onight we went to Aunty Jane's house and watched a very important football game. It was Eagles versus Fremantle and Fremantle won so Granddad and Nanny are not going to be very happy about that as they love the Eagles!!! My friend Jordan was there and it was so good to see her. We both got very tired and had to have a sleep and then Mummy and Daddy came and got me to take me home. Tommorow we are going on a holiday and we have to go in the car for 5 hours. Mummy and Daddy are very nervous about me going in the car for that long as I normally get very bored after 1 hour....oh well we will see what happens. Mummy said we are going to see reallly tall trees....the tallest trees I have ever seen in my whole life....(that is a whole 10 months in case you have forgotten) Its going to be great fun!!! Sasha has to stay with Nanny and Grand dad as she is not allowed to come with us. I am going to really, really miss her !!!!
I will write all about it when I get home in a week,
Lots of love
Mostly all about Sophie and Luc, a couple of kids growing up in sunny Western Australia with their Aussie mum, Canadian (Can-Aussie) dad and Sadie the wonder puppy. Capturing the ordinary and extraordinary moments in life!
Saturday, August 30, 2003
Tuesday, August 26, 2003
Yesterday Mummy and I and Ella and her Mummy went for a really long walk so that we could play at Charlie's house. Sasha also came with and she ran next to my pram and not Ella's because she is MY sister!!!! Sometimes Mummy had to stop as I kept throwing my hat onto the pavement and then Sasha would stop and wait as well. It was a really, really long way and when we got to Charlies I had lunch. I had pumpkin soup and bread and some apple and had great fun playing with my friends. I tried to show them how to take some steps so they could be as clever as me but they were't very interested. Ella and I are trying to teach Charlie to crawl because he doesn't know how or maybe he is just happy to watch Ella and I crawl around. Sometimes we go and get him toys to play with. Then Madeleine came as well and guess what everybody her hair is now long enough to have a little clip in it......I cant wait till I can wear one in my hair when it is long enough. Charlie's hair is long but his Mummy hasn't put one in his hair yet....Im not sure why!!! We listened to our Mummies talk about our birthdays because Madeleine is going to be 1 in 2 weeks and it sounds like it is going to be so much fun.
Then we had to do the really long walk home and I fell asleep on the way because I was so tired.
Bye Bye
Love Sophie
Yesterday Mummy and I and Ella and her Mummy went for a really long walk so that we could play at Charlie's house. Sasha also came with and she ran next to my pram and not Ella's because she is MY sister!!!! Sometimes Mummy had to stop as I kept throwing my hat onto the pavement and then Sasha would stop and wait as well. It was a really, really long way and when we got to Charlies I had lunch. I had pumpkin soup and bread and some apple and had great fun playing with my friends. I tried to show them how to take some steps so they could be as clever as me but they were't very interested. Ella and I are trying to teach Charlie to crawl because he doesn't know how or maybe he is just happy to watch Ella and I crawl around. Sometimes we go and get him toys to play with. Then Madeleine came as well and guess what everybody her hair is now long enough to have a little clip in it......I cant wait till I can wear one in my hair when it is long enough. Charlie's hair is long but his Mummy hasn't put one in his hair yet....Im not sure why!!! We listened to our Mummies talk about our birthdays because Madeleine is going to be 1 in 2 weeks and it sounds like it is going to be so much fun.
Then we had to do the really long walk home and I fell asleep on the way because I was so tired.
Bye Bye
Love Sophie
Monday, August 25, 2003
Mummy has been so busy lately and hasn't been able to help me type in my diary. She says it is because I am like a "mini cyclone" now and can destroy a room in minutes and then she has to tidy it all up again. ( What is a cyclone???) Sometimes I try to help her clean up and when she puts all my books back on the bookshelf, I pull them all down again. I also empty all the toys out of my toybox right after she has picked them up as well. Its a game I like to play with Mummy and I can tell she just loves it as well!!! Another of my new favourite game is to throw all the food that Mummy gives me to eat from my highchair onto the floor. The more times I throw it over, the more Mummy gives me more food to throw....its so much fun especially when Sasha waits at the botom to catch things. I now have 5 teeth. I got my latest new one on Saturday and I think I have another one about to arrive soon as well because my gums have been very sore lately and this makes me unhappy. Today I also took 7 steps on my own and walked to Mummy. I got so excited for the last 2 steps that I fell onto her and then I giggle a lot because it was so exciting. Soon I will be able to run as well. Today when my Daddy came home he told Mummy he had to study a lot so I tried to help him by making lots of noises and being as cute as possible but Daddy said that it was pretty hard to concentrate with me saying "ba ba ba ba ba ba " over and over again so then I started banging toys on the floor as they make such a great sound. Then Mummy took me to have my bath as she said my efforts were not very appreciated. (What does appreciated mean???? ) Tomorrow we are going to visit my friends so I will write and tell you all about it.
Lots of love
Mummy has been so busy lately and hasn't been able to help me type in my diary. She says it is because I am like a "mini cyclone" now and can destroy a room in minutes and then she has to tidy it all up again. ( What is a cyclone???) Sometimes I try to help her clean up and when she puts all my books back on the bookshelf, I pull them all down again. I also empty all the toys out of my toybox right after she has picked them up as well. Its a game I like to play with Mummy and I can tell she just loves it as well!!! Another of my new favourite game is to throw all the food that Mummy gives me to eat from my highchair onto the floor. The more times I throw it over, the more Mummy gives me more food to throw....its so much fun especially when Sasha waits at the botom to catch things. I now have 5 teeth. I got my latest new one on Saturday and I think I have another one about to arrive soon as well because my gums have been very sore lately and this makes me unhappy. Today I also took 7 steps on my own and walked to Mummy. I got so excited for the last 2 steps that I fell onto her and then I giggle a lot because it was so exciting. Soon I will be able to run as well. Today when my Daddy came home he told Mummy he had to study a lot so I tried to help him by making lots of noises and being as cute as possible but Daddy said that it was pretty hard to concentrate with me saying "ba ba ba ba ba ba " over and over again so then I started banging toys on the floor as they make such a great sound. Then Mummy took me to have my bath as she said my efforts were not very appreciated. (What does appreciated mean???? ) Tomorrow we are going to visit my friends so I will write and tell you all about it.
Lots of love
Wednesday, August 20, 2003
Sorry i have not written in my diary for so many moons. Aunty Jane is helping me as mummy and daddy are busy. We have new floor! This means lots of space for me to crawl around on - all shiny and clean. We have new carpet too - won't be long before i mess it up though, although i don't think mummy will EVER let me near the carpet with food.
Daddy took some black and white photos of me the other day in the bath and i look just adorable. We will try and send some soon and maybe Aunty Jane will post them on the web.
At the moment i am at family dinner. Aunty Em and Uncle Carl are here too. Daddy stayed behind as he has a very important exam and I have been getting in his way at study time (like with my noise and stuff)!
I will write more soon,
Sophie (with Aunty Jane's help!)
Sorry i have not written in my diary for so many moons. Aunty Jane is helping me as mummy and daddy are busy. We have new floor! This means lots of space for me to crawl around on - all shiny and clean. We have new carpet too - won't be long before i mess it up though, although i don't think mummy will EVER let me near the carpet with food.
Daddy took some black and white photos of me the other day in the bath and i look just adorable. We will try and send some soon and maybe Aunty Jane will post them on the web.
At the moment i am at family dinner. Aunty Em and Uncle Carl are here too. Daddy stayed behind as he has a very important exam and I have been getting in his way at study time (like with my noise and stuff)!
I will write more soon,
Sophie (with Aunty Jane's help!)
Sunday, August 10, 2003
Finally 2 new teeth arrived on Sunday morning. I now have 2 up the top and 2 down the bottom!!
on Saturday Mummy and I went shopping with Aunty Jane and she bought me my very first pair of sunglasses. They are bright pink and very groovy....(just like Aunty Jane!) and I look so cool in them. The pharmacist had told Mummy it is very important to get babies wearing sunglasses as early as possible so the harmful sun rays don't hurt my eyes but Mummy also says I am very fashionable as well!!! We also bought some for my friend Ella as she is going on holidays soon to a very hot place so she can protect her little eyes as well.
Today is my Nanny's birthday and she is having a litle party this afternoon with her friends and I am going as well. I bought her some flowers and a little book but Mummy helped me pick them out. (Mummy had to also lend me the money because I didn't have any!!!!) Daddy is coming to the party as well so it is going to be great. Hopefully I don't get too tired because when that happens, I get really really grumpy!!!
I better go and have a nap if I am to be at my best this afternoon.
Bye for now,
Love Sophie
Finally 2 new teeth arrived on Sunday morning. I now have 2 up the top and 2 down the bottom!!
on Saturday Mummy and I went shopping with Aunty Jane and she bought me my very first pair of sunglasses. They are bright pink and very groovy....(just like Aunty Jane!) and I look so cool in them. The pharmacist had told Mummy it is very important to get babies wearing sunglasses as early as possible so the harmful sun rays don't hurt my eyes but Mummy also says I am very fashionable as well!!! We also bought some for my friend Ella as she is going on holidays soon to a very hot place so she can protect her little eyes as well.
Today is my Nanny's birthday and she is having a litle party this afternoon with her friends and I am going as well. I bought her some flowers and a little book but Mummy helped me pick them out. (Mummy had to also lend me the money because I didn't have any!!!!) Daddy is coming to the party as well so it is going to be great. Hopefully I don't get too tired because when that happens, I get really really grumpy!!!
I better go and have a nap if I am to be at my best this afternoon.
Bye for now,
Love Sophie
Wednesday, August 06, 2003
I have some new tricks. The first one is, whenever anyone says"Bonjour" to me, I wave my hand at them. Daddy has also taught me how to tap his hand, he tells me in French to tap his hand and I do it because I am so clever. Mummy has been trying to teach me to clap hands for 3 months and Daddy teaches me in one day how to pat his hand. Mummy thinks she may need to tell me in French how to clap because so far I am only understanding French. Mummy said I have been a very good baby and I am growing too fast. I am now 9 months old and 1 week and I weigh 7.9 kilos (17 pound 9 ounces) and am 70 cm tall. I can take 4 steps and I can walk around the house with my little walker. I can say mum mum and da da and babba and a whole lot more noises that don't really mean anything. My favourite game is "Peek a boo" and "This Little Piggy" and I love getting tickled and chased. I love reading my books and turning the pages and my favourite foods are vegemite or avocado sandwiches, rockmelon, yoghurt, apples, and little broccoli trees!!!! When I don't want anymore of my dinner I love to throw it on the floor for Sasha to eat. (Sasha doesn't like broccoli !!!!) I STILL only have 2 teeth although Mummy keeps saying....any day now there will be more, I really could do with a few more to help me chew steak like Daddy!!!!
Lots of love Sophie
I have some new tricks. The first one is, whenever anyone says"Bonjour" to me, I wave my hand at them. Daddy has also taught me how to tap his hand, he tells me in French to tap his hand and I do it because I am so clever. Mummy has been trying to teach me to clap hands for 3 months and Daddy teaches me in one day how to pat his hand. Mummy thinks she may need to tell me in French how to clap because so far I am only understanding French. Mummy said I have been a very good baby and I am growing too fast. I am now 9 months old and 1 week and I weigh 7.9 kilos (17 pound 9 ounces) and am 70 cm tall. I can take 4 steps and I can walk around the house with my little walker. I can say mum mum and da da and babba and a whole lot more noises that don't really mean anything. My favourite game is "Peek a boo" and "This Little Piggy" and I love getting tickled and chased. I love reading my books and turning the pages and my favourite foods are vegemite or avocado sandwiches, rockmelon, yoghurt, apples, and little broccoli trees!!!! When I don't want anymore of my dinner I love to throw it on the floor for Sasha to eat. (Sasha doesn't like broccoli !!!!) I STILL only have 2 teeth although Mummy keeps saying....any day now there will be more, I really could do with a few more to help me chew steak like Daddy!!!!
Lots of love Sophie
Saturday, August 02, 2003
Mummy has not been feeling very well and so couldn't write my diary for me and I thought it best to not play on the computer while she was sick and Daddy was just busy looking after me. I was so happy to see Daddy last Sunday morning and we had so much fun playing and giggling, but then on Monday Mummy got Tonsillitis and a virus......I hope I don't get it because she had to stay in bed all day and I would really hate to have to do that. It was funny when Daddy looked after me because he does things different to Mummy. He doesn't make very good rice cereal in the morning, but he makes very nice vegemite and toast!! Also, he is not very good at making sure my clothes are colour co ordinated and sometimes he had to dress me a few times before he got it right. Luckily, Mummy was sick enough to not even worry about that kind of thing!! Also when he feeds me he always forgets to put the bib on me and then after I eat I often have to get dressed again. I dont know if Mummy has noticed but there sure is a lot of washing to be done now! Apart from that he did a very very good job as I was always warm and fed and having lots of fun and Mummy said to him....that is the main thing!!! When Mummy was better we went to a big store and bought a camera that makes movies so I have been a little actress and posing lots for the camera. We are making a movie of me for my Memere and Pepere and all my other lovely Canadian relatives and they will be all so impressed with my acting skills as well as my other talents. I can now take 4 steps all by myself!!!!
Bye Bye
Love Sophie
Mummy has not been feeling very well and so couldn't write my diary for me and I thought it best to not play on the computer while she was sick and Daddy was just busy looking after me. I was so happy to see Daddy last Sunday morning and we had so much fun playing and giggling, but then on Monday Mummy got Tonsillitis and a virus......I hope I don't get it because she had to stay in bed all day and I would really hate to have to do that. It was funny when Daddy looked after me because he does things different to Mummy. He doesn't make very good rice cereal in the morning, but he makes very nice vegemite and toast!! Also, he is not very good at making sure my clothes are colour co ordinated and sometimes he had to dress me a few times before he got it right. Luckily, Mummy was sick enough to not even worry about that kind of thing!! Also when he feeds me he always forgets to put the bib on me and then after I eat I often have to get dressed again. I dont know if Mummy has noticed but there sure is a lot of washing to be done now! Apart from that he did a very very good job as I was always warm and fed and having lots of fun and Mummy said to him....that is the main thing!!! When Mummy was better we went to a big store and bought a camera that makes movies so I have been a little actress and posing lots for the camera. We are making a movie of me for my Memere and Pepere and all my other lovely Canadian relatives and they will be all so impressed with my acting skills as well as my other talents. I can now take 4 steps all by myself!!!!
Bye Bye
Love Sophie
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