Happy Birthday to me, Happy Birthday to me, Happy Birthday to Sophie, Happy Birthday to me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Wow everybody, I am One year old today!!!!!!! Today I felt a little bit sleepy all day, maybe because I am 1 today!!. Mummy' sf friend Steph and her baby Lenny came to see me for my birthday and we had a picnic on the back lawn. It was great fun. Then tonight we had dinner at Nanny and Grandpa's but I was very tired so I went to sleep early. I am saving up all my energy for when Daddy comes home tomorrow and then for my party on Sunday. I can't wait. Mummy said I have some birthday presents but we are waiting for Daddy to come home so that he can watch me open them, so tomorrow I get to open presents....yay. That will be fun. Thank you Memere and Pepere for my lovely birthday message. I can't wait to meet you soon when we come over to Canada.
Bye bye
Love Sophie
Mostly all about Sophie and Luc, a couple of kids growing up in sunny Western Australia with their Aussie mum, Canadian (Can-Aussie) dad and Sadie the wonder puppy. Capturing the ordinary and extraordinary moments in life!
Wednesday, October 29, 2003
Tuesday, October 28, 2003
Monday, October 27, 2003
Today I went to stay with Nanny and Grandpa as Mummy was very busy and had to do lots of things. I think she is busy because it is my birthday in 2 more sleeps and I am having a party on Sunday and lots of my friends are coming. It's going to be so much fun!!
Also in 3 more sleeps Daddy comes home.....Mummy thinks it is funny that I am counting in sleeps as sleep is something I have not been very good at lately, especially at night. I would much rather stand in my cot and scream for mummy to come and give me cuddles. The clinic nurse told mummy she thinks I dont want to sleep because I noticed that daddy has gone away and that I am feeling like Mummy might go away as well, so I have to cry a lot to make sure she keeps coming to see me in my when I am in my cot. Today I was a good girl though and didn't cry at Nanny and Grandpa's house because I knew Mummy would come back and I had so much fun playing. I liked to play with toys and read some books today and when I felt like I had been clever I would clap my hands. I also know how to "High 5"!!!! Tomorrow I have to go for my 12 months old check up to make sure I am growing big and strong and to also check that I can do things that babies my age are supposed to, so I better pull out all the tricks tomorrow to impress the nurses.
Bye Bye
Love Sophie
Today I went to stay with Nanny and Grandpa as Mummy was very busy and had to do lots of things. I think she is busy because it is my birthday in 2 more sleeps and I am having a party on Sunday and lots of my friends are coming. It's going to be so much fun!!
Also in 3 more sleeps Daddy comes home.....Mummy thinks it is funny that I am counting in sleeps as sleep is something I have not been very good at lately, especially at night. I would much rather stand in my cot and scream for mummy to come and give me cuddles. The clinic nurse told mummy she thinks I dont want to sleep because I noticed that daddy has gone away and that I am feeling like Mummy might go away as well, so I have to cry a lot to make sure she keeps coming to see me in my when I am in my cot. Today I was a good girl though and didn't cry at Nanny and Grandpa's house because I knew Mummy would come back and I had so much fun playing. I liked to play with toys and read some books today and when I felt like I had been clever I would clap my hands. I also know how to "High 5"!!!! Tomorrow I have to go for my 12 months old check up to make sure I am growing big and strong and to also check that I can do things that babies my age are supposed to, so I better pull out all the tricks tomorrow to impress the nurses.
Bye Bye
Love Sophie
Thursday, October 23, 2003
Goodness me, another week has gone by so fast in my short little life. On Monday it was Daddy's birthday and so I made sure I was extra good for him, so good, I wouldn't let him out of my sight and cried even when he went to have a shower. Also it was my Grand Pepere's 88th birthday not that long ago as well. I am wondering what his party would be like because I go to so many 1 year old party's, I have never been to an 88 year old party!!! Do they have fairy bread at an 88 year old party....... Daddy said, he really didin't think so and especailly not in Canada but maybe when I visit I will make Grand Pepere some fairy bread, because you should get to eat fairy bread even if you are 88!!!! Mummy told me today it is only 5 more sleeps till I turn 1 year old. I am very excited. Mummy and Daddy are having a party for me a few days after my birthday and lots of my friends are coming. I am so excited I can hardly sleep......Mummy says maybe excitement is the reason why I keep waking up in the night time!!!!NOT! Daddy had to go away to work again but he will come home before the party. I really miss him and still call out da da a lot and I make sure to look at his photo at least 50 times a day!!! I love playing outside in the yard especially when Mummy is watering the flowers. Sometimes she accidently squirts me with the hose and it makes me giggle but when she does it to Sasha, Sasha runs away very fast. I also have been playing in Nanny and Grandpa's back yard and I love it when Nanny puts me on a beach towel and pulls me around the is so much fun!!! I have also been playing a lot with my puzzle and when I get the wooden picture in the right spot I clap hands afterwards because I am just so clever!!! (Mummy forgot to tell you this Daddy!!!)
Today I am sure Mummy will tell me what we are doing because she is the boss of everything I do.......Im sure I will like it, (unless it is washing my face all day) because I hate having my face washed more than anything, maybe hate is too strong of a word for a 1 year old, as I am not supposed to hate anything yet, but I really, really, really, really, do not like having my face washed with a face cloth after I have eaten!!!!!
Bye Bye
Love Sophie
Goodness me, another week has gone by so fast in my short little life. On Monday it was Daddy's birthday and so I made sure I was extra good for him, so good, I wouldn't let him out of my sight and cried even when he went to have a shower. Also it was my Grand Pepere's 88th birthday not that long ago as well. I am wondering what his party would be like because I go to so many 1 year old party's, I have never been to an 88 year old party!!! Do they have fairy bread at an 88 year old party....... Daddy said, he really didin't think so and especailly not in Canada but maybe when I visit I will make Grand Pepere some fairy bread, because you should get to eat fairy bread even if you are 88!!!! Mummy told me today it is only 5 more sleeps till I turn 1 year old. I am very excited. Mummy and Daddy are having a party for me a few days after my birthday and lots of my friends are coming. I am so excited I can hardly sleep......Mummy says maybe excitement is the reason why I keep waking up in the night time!!!!NOT! Daddy had to go away to work again but he will come home before the party. I really miss him and still call out da da a lot and I make sure to look at his photo at least 50 times a day!!! I love playing outside in the yard especially when Mummy is watering the flowers. Sometimes she accidently squirts me with the hose and it makes me giggle but when she does it to Sasha, Sasha runs away very fast. I also have been playing in Nanny and Grandpa's back yard and I love it when Nanny puts me on a beach towel and pulls me around the is so much fun!!! I have also been playing a lot with my puzzle and when I get the wooden picture in the right spot I clap hands afterwards because I am just so clever!!! (Mummy forgot to tell you this Daddy!!!)
Today I am sure Mummy will tell me what we are doing because she is the boss of everything I do.......Im sure I will like it, (unless it is washing my face all day) because I hate having my face washed more than anything, maybe hate is too strong of a word for a 1 year old, as I am not supposed to hate anything yet, but I really, really, really, really, do not like having my face washed with a face cloth after I have eaten!!!!!
Bye Bye
Love Sophie
Thursday, October 16, 2003
Yesterday my Daddy came home and Mummy and I went to the Airport to pick him up. I waited right next to the big door that says "Arrivals" and whenever anybody came through I would say, "da da" and then look at Mummy and she would say, "No, thats not Daddy", then finally Daddy came through the doors and I was so stunned I forgot to say "dada", but I put my arms out to go to him straight away and then all the way home in the car I kept saying dadadadada over and over again!
Daddy bought me 2 new dolls from China and I love to carry them around the house with me and give them cuddles. Yesterday afternoon Daddy and Mummy took me to the beach and I loved to play in the sand....I even ate some but it was yucky!! Daddy put my feet in the water and it was very cold so we went back to the sand and I got sand all over me and I watched Sasha runnig up and down the beach. I think I am going to love the beach, just as much as Sasha!
Today is Charlie's birthday and he is having a party, I can hardly wait. I hope they have fairy bread. By the way Memere, Fairy Bread is white bread and butter with hundreds and thousands sprinkled on top which is very prettty to look at. Daddy said you dont have hundreds and thousands in Canada so I will get Mummy to take a picture of some fairy bread and send to you. Well, I better have a nap so I am in my best "party mood".
Bye Bye
Love Sophie
Yesterday my Daddy came home and Mummy and I went to the Airport to pick him up. I waited right next to the big door that says "Arrivals" and whenever anybody came through I would say, "da da" and then look at Mummy and she would say, "No, thats not Daddy", then finally Daddy came through the doors and I was so stunned I forgot to say "dada", but I put my arms out to go to him straight away and then all the way home in the car I kept saying dadadadada over and over again!
Daddy bought me 2 new dolls from China and I love to carry them around the house with me and give them cuddles. Yesterday afternoon Daddy and Mummy took me to the beach and I loved to play in the sand....I even ate some but it was yucky!! Daddy put my feet in the water and it was very cold so we went back to the sand and I got sand all over me and I watched Sasha runnig up and down the beach. I think I am going to love the beach, just as much as Sasha!
Today is Charlie's birthday and he is having a party, I can hardly wait. I hope they have fairy bread. By the way Memere, Fairy Bread is white bread and butter with hundreds and thousands sprinkled on top which is very prettty to look at. Daddy said you dont have hundreds and thousands in Canada so I will get Mummy to take a picture of some fairy bread and send to you. Well, I better have a nap so I am in my best "party mood".
Bye Bye
Love Sophie
Sunday, October 12, 2003
It has been a very fun week so fun I have forgotten to write in my diary!!! It was very warm and sunny last week so Mummy took me on lots of very long walks. We walked along the beach path and Mummy said when Daddy gets home we are going to take me to the beach. I havent been there yet, but I have looked at it and it looks like it is going to be so much fun, all that white and blue. The white (sand) looks like it would be nice to eat!!! Sometimes I get bored in my pram and I want to walk but Mummy says I have to stay in the pram because she walks very fast! On Wednesday it was my best friend Ella's birthday and she was one!!!! Mummy and I went to visit her and give her a present. I picked out a really nice book on sssh (fish) and Mummy picked out some very pretty clothes. She is going to look cute....just like me!! Ella was so nice as she let me play with the wrapping paper and empty boxes once she had opened her present, that is why she is my best friend!!! After we played in the backyard with all the balls and I liked to wheel Ella's new dolls pram around. Yesterday was her party and lots of kids were there for me to play with. I liked sitting at the little table and chairs and eating!!! I had some fairy bread, watermelon, pineapple, sausage roll and a chocolate crackle. I got cocoa all over my face and it was delicious. I even had a little taste of birthday cake and that was the yummiest thing I have ever eaten!!! When we came home I had a little sleep and then we went to Uncle John and Aunty Valeries house as it was also Johns Birthday. I had a good time exploring and playing but then I became very tired so we went home so I could go to sleep as it was a very big day for a little girl like me.
Guess what else, Mummy said Daddy is coming home in 3 more sleeps and we are going to pick him up at the airport. I am so excited I think I am going to run to him when I see him.
Bye for now,
It has been a very fun week so fun I have forgotten to write in my diary!!! It was very warm and sunny last week so Mummy took me on lots of very long walks. We walked along the beach path and Mummy said when Daddy gets home we are going to take me to the beach. I havent been there yet, but I have looked at it and it looks like it is going to be so much fun, all that white and blue. The white (sand) looks like it would be nice to eat!!! Sometimes I get bored in my pram and I want to walk but Mummy says I have to stay in the pram because she walks very fast! On Wednesday it was my best friend Ella's birthday and she was one!!!! Mummy and I went to visit her and give her a present. I picked out a really nice book on sssh (fish) and Mummy picked out some very pretty clothes. She is going to look cute....just like me!! Ella was so nice as she let me play with the wrapping paper and empty boxes once she had opened her present, that is why she is my best friend!!! After we played in the backyard with all the balls and I liked to wheel Ella's new dolls pram around. Yesterday was her party and lots of kids were there for me to play with. I liked sitting at the little table and chairs and eating!!! I had some fairy bread, watermelon, pineapple, sausage roll and a chocolate crackle. I got cocoa all over my face and it was delicious. I even had a little taste of birthday cake and that was the yummiest thing I have ever eaten!!! When we came home I had a little sleep and then we went to Uncle John and Aunty Valeries house as it was also Johns Birthday. I had a good time exploring and playing but then I became very tired so we went home so I could go to sleep as it was a very big day for a little girl like me.
Guess what else, Mummy said Daddy is coming home in 3 more sleeps and we are going to pick him up at the airport. I am so excited I think I am going to run to him when I see him.
Bye for now,
Sunday, October 05, 2003
I have been such a busy girl lately. On Saturday I went to Fremantle to meet Shelley and Zac and had a great time playing in the big park and also shopping a little with Mummy. I sat in my pram and watched all the colourful people walk old lady told Mummy I was a beautiful baby and Mummy said to me that was a very nice thing to say. So I played and played and played and ran after the seagulls...kind of for me anyway!! On the way home, I was asleep before Mummy even started the car to drive away!!!! Yesterday was the birthday party with all my friends who have a birthday near me. Mummy made a big yellow cake in the shape of a number one and it was very yummy! I got a jigsaw puzzle and some beach toys but was far more interested in the wrapping paper!!! I had some fairy bread and some fruit and played with my friends. When we came home I had a big sleep because I was so tired and then when I woke up we went to another party in a big green park called KIngs Park. I liked to walk everywhere and talk to all the people at the party. I found a big red ball and I would kick it along and chase after it with some other kids and then I would pick it up and run away with it. Mummy had to kep running after me because I am very fast now. I wish my Daddy was there as well becaus ehe would have been able to run faster than Mummy!!!
This morning on the TV I saw someone playing a guitar and I walked over to the TV and Said "DA DA", and then I looked at Mummy and said "da da???) Mummy said it wasn't Daddy but I thought it was because he was playing a guitar and it sounded like when Daddy plays his. Mummmy said I am very clever to think of Daddy when I hear a guitar. I hope he comes home soon.
Love Sophie
I have been such a busy girl lately. On Saturday I went to Fremantle to meet Shelley and Zac and had a great time playing in the big park and also shopping a little with Mummy. I sat in my pram and watched all the colourful people walk old lady told Mummy I was a beautiful baby and Mummy said to me that was a very nice thing to say. So I played and played and played and ran after the seagulls...kind of for me anyway!! On the way home, I was asleep before Mummy even started the car to drive away!!!! Yesterday was the birthday party with all my friends who have a birthday near me. Mummy made a big yellow cake in the shape of a number one and it was very yummy! I got a jigsaw puzzle and some beach toys but was far more interested in the wrapping paper!!! I had some fairy bread and some fruit and played with my friends. When we came home I had a big sleep because I was so tired and then when I woke up we went to another party in a big green park called KIngs Park. I liked to walk everywhere and talk to all the people at the party. I found a big red ball and I would kick it along and chase after it with some other kids and then I would pick it up and run away with it. Mummy had to kep running after me because I am very fast now. I wish my Daddy was there as well becaus ehe would have been able to run faster than Mummy!!!
This morning on the TV I saw someone playing a guitar and I walked over to the TV and Said "DA DA", and then I looked at Mummy and said "da da???) Mummy said it wasn't Daddy but I thought it was because he was playing a guitar and it sounded like when Daddy plays his. Mummmy said I am very clever to think of Daddy when I hear a guitar. I hope he comes home soon.
Love Sophie
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