I didn't stay mad for long as we had to get ready for my friend Lenny's first birthday. (Lenny is the cute little boy sitting in the chair in the photos of my party....on my webpage....for those who don't know!) He had a party in a park and their were lots of other little one year olds just like me and they were all girls. So there were 8 little girls and only 1 boy. I told Mummy I was not happy that Lenny had so many girlfriends as I thought I was the only one in his life and I didn't feel like playing with them and I just stayed close to Daddy and Mummy all day. I only smiled a bit when daddy put me on the swings as that was fun but for the rest of the party I was not very happy and was not in my usual party mood!!
Today all my friends are coming over for lunch and I told Mummy to tell their Mummy's to bring their bathers so we can all go in my pool. I am so excited about that as I love playing in the pool. First of all I have to have a nice sleep as I am a bit grumpy this morning....I have 4 teeth that are so close to coming through it literally is just not funny any more!!!!! Thats why I get grumpy!! Oh yeah, Mummy also said this week she is going to take me to sit on the knee of a big fat man wearing a red suit with a huge white beard and that he comes from a place near Canada. I have no idea what she is on about but I wondered is he knows Justin seeing as he lives near Canada....Mummy said he just knows everybody, so I will tell you all about it, although I am not too keen on sitting on his knee, I can tell you that right now!!!
Bye bye
Love Sophie
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