I just realised I haven't written in my diary for a little while . This week, I have been to a place called "Go Bananas", it is a indoor play centre for litle people like me except when we went there on Tuesday, I didn't want to leave Mummy's side and I also didn't want to play with anyone even though all my friends were there. I did manage to lose Mummy's car keys though. Luckily Mummy had a spare set with her but unfortunately she didn't know they were lost until the next day and so far they haven't turned up. This week I have felt a little bit grumpy. I am dribbling a lot and really am not in the mood to play on my own and I really prefer it when I can see my Mummy. I don't even like it if she goes into another room. Twice this week in Creche I cried so loud the lady had to go and get Mummy but then I saw her and I was all better again. Mummy said Daddy is coming home tomorrow and I am very excited about that. I have some new tricks to show him, like how I can wave bye bye. I can wave with both hands except when I wave with my left hand I always bang my ear at the same time.....I don't know why, but Mummy said it is pretty funny!!! I can also stand up for even longer and have even taken a couple of will be so impressed!!!
Bye Bye
Love Sophie
Mostly all about Sophie and Luc, a couple of kids growing up in sunny Western Australia with their Aussie mum, Canadian (Can-Aussie) dad and Sadie the wonder puppy. Capturing the ordinary and extraordinary moments in life!
Thursday, July 24, 2003
Monday, July 21, 2003
On Saturday night, Mummy's friend Stephanie and her baby Lenny came over to stay for the night. Lenny is 5 weeks younger but a lot bigger than me and we had lots of fun playing. We even had a bath together!!!!! I splashed him a lot but he didn't like it very much and he cried but I was just trying to have fun. After our bath we played on the carpet and Mummy says I am just like "Little Miss Nosy" because whenever Lenny had something in his hands to play with I would want it and I would go and get it off him. He doesn't know how to crawl yet so It was really easy to get away with it. Mummy said I will have to be careful because one day Lenny is going to be a lot bigger and stronger than me and he will get me back!!!
Today I have been practising my walking and I can now wheel my little walker and walk behind for a few steps before falling over. Also I am a very fast crawler and can crawl all over the house in no time at all. Mummy thinks she should put cloths on my knees and elbows and then I could clean the floor!!!
Mummy told Daddy he better come home soon as I might start walking on y very own and he doesn't want to miss that and besides I can't wait to see him again.
Bye bye
Love Sophie
On Saturday night, Mummy's friend Stephanie and her baby Lenny came over to stay for the night. Lenny is 5 weeks younger but a lot bigger than me and we had lots of fun playing. We even had a bath together!!!!! I splashed him a lot but he didn't like it very much and he cried but I was just trying to have fun. After our bath we played on the carpet and Mummy says I am just like "Little Miss Nosy" because whenever Lenny had something in his hands to play with I would want it and I would go and get it off him. He doesn't know how to crawl yet so It was really easy to get away with it. Mummy said I will have to be careful because one day Lenny is going to be a lot bigger and stronger than me and he will get me back!!!
Today I have been practising my walking and I can now wheel my little walker and walk behind for a few steps before falling over. Also I am a very fast crawler and can crawl all over the house in no time at all. Mummy thinks she should put cloths on my knees and elbows and then I could clean the floor!!!
Mummy told Daddy he better come home soon as I might start walking on y very own and he doesn't want to miss that and besides I can't wait to see him again.
Bye bye
Love Sophie
Friday, July 18, 2003
Today is a very sunny day but still very cold. Mummy is going to take me for a walk along the beach and Sasha can come as well. Yesterday we walked to my friend Will's house and I played with Ella, Jayde and Ben as well. I liked to climb up 2 stairs and then turn around and climb back down. I did this over and over again and it was so much fun. When we walked back to our house I fell asleep in my pram because I was so worn out. Daddy phoned to talk to me yesterday and I like to listen to him, he makes me smile. I am standing up all the time now and I can also bend down and pick a toy up and still be standing up.....I am so clever!!!!! I can also take a step towards Mummy when she puts her arms out. I have to go now as Mummy said we have to go to buy some groceries...yay, that is so much fun!!!
Bye Bye
Love Sophie
Today is a very sunny day but still very cold. Mummy is going to take me for a walk along the beach and Sasha can come as well. Yesterday we walked to my friend Will's house and I played with Ella, Jayde and Ben as well. I liked to climb up 2 stairs and then turn around and climb back down. I did this over and over again and it was so much fun. When we walked back to our house I fell asleep in my pram because I was so worn out. Daddy phoned to talk to me yesterday and I like to listen to him, he makes me smile. I am standing up all the time now and I can also bend down and pick a toy up and still be standing up.....I am so clever!!!!! I can also take a step towards Mummy when she puts her arms out. I have to go now as Mummy said we have to go to buy some groceries...yay, that is so much fun!!!
Bye Bye
Love Sophie
Wednesday, July 16, 2003
Yesterday was the coldest day in Perth for the last 21 years, very very cold it was. I heard Mummy tell Daddy on the phone ( because he is still in Vietnam...wherever that is!!!) that it was 2 degrees overnight and only reached 12 degrees during the day. Anyway, I hardly noticed as I was warm and cosy playing inside but in the afternoon Mummy took me for a walk to say hello to the flowers and the lemon tree in the backyard and I had to wear a warm hat on my head. This morning I had very messy hair as it is growing and Mummy said soon I will be able to wear a ribbon in it. Mummy has to brush it in the morning and I like to close my eyes while she does it because it feels very funny. I am really missing my Daddy an I can't wait for him to come home.
Love Sophie
Yesterday was the coldest day in Perth for the last 21 years, very very cold it was. I heard Mummy tell Daddy on the phone ( because he is still in Vietnam...wherever that is!!!) that it was 2 degrees overnight and only reached 12 degrees during the day. Anyway, I hardly noticed as I was warm and cosy playing inside but in the afternoon Mummy took me for a walk to say hello to the flowers and the lemon tree in the backyard and I had to wear a warm hat on my head. This morning I had very messy hair as it is growing and Mummy said soon I will be able to wear a ribbon in it. Mummy has to brush it in the morning and I like to close my eyes while she does it because it feels very funny. I am really missing my Daddy an I can't wait for him to come home.
Love Sophie
Sunday, July 13, 2003
Well, Mummy and I had a nice relaxing weekend. It is still raining lots and lots and when it is not raining, Mummy takes Sasha and I to the park, that is now my favourite time of the day. There is just so much to look at and I sit up staight and take it all in. Sometimes Mummy goes really fast and Sasha runs along beside us and it's even harder to look at everything because everything goes by so much faster...(that's because my Mummy is such a fast runner!!!!) I started waving at everything as well. Usually I wave though long after the people who have been waving at me have gone and sometimes I sit in the lounge room and wave at Sasha sitting outside the window. Aunty Jane stayed over on Saturday night and I made her giggle at me because I can do very funny facial expressions. I have also been eating lots of different things as well. On Friday Mummy gave me a piece of steak thinking that I would just suck the good juices out of it and she said for a little baby with only 2 teeth I sure did give it a good chomping on and it was barely recognisable when she took it back......too much information, I know!!!!!
Bye Bye
Love Sophie
Well, Mummy and I had a nice relaxing weekend. It is still raining lots and lots and when it is not raining, Mummy takes Sasha and I to the park, that is now my favourite time of the day. There is just so much to look at and I sit up staight and take it all in. Sometimes Mummy goes really fast and Sasha runs along beside us and it's even harder to look at everything because everything goes by so much faster...(that's because my Mummy is such a fast runner!!!!) I started waving at everything as well. Usually I wave though long after the people who have been waving at me have gone and sometimes I sit in the lounge room and wave at Sasha sitting outside the window. Aunty Jane stayed over on Saturday night and I made her giggle at me because I can do very funny facial expressions. I have also been eating lots of different things as well. On Friday Mummy gave me a piece of steak thinking that I would just suck the good juices out of it and she said for a little baby with only 2 teeth I sure did give it a good chomping on and it was barely recognisable when she took it back......too much information, I know!!!!!
Bye Bye
Love Sophie
Thursday, July 10, 2003
Today I was sad as Daddy has to go away to work again. He has gone to Vietnam......not sure where it is but it sounds far away!. So it is just Mummy and I again for a little while....oh yeah, and Sash, but she is a dog and Mummy says dogs are lower down on the scale from Mummy's and babies and Sash needs to remember she is a dog and not a human sometimes!!!! Today I went on my first ever train ride into the city. It was pouring with rain and windy as well but Mummy and I went on the train and it was fun. I sat in my pram the whole way in and tried to get the lady sitting next to Mummy to look at me by pulling the best of my cutest faces at her.....although she didn't say, I think she thought I was the cutest baby she had ever seen!!!!!!!! We went walking about the city and I looked at so many interesting things, lots of kids running around, lots of shops, lots of rain, more rain and even more rain!!!! I was all rugged up in my pram and was very cosy and didn't get wet from the rain once. On the way home another baby like me was sitting next to us on the train, and her name was Josie and she tried to grab my ears and her Daddy told her to "be gentle!!!!......what is "gentle"...I hear it all the time as Mummy and Daddy always say to me "Be gentle"...I don't know what it is , anyway, Josie didn't know either, oh well, it must not be very important because how do they expect us babies to understand anyway!!!!
So that was a pretty fun day and I am so tired from my big excursion.
Bye Bye
Love Sophie
Today I was sad as Daddy has to go away to work again. He has gone to Vietnam......not sure where it is but it sounds far away!. So it is just Mummy and I again for a little while....oh yeah, and Sash, but she is a dog and Mummy says dogs are lower down on the scale from Mummy's and babies and Sash needs to remember she is a dog and not a human sometimes!!!! Today I went on my first ever train ride into the city. It was pouring with rain and windy as well but Mummy and I went on the train and it was fun. I sat in my pram the whole way in and tried to get the lady sitting next to Mummy to look at me by pulling the best of my cutest faces at her.....although she didn't say, I think she thought I was the cutest baby she had ever seen!!!!!!!! We went walking about the city and I looked at so many interesting things, lots of kids running around, lots of shops, lots of rain, more rain and even more rain!!!! I was all rugged up in my pram and was very cosy and didn't get wet from the rain once. On the way home another baby like me was sitting next to us on the train, and her name was Josie and she tried to grab my ears and her Daddy told her to "be gentle!!!!......what is "gentle"...I hear it all the time as Mummy and Daddy always say to me "Be gentle"...I don't know what it is , anyway, Josie didn't know either, oh well, it must not be very important because how do they expect us babies to understand anyway!!!!
So that was a pretty fun day and I am so tired from my big excursion.
Bye Bye
Love Sophie
Sunday, July 06, 2003
I have been a very good baby even though I have had a very runny nose. Daddy took me to a guitar shop on Saturday and all the workers in there said I was very cute but Daddy had to hold me because I wanted to play with all the guitars everywhere but Daddy said they are not for little babies like me to play with and I could only just look at them. It is fun having Daddy home and I like to now be very adventurous and crawl all over the house to find him. Before, I would only crawl around in the room that Mummy and Daddy were in, but I have discovered a whole new world out there......outside of where they place me to play!!! I have noticed that wherever I go, they follow me anyway, so it is a great new game. Last night I stayed over at Nan and Grandpa's house and I slept through the whole night....(not sure why Mummy thinks that is such a big deal!!!!) I listened to the lovely music and played with Nan's knitting bag and lot's of other little things they always give me to play with. Today Mummy said she is going to take me for a walk along the beach as it is the only day in a long time where rain isn't pouring down.
Love Sophie
I have been a very good baby even though I have had a very runny nose. Daddy took me to a guitar shop on Saturday and all the workers in there said I was very cute but Daddy had to hold me because I wanted to play with all the guitars everywhere but Daddy said they are not for little babies like me to play with and I could only just look at them. It is fun having Daddy home and I like to now be very adventurous and crawl all over the house to find him. Before, I would only crawl around in the room that Mummy and Daddy were in, but I have discovered a whole new world out there......outside of where they place me to play!!! I have noticed that wherever I go, they follow me anyway, so it is a great new game. Last night I stayed over at Nan and Grandpa's house and I slept through the whole night....(not sure why Mummy thinks that is such a big deal!!!!) I listened to the lovely music and played with Nan's knitting bag and lot's of other little things they always give me to play with. Today Mummy said she is going to take me for a walk along the beach as it is the only day in a long time where rain isn't pouring down.
Love Sophie
Thursday, July 03, 2003
Well, still no teeth!!!! Mummy tells me they will be here any day, but I'm not sure as she has been saying that for a while! I now have a bad cough as well as a runny nose, but Mummy and Daddy say I have been a very good girl even though I am not feeling very well. It is still raining and raining and raining....all day long so we have been staying inside a lot, but the lucky thing is that I have Daddy to climb all over and he is very funny. I have a new game with him, I crawl very very fast as fast as I can to reach him and when I get to him I place my head on the carpet and close my eyes and he thinks I am falling asleep....but I am only tricking, but I don't think he knows that because he is very very silly!!
Also it was my 8 months old birthday on Sunday and so yesterday I had to go and get weighed and checked out a bit. I now weigh 7.5 kg and have grown 2.5 cm in one month. I had only put on 300 grams, but that is OK as it is because I move a lot and Mummy said that I save lots of money as we don't need to buy me new clothes as I still fit the clothes I have een wearing since I was only 3 months old.
Bye Bye
Love Sophie
Well, still no teeth!!!! Mummy tells me they will be here any day, but I'm not sure as she has been saying that for a while! I now have a bad cough as well as a runny nose, but Mummy and Daddy say I have been a very good girl even though I am not feeling very well. It is still raining and raining and raining....all day long so we have been staying inside a lot, but the lucky thing is that I have Daddy to climb all over and he is very funny. I have a new game with him, I crawl very very fast as fast as I can to reach him and when I get to him I place my head on the carpet and close my eyes and he thinks I am falling asleep....but I am only tricking, but I don't think he knows that because he is very very silly!!
Also it was my 8 months old birthday on Sunday and so yesterday I had to go and get weighed and checked out a bit. I now weigh 7.5 kg and have grown 2.5 cm in one month. I had only put on 300 grams, but that is OK as it is because I move a lot and Mummy said that I save lots of money as we don't need to buy me new clothes as I still fit the clothes I have een wearing since I was only 3 months old.
Bye Bye
Love Sophie
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