Today I decided I wanted and early start on the day so I woke up at 5.45am. Funny thing is, Mummy didn't seem to pleased about it as she kept trying to get me back to sleep and I didn't want to because I wasn't tired anymore!!!! I did feel a bit grumpy by 7.30am though and had to go back to bed for a quick sleep. I went to Nanny and Granpas house to play for a bit and then I got tired again so had to have another sleep. After that, Mummy and I came home and played and read books. I like to look at pictures of fish and ducks and I can even say ....ssshhh for fish and duh for duck, sometimes if I try really hard I can say, uck for duck as well. We have to go to get groceries later and I can't wait for that as it is so much fun.
Bye bye
Love Sophie
Mostly all about Sophie and Luc, a couple of kids growing up in sunny Western Australia with their Aussie mum, Canadian (Can-Aussie) dad and Sadie the wonder puppy. Capturing the ordinary and extraordinary moments in life!
Tuesday, September 30, 2003
Sunday, September 28, 2003
Today I am 11 months old!!!! Mummy says she can't remember what it was like before I was here and that was only 11 months ago!!! Daddy rang today but I didn't get to listen to him because Mummmy said he was in a hurry.
My friend Ella came over to play today and we had great fun. I like to take toys off her. It just seems that whatever she picks up to play wiht I want it as well. I also tried to grab her drink bottle all the time and that made her very sad. Her Mummy is my Mummy's friend and her Mummy asked if I could show Ella how to walk because she is 1 year old in a few days and she doesn't know how yet. By the time Ella went home I had taught her how to do 8 steps all at once, but she is going to really need to practise because she was very wobbly!!!!
It is raining a lot today and that makes me sad because I love playing outside and I am not allowed when it is so rainy and then I get very bored inside so I am not sure what exciting things mummy has planned for this afternoon after my nap, but it better be good becauce I am a hard baby to please sometimes.
Bye Bye
Love Sophie
Today I am 11 months old!!!! Mummy says she can't remember what it was like before I was here and that was only 11 months ago!!! Daddy rang today but I didn't get to listen to him because Mummmy said he was in a hurry.
My friend Ella came over to play today and we had great fun. I like to take toys off her. It just seems that whatever she picks up to play wiht I want it as well. I also tried to grab her drink bottle all the time and that made her very sad. Her Mummy is my Mummy's friend and her Mummy asked if I could show Ella how to walk because she is 1 year old in a few days and she doesn't know how yet. By the time Ella went home I had taught her how to do 8 steps all at once, but she is going to really need to practise because she was very wobbly!!!!
It is raining a lot today and that makes me sad because I love playing outside and I am not allowed when it is so rainy and then I get very bored inside so I am not sure what exciting things mummy has planned for this afternoon after my nap, but it better be good becauce I am a hard baby to please sometimes.
Bye Bye
Love Sophie
Today is Aunty Jane and Cousin Justin's birthday. Mummy said Justin is 2 years and that is only 1 year more than I am going to be next month. Mummy didn't say how old Aunty Jane is but it is a lot more than 2 I think because she is a grown up!!!!!!! I hope they both have great days!!!
I am a little bit sad today because daddy has gone to China to work for 2 weeks. Daddy said he had to go and make some money so he could buy me a toy for my birthday which is almost soon as well. I am so sad he is not here to play with me and make me laugh. I carry his little passsport photo around with me and say da da da da a lot. I already miss him a lot!
Yesterday I went to my first birthday party. It was my friend Jordan's birthday abd she was 1 year old. I had my first taste of a very yummy sweet thing called cake. It was the best thing I have ever eaten but mummy only let me have a small bite and I wanted more so I cried but only for a few seconds. Mummy said I was going to be going to so many birthdays this month and I would probably be able to try lots more cake so I am very excited about that!!!!! I had so much fun at Jordan's house and she had lots of great new toys that I really liked to play with and there were also lots of other kids like me there so it was the best day!!!!
Today was warm day and I liked playing outside with Sasha. She lets me get the ball and then drop it so she can catch it. This is our favourite game to play.
Bye for now,
Love Sophie
Today is Aunty Jane and Cousin Justin's birthday. Mummy said Justin is 2 years and that is only 1 year more than I am going to be next month. Mummy didn't say how old Aunty Jane is but it is a lot more than 2 I think because she is a grown up!!!!!!! I hope they both have great days!!!
I am a little bit sad today because daddy has gone to China to work for 2 weeks. Daddy said he had to go and make some money so he could buy me a toy for my birthday which is almost soon as well. I am so sad he is not here to play with me and make me laugh. I carry his little passsport photo around with me and say da da da da a lot. I already miss him a lot!
Yesterday I went to my first birthday party. It was my friend Jordan's birthday abd she was 1 year old. I had my first taste of a very yummy sweet thing called cake. It was the best thing I have ever eaten but mummy only let me have a small bite and I wanted more so I cried but only for a few seconds. Mummy said I was going to be going to so many birthdays this month and I would probably be able to try lots more cake so I am very excited about that!!!!! I had so much fun at Jordan's house and she had lots of great new toys that I really liked to play with and there were also lots of other kids like me there so it was the best day!!!!
Today was warm day and I liked playing outside with Sasha. She lets me get the ball and then drop it so she can catch it. This is our favourite game to play.
Bye for now,
Love Sophie
Sunday, September 21, 2003
Yesterday Mummy had to go out with some of her friends as one of them is getting married. I didn't want to go because I find it very boring and Mummy said no other babies were going to be there anyway, but Daddy was still not feeling very well. Mummy said Nanny and Grandpa were going to look after me so I was very excited. They took me to visit Aunty Valerie and Uncle John and I showed them how I can walk. I also climbed up and down 3 stairs and they were very impressed. On the way home, we stopped to pick Mummy up at the restaurant and Nanny told Mummy that I had been a very good little girl!!!! I gave Mummy one of my..."I am always a good girl looks"!!!!
When we came home I played a little bit with Daddy and then I played in the shower for a while before getting in my pyjamas and going to bed. I always know when it is time for bed is always after I have milk. When I finish my milk I just sit up and wave bye bye and then Mummy puts me in bed.
I am very happy because tomorrow my friends are coming to my place to play and Daddy will be home and he is going to meet all my friends for the first time. I wonder if they can all walk as well now??? I will tell you all about it tomorrow.
Love Sophie
Yesterday Mummy had to go out with some of her friends as one of them is getting married. I didn't want to go because I find it very boring and Mummy said no other babies were going to be there anyway, but Daddy was still not feeling very well. Mummy said Nanny and Grandpa were going to look after me so I was very excited. They took me to visit Aunty Valerie and Uncle John and I showed them how I can walk. I also climbed up and down 3 stairs and they were very impressed. On the way home, we stopped to pick Mummy up at the restaurant and Nanny told Mummy that I had been a very good little girl!!!! I gave Mummy one of my..."I am always a good girl looks"!!!!
When we came home I played a little bit with Daddy and then I played in the shower for a while before getting in my pyjamas and going to bed. I always know when it is time for bed is always after I have milk. When I finish my milk I just sit up and wave bye bye and then Mummy puts me in bed.
I am very happy because tomorrow my friends are coming to my place to play and Daddy will be home and he is going to meet all my friends for the first time. I wonder if they can all walk as well now??? I will tell you all about it tomorrow.
Love Sophie
Thursday, September 18, 2003
Yesterday Daddy took me out for coffee!!!! Of course I don't drink coffee, just in case you were wondering.........I had some apple pieces instead. Daddy's friend Nigel came as well and they had a great time showing me off and lots of girls stopped by me to tell Daddy how gorgeous I was. Even Nigel was asking Daddy if he could borrow me some times becasue I sure do attract a lot of nice looking girls!!!!! After that we went to a beautiful park with lots of green grass and I liked to chase the birds and ducks. These are the first ducks I have seen in real life!!! Normally I see them in my books and Mummy always points to them and says..."Whats that???" So then I say..."duh", silly mummy doesn't know what they are because she is always asking me. Come to think of it, mummy doesn't really know many animals because she always asks me "what is it" and tries to get me to say it!!!!
After that we came home as Daddy said he didn't feel very well, so then I played with my walker and walked all over the house with it. I am really fast and I can turn corners as well. Sometimes I like to find Daddy's wallet and then I love to pull all the cards out of them and then I hang onto all the little bits of paper I find in there and put them in little hiding spots all over the house.
Bye Bye
Love Sophie
Yesterday Daddy took me out for coffee!!!! Of course I don't drink coffee, just in case you were wondering.........I had some apple pieces instead. Daddy's friend Nigel came as well and they had a great time showing me off and lots of girls stopped by me to tell Daddy how gorgeous I was. Even Nigel was asking Daddy if he could borrow me some times becasue I sure do attract a lot of nice looking girls!!!!! After that we went to a beautiful park with lots of green grass and I liked to chase the birds and ducks. These are the first ducks I have seen in real life!!! Normally I see them in my books and Mummy always points to them and says..."Whats that???" So then I say..."duh", silly mummy doesn't know what they are because she is always asking me. Come to think of it, mummy doesn't really know many animals because she always asks me "what is it" and tries to get me to say it!!!!
After that we came home as Daddy said he didn't feel very well, so then I played with my walker and walked all over the house with it. I am really fast and I can turn corners as well. Sometimes I like to find Daddy's wallet and then I love to pull all the cards out of them and then I hang onto all the little bits of paper I find in there and put them in little hiding spots all over the house.
Bye Bye
Love Sophie
Sunday, September 14, 2003
Aunty Jane would like to know why Sophie has been a little bit slack in writing in her diary?
Now that she is walking i guess it is much more exciting wandering around than sitting behing the computer screen! Is that right Sophie?
Anyway we hope Sophie will be returning soon to tell us of all her amazing adventures,
Love Aunty Jane
Aunty Jane would like to know why Sophie has been a little bit slack in writing in her diary?
Now that she is walking i guess it is much more exciting wandering around than sitting behing the computer screen! Is that right Sophie?
Anyway we hope Sophie will be returning soon to tell us of all her amazing adventures,
Love Aunty Jane
Well, it has been a very long time since I wrote in my diary. To all my avid readers I am very sorry, but I have been such a busy girl!!! Firstly, I went on holiday with Mummy and Daddy and it was great fun. I even liked the long drive in the car and didn't complain was a bit different on the way home and I let Mummy and daddy know I was not happy abpout sitting in my car seat with lots of yelling and crying!!!! In Pemberton, Daddy worked in the daytimes so Mummy took me on very long walks into the forest and sometimes into the town. I saw lots of pretty coloured birds and lots and lots and lots of trees!!!! Then we would have lunch with Daddy and then after lunch Mummy would play with me and we would go on another big long walk....usually it was the same walk as we did in the moning time as Mummy said we had to look for the socks that I kept losing by throwing them out of my pram. In one week I lost 3 pairs of socks...just one sock from each set!!! Mummmy said next time she will put odd socks on me and then when I lose one at least I will have a Mummy is very clever sometimes!!!
It was nice when we got home to our house and I really liked to see my bedroom again. Last Sunday was Fathers Day and I bought Daddy a jean jacket and he said I have such good taste for a little baby!!! I even picked a nice card as well...that was easy as Mummy just held me in front of all the cards and whichever one I picked first she bought. I am a very good shopper!!!
Anyway, I've been saving my best news for last.....I can WALK!!!!!! I just stood up on my own and I was off. I know I have been able to take a few steps for a while but now when I fall over I just get back up again and keep on walking. I am so clever!! I showed all my friends how to do it as well and even they thought I was clever. Oh yeah, and I also now have 6 teeth!!!!! Well, I will write more tomorrow.
Bye Bye
Love Sophie
Well, it has been a very long time since I wrote in my diary. To all my avid readers I am very sorry, but I have been such a busy girl!!! Firstly, I went on holiday with Mummy and Daddy and it was great fun. I even liked the long drive in the car and didn't complain was a bit different on the way home and I let Mummy and daddy know I was not happy abpout sitting in my car seat with lots of yelling and crying!!!! In Pemberton, Daddy worked in the daytimes so Mummy took me on very long walks into the forest and sometimes into the town. I saw lots of pretty coloured birds and lots and lots and lots of trees!!!! Then we would have lunch with Daddy and then after lunch Mummy would play with me and we would go on another big long walk....usually it was the same walk as we did in the moning time as Mummy said we had to look for the socks that I kept losing by throwing them out of my pram. In one week I lost 3 pairs of socks...just one sock from each set!!! Mummmy said next time she will put odd socks on me and then when I lose one at least I will have a Mummy is very clever sometimes!!!
It was nice when we got home to our house and I really liked to see my bedroom again. Last Sunday was Fathers Day and I bought Daddy a jean jacket and he said I have such good taste for a little baby!!! I even picked a nice card as well...that was easy as Mummy just held me in front of all the cards and whichever one I picked first she bought. I am a very good shopper!!!
Anyway, I've been saving my best news for last.....I can WALK!!!!!! I just stood up on my own and I was off. I know I have been able to take a few steps for a while but now when I fall over I just get back up again and keep on walking. I am so clever!! I showed all my friends how to do it as well and even they thought I was clever. Oh yeah, and I also now have 6 teeth!!!!! Well, I will write more tomorrow.
Bye Bye
Love Sophie
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