Bonjour everybody!
I think I am getting some more teeth because I have not been very happy for the last 2 nights and have been waking up a lot in the night...sometimes every hour and crying because they hurt. During the day I am pretty happy though as my Daddy has been home and we have been having so much fun. He came to get me out of the cot at Angus's party and I gave him my best " Where have you been"??? look!!!!!! It was lucky he was there because I was having one of those days when only Mummy could hold me and when I saw Daddy I let him hold me as well. After that we came home and played at our house and watched the rain from the window. Today Daddy is looking after me for a little while in the morning and i dont know what we are doing but I am sure it will be FUN!!
Bye Bye
Love Sophie
Mostly all about Sophie and Luc, a couple of kids growing up in sunny Western Australia with their Aussie mum, Canadian (Can-Aussie) dad and Sadie the wonder puppy. Capturing the ordinary and extraordinary moments in life!
Monday, June 30, 2003
Saturday, June 28, 2003
Yesterday Mummy took me to a place called "Go Banana's", it was kind of like the Fun Station that I went to not long ago. My friend Will was there and I had great fun watching all the other kids running around and playing and I crawled around a lot and played in the coloured ball pit again. After that we we went to Mummy's work friend Katy's house for afternoon tea........I had milk though, no tea for me!!!! Katy's house was great because she had lot's of things I'm not supposed to play with, like stereo's and cd's and remote controls. Only problem was, everytime I got even close to all of that stuff I was quickly whisked away and placed in front of my own toys......How boring!!!! Anyway, I was a good girl and all Mummy's colleagues said I was very cute and funny. When we got home, Aunty Jane had come over to stay and she gave me my bath and put me to bed so Mummy could have a rest. I showed her all my tricks in the bath and how clever I am at standing up and how loud I can bang my plastic boats on the side of the bath and how often I can throw them overboard so she has to bend down to pick them up and put them back in the bath. I like to do this at least 50 times. After that I went to bed but first of all had a little chat with all of my toys who sit on the shelf above my bed and then that is all I remmeber of yesterday. Today Daddy is going to meet us at Angus's party, I am very excited.
Bye Bye
Love Sophie
Yesterday Mummy took me to a place called "Go Banana's", it was kind of like the Fun Station that I went to not long ago. My friend Will was there and I had great fun watching all the other kids running around and playing and I crawled around a lot and played in the coloured ball pit again. After that we we went to Mummy's work friend Katy's house for afternoon tea........I had milk though, no tea for me!!!! Katy's house was great because she had lot's of things I'm not supposed to play with, like stereo's and cd's and remote controls. Only problem was, everytime I got even close to all of that stuff I was quickly whisked away and placed in front of my own toys......How boring!!!! Anyway, I was a good girl and all Mummy's colleagues said I was very cute and funny. When we got home, Aunty Jane had come over to stay and she gave me my bath and put me to bed so Mummy could have a rest. I showed her all my tricks in the bath and how clever I am at standing up and how loud I can bang my plastic boats on the side of the bath and how often I can throw them overboard so she has to bend down to pick them up and put them back in the bath. I like to do this at least 50 times. After that I went to bed but first of all had a little chat with all of my toys who sit on the shelf above my bed and then that is all I remmeber of yesterday. Today Daddy is going to meet us at Angus's party, I am very excited.
Bye Bye
Love Sophie
Friday, June 27, 2003
Yesterday we stayed home all day long because Mummy didn't feel very well, so I made sure I was an extra good girl for her!!!! Also, it rained and rained all day long and sometimes it was really, really windy and I wasn't sure what was making all the noises but Mummy said it was because the wind was banging everything, especially the garden shed door, it went bang, bang, bang all day long because the wind had broken it. Mummy said, it felt just like her head, bang, bang, bang all day long!!!! The highlight of our day was walking out to the letterbox to check the mail. We do this everyday and now I start bending to see the letters before we even get close to the letterbox. Mummy said I am very funny!!! Sometimes Mummy lets me try to grab the letters, but not today she said because we had to be quick incase it rained on us and so we couldn't spare the 15 minutes it normally takes me!!!!!!
Today Mummy says she is a little bit better but just in case I am going to try to be good again ALL day long. Mummy is trying to see if I am getting a cold as well because everytime Mummy coughs, I cough as well. It's a new game I have thought of called "Copy Mummy". I think it's really fun but sometimes I think Mummy is pretending to cough to see if I will copy her.......and I always do and then she laughs, ha ha ha!!! Tomorrow Daddy will be home and I am going to Angus's 2nd birthday party. Daddy is going to meet us there and it's going to be great fun.
Bye Bye
Love Sophie
Yesterday we stayed home all day long because Mummy didn't feel very well, so I made sure I was an extra good girl for her!!!! Also, it rained and rained all day long and sometimes it was really, really windy and I wasn't sure what was making all the noises but Mummy said it was because the wind was banging everything, especially the garden shed door, it went bang, bang, bang all day long because the wind had broken it. Mummy said, it felt just like her head, bang, bang, bang all day long!!!! The highlight of our day was walking out to the letterbox to check the mail. We do this everyday and now I start bending to see the letters before we even get close to the letterbox. Mummy said I am very funny!!! Sometimes Mummy lets me try to grab the letters, but not today she said because we had to be quick incase it rained on us and so we couldn't spare the 15 minutes it normally takes me!!!!!!
Today Mummy says she is a little bit better but just in case I am going to try to be good again ALL day long. Mummy is trying to see if I am getting a cold as well because everytime Mummy coughs, I cough as well. It's a new game I have thought of called "Copy Mummy". I think it's really fun but sometimes I think Mummy is pretending to cough to see if I will copy her.......and I always do and then she laughs, ha ha ha!!! Tomorrow Daddy will be home and I am going to Angus's 2nd birthday party. Daddy is going to meet us there and it's going to be great fun.
Bye Bye
Love Sophie
Wednesday, June 25, 2003
Today I went to creche and had so much fun. I also have a new boyfriend , he is 2 yrs old and his name is Thomas. He kept giving me little cuddles and whenever my dummy fell out, he gave it back to me. We played with toys together and he kept calling me "baby"! I wanted to tell him my name is Sophie, but I dont know how! When we came home I played by the window again and banged my hands on the ledges and talked to the flowers outside. Today Sasha sat on the other side of the window and I kept waving to her. Tonight I will be going to see Nan and Grandpa and Aunty Em and Uncle Carl and Aunty Jane will be there as well. I am going to have my bath there instead of at my house and I can't wait. I really miss my Daddy now as he has been gone for a long time and I cn't wait for him to come home and tickle me again and make me giggle.
Bye for now
Love Sophie
Today I went to creche and had so much fun. I also have a new boyfriend , he is 2 yrs old and his name is Thomas. He kept giving me little cuddles and whenever my dummy fell out, he gave it back to me. We played with toys together and he kept calling me "baby"! I wanted to tell him my name is Sophie, but I dont know how! When we came home I played by the window again and banged my hands on the ledges and talked to the flowers outside. Today Sasha sat on the other side of the window and I kept waving to her. Tonight I will be going to see Nan and Grandpa and Aunty Em and Uncle Carl and Aunty Jane will be there as well. I am going to have my bath there instead of at my house and I can't wait. I really miss my Daddy now as he has been gone for a long time and I cn't wait for him to come home and tickle me again and make me giggle.
Bye for now
Love Sophie
Tuesday, June 24, 2003
My Daddy didn't come home today and now Mummy says it wont be until next Sunday!!!! That is sooooooo far away for a little baby like me to wait. My Nan showed me a photo that had my Daddy and I in it and when she pointed to Daddy I actually said...."Da da"!!! I am so clever!!!! Mummy kept me busy today and we went on a really big walk in the pram with my friend Charlie and his Mummy. It was so long that Charlie and I had to have a sleep on the way there and on the way back. We walked to Ella's house to have lunch and I ate a little bit of Avocado and some chicken and bread. I didn't eat very much as I've not been very hungry lately but I played lots with all the other babies. Mummy was holding Ella and playing a game with her and I got jealous so I cried and crawled to Mummy's legs and pulled myself up and I wanted her to hold me and not Ella and I didn't want Ella's Mummy to hold me either. Sometimes if I can't see Mummy I crawl around to find her and I call out "Mummmmmmm", "Mummmmm" and then when I find her, Mummy says to me, "Did you say Mum', and then I look at her and say "Da da"!!!! Mummy says I am doing it on purpose but I dont know what on purpose is!!!!! Anyway she says it is funny and she is going to have to remember to tell Daddy about it. I am going to have a nice big sleep tonight. Bye bye
Love Sophie
My Daddy didn't come home today and now Mummy says it wont be until next Sunday!!!! That is sooooooo far away for a little baby like me to wait. My Nan showed me a photo that had my Daddy and I in it and when she pointed to Daddy I actually said...."Da da"!!! I am so clever!!!! Mummy kept me busy today and we went on a really big walk in the pram with my friend Charlie and his Mummy. It was so long that Charlie and I had to have a sleep on the way there and on the way back. We walked to Ella's house to have lunch and I ate a little bit of Avocado and some chicken and bread. I didn't eat very much as I've not been very hungry lately but I played lots with all the other babies. Mummy was holding Ella and playing a game with her and I got jealous so I cried and crawled to Mummy's legs and pulled myself up and I wanted her to hold me and not Ella and I didn't want Ella's Mummy to hold me either. Sometimes if I can't see Mummy I crawl around to find her and I call out "Mummmmmmm", "Mummmmm" and then when I find her, Mummy says to me, "Did you say Mum', and then I look at her and say "Da da"!!!! Mummy says I am doing it on purpose but I dont know what on purpose is!!!!! Anyway she says it is funny and she is going to have to remember to tell Daddy about it. I am going to have a nice big sleep tonight. Bye bye
Love Sophie
Sunday, June 22, 2003
I had a really big sleep last night, from 5.45pm until 6.45am.....all that dreaming!!!! Mummy said one more sleep like that and then Daddy will be home to play with me again, I am so excited I can hardly stop slapping my hands on my legs.
Yesterday Mummy took me for a walk in the pram and we went to visit Lally, I crawled around and explored and then I ate some toast, it was very yummy. When we came home it rained and rained all day long so Mummy and I played by the window and watched it and I put my little hand prints all over the windows, sometimes Mummy showed me my books and I look at all the pictures but I am not too interested in them at the moment as there is just way too many exciting things I could be putting in my mouth. Mummy said I am so clever and can find the smallest of objects on the floor.....even after she has cleaned it for me and she also wanted to know why when I have so many toys to play with do I always want to play with keys, remote controls and mobile phones!!!!!
Bye Bye
Love Sophie
I had a really big sleep last night, from 5.45pm until 6.45am.....all that dreaming!!!! Mummy said one more sleep like that and then Daddy will be home to play with me again, I am so excited I can hardly stop slapping my hands on my legs.
Yesterday Mummy took me for a walk in the pram and we went to visit Lally, I crawled around and explored and then I ate some toast, it was very yummy. When we came home it rained and rained all day long so Mummy and I played by the window and watched it and I put my little hand prints all over the windows, sometimes Mummy showed me my books and I look at all the pictures but I am not too interested in them at the moment as there is just way too many exciting things I could be putting in my mouth. Mummy said I am so clever and can find the smallest of objects on the floor.....even after she has cleaned it for me and she also wanted to know why when I have so many toys to play with do I always want to play with keys, remote controls and mobile phones!!!!!
Bye Bye
Love Sophie
Friday, June 20, 2003
Yesterday morning when I woke up from my nap Mummy put the telephone to my ear and I listened to my Memere's voice. She has a very nice voice and she made me smile. I was missing my Daddy as well and I wanted Mummy to play with me a lot today. My friend Will, Jayde, Ben and Ella came over in the afternoon to play with me but then I tried to climb on to the stereo speaker and I fell over and bumped my head and I cried and cried and cried as it really hurt. After that I didint want to play anymore and I just wanted to sit with Mummy until I felt better. Today I am staying with Nan and Grandpa for a little while and I like to listen to their music. Mummy said their music is very good for baby's brains to develop as it is called "Classical" and not like Daddy's music which Mummy said is just "loud"!!!!! I also like to listen to my French Lullabyes CD and sometimes it makes me sleepy.
Bye for now,
Love Sophie
Yesterday morning when I woke up from my nap Mummy put the telephone to my ear and I listened to my Memere's voice. She has a very nice voice and she made me smile. I was missing my Daddy as well and I wanted Mummy to play with me a lot today. My friend Will, Jayde, Ben and Ella came over in the afternoon to play with me but then I tried to climb on to the stereo speaker and I fell over and bumped my head and I cried and cried and cried as it really hurt. After that I didint want to play anymore and I just wanted to sit with Mummy until I felt better. Today I am staying with Nan and Grandpa for a little while and I like to listen to their music. Mummy said their music is very good for baby's brains to develop as it is called "Classical" and not like Daddy's music which Mummy said is just "loud"!!!!! I also like to listen to my French Lullabyes CD and sometimes it makes me sleepy.
Bye for now,
Love Sophie
Thursday, June 19, 2003
Today I discovered the whole new world of cupboards!!!!! I crawled down the hallway and found one with lots of towels in it and then when I was crawling in the kitchen and trying to grip onto Mummy's legs, I found lots of them. Lots and lots and lots more tupperware for me to play with not just the few bits Mummy always gives me. Then when I was bored with cupboards I crawled up to the big blue pots and climbed up to see what was in favourite dark stuff. Mummy said it is dirt and yucky for little babies but I love to play with it!!!!! Today I went to the creche again but I was excited because Mummy said my friend Ella was going to now be going to creche as well and I couldn't wait to see her. When my Mummy and Ella's Mummy came to pick us up we were both in the port -a -cot's playing with some toys, but I had gotten bored with this and when Ella fell down I tried to stand on her head so I could be that little bit taller and reach the top of the port a cot. Mummy said that wasn't a very nice thing to do to Ella but as she wan't crying I didin't think she would mind if I used her head as a step ladder!!!!!! When we came home Mummy and I played and I had lunch.....Pumpkin and beef mince....mmmmmm, yum!!!! I was so happy because I didn't have to go to bed straight away as finally Mummy has realised I am not that tired in the day....(even though she might be!!!!) I eventually had a quick 30 minute sleep and then Mummy, Sasha and I went for a walk. I love to watch the cars go by and Sasha run fast in front. Mummy said Sasha was running even faster than normal as she had had a bath and all the dirt and lots of her hair came off her!!!
I am happy tonight because Daddy rang to say he would be home on Sunday and not Thursday...(not that I know the difference) but I think Sunday is sooner so I get to see him earlier!!!!! Tonight I brushed my teeth again with my very own toothbrush, I started doing this yesterday and it makes me giggle especially when Mummy brushes her teeth at the same time.
Bye Bye
Love Sophie
Today I discovered the whole new world of cupboards!!!!! I crawled down the hallway and found one with lots of towels in it and then when I was crawling in the kitchen and trying to grip onto Mummy's legs, I found lots of them. Lots and lots and lots more tupperware for me to play with not just the few bits Mummy always gives me. Then when I was bored with cupboards I crawled up to the big blue pots and climbed up to see what was in favourite dark stuff. Mummy said it is dirt and yucky for little babies but I love to play with it!!!!! Today I went to the creche again but I was excited because Mummy said my friend Ella was going to now be going to creche as well and I couldn't wait to see her. When my Mummy and Ella's Mummy came to pick us up we were both in the port -a -cot's playing with some toys, but I had gotten bored with this and when Ella fell down I tried to stand on her head so I could be that little bit taller and reach the top of the port a cot. Mummy said that wasn't a very nice thing to do to Ella but as she wan't crying I didin't think she would mind if I used her head as a step ladder!!!!!! When we came home Mummy and I played and I had lunch.....Pumpkin and beef mince....mmmmmm, yum!!!! I was so happy because I didn't have to go to bed straight away as finally Mummy has realised I am not that tired in the day....(even though she might be!!!!) I eventually had a quick 30 minute sleep and then Mummy, Sasha and I went for a walk. I love to watch the cars go by and Sasha run fast in front. Mummy said Sasha was running even faster than normal as she had had a bath and all the dirt and lots of her hair came off her!!!
I am happy tonight because Daddy rang to say he would be home on Sunday and not Thursday...(not that I know the difference) but I think Sunday is sooner so I get to see him earlier!!!!! Tonight I brushed my teeth again with my very own toothbrush, I started doing this yesterday and it makes me giggle especially when Mummy brushes her teeth at the same time.
Bye Bye
Love Sophie
Tuesday, June 17, 2003
Last night, I woke up a lot again, just like the night before. I just didn't feel like being in my cot at all. In the morning...(even though it was still dark outside) ....Daddy came and got me and we played in the lounge room for a little while until I got really, really, really hungry and then he had to take me to Mummy so I could have milk. I played in Mummy and Ddady's big bed with Daddy's watch and I love to brush my 2 little teeth with the velcro on the band, it feels so funny!!!!! Today Mummy and I went to the gym and I went to creche, but after a little while the nice lady who looks after me at creche had to go and get my Mummy because I was so sad and I was crying really really loud. I even had real tears. The lady told my Mummy she just didn't know what was wrong with me and maybe I had some little pains in my tummy. I really just wanted my Mummy because as soon as I saw her I stopped crying. I dont think Mummy was too impressed, but what does she expect from a 7 and a half month old !!!!!!
Time for me to have a nap,
Love Sophie
Last night, I woke up a lot again, just like the night before. I just didn't feel like being in my cot at all. In the morning...(even though it was still dark outside) ....Daddy came and got me and we played in the lounge room for a little while until I got really, really, really hungry and then he had to take me to Mummy so I could have milk. I played in Mummy and Ddady's big bed with Daddy's watch and I love to brush my 2 little teeth with the velcro on the band, it feels so funny!!!!! Today Mummy and I went to the gym and I went to creche, but after a little while the nice lady who looks after me at creche had to go and get my Mummy because I was so sad and I was crying really really loud. I even had real tears. The lady told my Mummy she just didn't know what was wrong with me and maybe I had some little pains in my tummy. I really just wanted my Mummy because as soon as I saw her I stopped crying. I dont think Mummy was too impressed, but what does she expect from a 7 and a half month old !!!!!!
Time for me to have a nap,
Love Sophie
Sunday, June 15, 2003
I am very sorry I haven't been able to write in my diary lately because Mummy said our computer has not working properly and Daddy is trying to get it fixed up. Anyway, I have been a busy little girl as always and I have also been very good for my Mummy and Daddy. On Saturday I played with Daddy. I liked playing with Daddy he always makes me giggle and he tickles me a lot. Aunty Jane came over and gave me my bath and I noticed Mummy and Daddy were dressed up and Mummy smelt nice and then Aunty Jane gave me my bottle and Mummy and Daddy disappeared. In the morning, Aunty Jane was still at our house and so we went to Fremantle to visit Irene and baby Jordan. I fell asleep in the car and I woke up a little bit cranky and didn't feel like playing with Jordan much. I enjoyed sitting on the back lawn and trying to eat leaves though. After that Mummy and Aunty Jane and I went out for lunch and I was very good and smiled at everyone walking passed and ate all my lunch and even sat quietly in my pram when Mummy and Jane ate their lunch. Aunty Jane wanted to know if I liked "Chilli Mussels" but Mummy said I was too little for that and I ended up just chomping on somes peices of bread!!!! I had another nap on the way home as I had had so much fun all day and I was very tired. I went to bed very early at 6pm and slept all the way till 6.30am, I did lots of dreaming.
Lots of love
I am very sorry I haven't been able to write in my diary lately because Mummy said our computer has not working properly and Daddy is trying to get it fixed up. Anyway, I have been a busy little girl as always and I have also been very good for my Mummy and Daddy. On Saturday I played with Daddy. I liked playing with Daddy he always makes me giggle and he tickles me a lot. Aunty Jane came over and gave me my bath and I noticed Mummy and Daddy were dressed up and Mummy smelt nice and then Aunty Jane gave me my bottle and Mummy and Daddy disappeared. In the morning, Aunty Jane was still at our house and so we went to Fremantle to visit Irene and baby Jordan. I fell asleep in the car and I woke up a little bit cranky and didn't feel like playing with Jordan much. I enjoyed sitting on the back lawn and trying to eat leaves though. After that Mummy and Aunty Jane and I went out for lunch and I was very good and smiled at everyone walking passed and ate all my lunch and even sat quietly in my pram when Mummy and Jane ate their lunch. Aunty Jane wanted to know if I liked "Chilli Mussels" but Mummy said I was too little for that and I ended up just chomping on somes peices of bread!!!! I had another nap on the way home as I had had so much fun all day and I was very tired. I went to bed very early at 6pm and slept all the way till 6.30am, I did lots of dreaming.
Lots of love
Wednesday, June 11, 2003
Last night I slept all night again and didn't wake up once, unlike the night before when I woke up 5 times and wanted to play!!!!!! Yesterday I went to play at Nan and Grandpa's house. I liked sitting in the kitchen on the floor and pulling all the tupperware out of Nan's cupbpoards.....and today, I discovered pots and pans!!!! For lunch I had my first taste of vegemite!!!!!!! I really liked it, but then I will eat anything you give me at the moment, I would even eat paper and dirt if it was available to me!!! Mummy said that Memere and Pepere wouldn't eat vegemite and they think it tastes yucky, all of my Canadian relatives don't like it but I am sure Cousin Justin would like it because he is a baby like me and babies like everything!!!!!
I still have a runny nose and I really hate having it wiped. I still only have 2 teeth so any day now I am expecting a new one to pop up. I'd really like another tooth as I am trying really hard to chew stuff and the 2 that I have are not much good on their own.
Bye for now
Love Sophie
Last night I slept all night again and didn't wake up once, unlike the night before when I woke up 5 times and wanted to play!!!!!! Yesterday I went to play at Nan and Grandpa's house. I liked sitting in the kitchen on the floor and pulling all the tupperware out of Nan's cupbpoards.....and today, I discovered pots and pans!!!! For lunch I had my first taste of vegemite!!!!!!! I really liked it, but then I will eat anything you give me at the moment, I would even eat paper and dirt if it was available to me!!! Mummy said that Memere and Pepere wouldn't eat vegemite and they think it tastes yucky, all of my Canadian relatives don't like it but I am sure Cousin Justin would like it because he is a baby like me and babies like everything!!!!!
I still have a runny nose and I really hate having it wiped. I still only have 2 teeth so any day now I am expecting a new one to pop up. I'd really like another tooth as I am trying really hard to chew stuff and the 2 that I have are not much good on their own.
Bye for now
Love Sophie
Monday, June 09, 2003
Today Mummy went to the gym and I went to creche. I like going to creche as there are lots of toys to play with. Today there were lots of boys at creche and all bigger than me. When Mummy came to pick me up I had 4 little boys surrounding me as I was trying to play, one of them was even trying to hug me while the others were trying very hard to get me to play with them and kept showing me different toys. The ladies that look after me in the creche told me that one of the little boys Mummies came to pick him up and he cried becuase he was going to leave me behind, he even asked his Mummy "Can we buy that baby, Mummy" and his Mummy said, "No" and he cried and cried and cried because he had to leave. I was glad when my Mummy came to get me as I started to get tired and was ready for a nice big sleep. When I wake up we are going to Rhys's house and then also it is Uncle Carls Birthday today and we might go to his house to say Happy Birthday to him.
Bye for now,
Love Sophie
Today Mummy went to the gym and I went to creche. I like going to creche as there are lots of toys to play with. Today there were lots of boys at creche and all bigger than me. When Mummy came to pick me up I had 4 little boys surrounding me as I was trying to play, one of them was even trying to hug me while the others were trying very hard to get me to play with them and kept showing me different toys. The ladies that look after me in the creche told me that one of the little boys Mummies came to pick him up and he cried becuase he was going to leave me behind, he even asked his Mummy "Can we buy that baby, Mummy" and his Mummy said, "No" and he cried and cried and cried because he had to leave. I was glad when my Mummy came to get me as I started to get tired and was ready for a nice big sleep. When I wake up we are going to Rhys's house and then also it is Uncle Carls Birthday today and we might go to his house to say Happy Birthday to him.
Bye for now,
Love Sophie
The last couple of days was called, "the weekend"!!! I like "the weekend". I wasn't sure what it was, but I heard Daddy telling Mummy that he wasn't working on "the weekend" and he would be home for 2 days in a row and there would be lot's of playing with me!!!! It was great, I loved him being home so much, that yesterday I started saying...."da,da,da,da,da." over and over again. Mummy tried to get me to say "ma,ma,ma,ma" but I didn't feel like it. I like to stand at the window and say "da da da over and over again and I like to bang my hand on the couch and da da da da da, it's so much fun. When I woke up this morning, I yelled out, da,da,da and then Mummy came in to get me and she keeps saying ma,ma, ma and then I laugh because she sounds so funny.
Yesterday Daddy and Mummy took me to a big huge park called Kings Park. There was so much to look at, lots of little people were running around and playing and there was lots of trees and lots and lots of nice green grass. I was so excited when I got out of my pram and got to play on the grass, I just didn't know what to put in my mouth first, a leaf, a piece of bark or a big chunk of grass. I didn't get very far with eating any of them and had to settle with one of my rusks instead.
Last night I woke up a lot in the night and then today I have another runny nose. It was very cold today and I had to wear a lot of warm clothes. Tommorow I am going to Rhys's house to play and I can't wait to say da,da,da,da at all my friends.
Bye bye
Love Sophie
The last couple of days was called, "the weekend"!!! I like "the weekend". I wasn't sure what it was, but I heard Daddy telling Mummy that he wasn't working on "the weekend" and he would be home for 2 days in a row and there would be lot's of playing with me!!!! It was great, I loved him being home so much, that yesterday I started saying...."da,da,da,da,da." over and over again. Mummy tried to get me to say "ma,ma,ma,ma" but I didn't feel like it. I like to stand at the window and say "da da da over and over again and I like to bang my hand on the couch and da da da da da, it's so much fun. When I woke up this morning, I yelled out, da,da,da and then Mummy came in to get me and she keeps saying ma,ma, ma and then I laugh because she sounds so funny.
Yesterday Daddy and Mummy took me to a big huge park called Kings Park. There was so much to look at, lots of little people were running around and playing and there was lots of trees and lots and lots of nice green grass. I was so excited when I got out of my pram and got to play on the grass, I just didn't know what to put in my mouth first, a leaf, a piece of bark or a big chunk of grass. I didn't get very far with eating any of them and had to settle with one of my rusks instead.
Last night I woke up a lot in the night and then today I have another runny nose. It was very cold today and I had to wear a lot of warm clothes. Tommorow I am going to Rhys's house to play and I can't wait to say da,da,da,da at all my friends.
Bye bye
Love Sophie
Friday, June 06, 2003
I did have fun at the"Fun Station" yesterday. There was lots of things for me to play with and my favourite was the big box filled with little coloured soft balls. I sat in there and tried to fit as many of those balls in my hands and mouth but there was just too many there. My friends Will and Jayde were there but they are bigger than me and can play in lots of places. Mummy got very mad at a little boy who kept trying to bang into me as he was very rough and it made me very sad. Mummy also told him off because he had shoes on and your not supposed to have shoes on and not only that Mummy said he was at least 3 and a half years old and you are meant to be under 2 years old to play in the babies section. The little boy pulled a face and Mummy told him he was very naughty and had no manners and she was going to tell his Mummy but of course his Mummy was nowhere to be seen!!!! I really liked to watch the other kids running around and playing but I stayed close to Mummy's leg because once I pulled myself up on the leg of another Mummy and I was so surprised when I looked up and it wasn't my Mummy!!!!!
I was very tired when we came home and had a sleep. I was so tired I didn't even eat any lunch. For dinner I had a lamb bone and I chewed on it for ages. It had a little bit of meat on it and it was so yummy. I also ate potatoes and apple.....(not mixed together !!) When daddy came home he filmed me playing so he can send it to Memere and Pepere. Then I was very happy because Pepere had sent me an email and Daddy read it to me, he is funny as well, just like Daddy!!!!
Bye for now,
Love Sophie
I did have fun at the"Fun Station" yesterday. There was lots of things for me to play with and my favourite was the big box filled with little coloured soft balls. I sat in there and tried to fit as many of those balls in my hands and mouth but there was just too many there. My friends Will and Jayde were there but they are bigger than me and can play in lots of places. Mummy got very mad at a little boy who kept trying to bang into me as he was very rough and it made me very sad. Mummy also told him off because he had shoes on and your not supposed to have shoes on and not only that Mummy said he was at least 3 and a half years old and you are meant to be under 2 years old to play in the babies section. The little boy pulled a face and Mummy told him he was very naughty and had no manners and she was going to tell his Mummy but of course his Mummy was nowhere to be seen!!!! I really liked to watch the other kids running around and playing but I stayed close to Mummy's leg because once I pulled myself up on the leg of another Mummy and I was so surprised when I looked up and it wasn't my Mummy!!!!!
I was very tired when we came home and had a sleep. I was so tired I didn't even eat any lunch. For dinner I had a lamb bone and I chewed on it for ages. It had a little bit of meat on it and it was so yummy. I also ate potatoes and apple.....(not mixed together !!) When daddy came home he filmed me playing so he can send it to Memere and Pepere. Then I was very happy because Pepere had sent me an email and Daddy read it to me, he is funny as well, just like Daddy!!!!
Bye for now,
Love Sophie
Thursday, June 05, 2003
Mummy said I was a very good girl yesterday even though I woke her up 4 times in the night and wouldn't sleep past 6 am. I told her, you can't be good all the time!!!!! Anyway, I made up for it and slept for 1 and half hours in the morning and 2 and a half hours in the afternoon!!!! When I woke up Mummy had made me a "gourmet" lunch. I ate a little bit of salmon and lots of avocado and banana mushed together. I love avocado so much, I even ate more of it for dinner. In one whole day I ate almost half of one. I like it because I can eat it with my fingers and I can wipe it all over the tray of my highchair and then smear it all over my face, it just feels so nice.
Last night Cam and Caz and Angus came over to play and I had just had my bath. I had fun crawling around after Angus. He is a big boy as he can walk but he kept crawling and copying me and then just when I thought I couldn't possibly be having any more fun.........Daddy came home and I was so excited I started banging my hands on my legs really fast and laughing so much except he smelt a bit funny. Mummy said it was "diesel" as he had been working very hard and he had to shower before he could play with me any more, I wanted to have a shower as well but I was already "squeeky"clean and smelling pretty. I ended up going to bed at 7pm and slept all the way till 6.20am. Mummy says today we are going to a place called "The Fun Station", I'm not sure what it is but it has my favourite word in it so its going to be GREAT!!! I will write and tell you all about it.
Love Sophie
Mummy said I was a very good girl yesterday even though I woke her up 4 times in the night and wouldn't sleep past 6 am. I told her, you can't be good all the time!!!!! Anyway, I made up for it and slept for 1 and half hours in the morning and 2 and a half hours in the afternoon!!!! When I woke up Mummy had made me a "gourmet" lunch. I ate a little bit of salmon and lots of avocado and banana mushed together. I love avocado so much, I even ate more of it for dinner. In one whole day I ate almost half of one. I like it because I can eat it with my fingers and I can wipe it all over the tray of my highchair and then smear it all over my face, it just feels so nice.
Last night Cam and Caz and Angus came over to play and I had just had my bath. I had fun crawling around after Angus. He is a big boy as he can walk but he kept crawling and copying me and then just when I thought I couldn't possibly be having any more fun.........Daddy came home and I was so excited I started banging my hands on my legs really fast and laughing so much except he smelt a bit funny. Mummy said it was "diesel" as he had been working very hard and he had to shower before he could play with me any more, I wanted to have a shower as well but I was already "squeeky"clean and smelling pretty. I ended up going to bed at 7pm and slept all the way till 6.20am. Mummy says today we are going to a place called "The Fun Station", I'm not sure what it is but it has my favourite word in it so its going to be GREAT!!! I will write and tell you all about it.
Love Sophie
Wednesday, June 04, 2003
Guess what, I am so excited as I received 2 emails. One from Memere and Pepere and one from Grande Canadian Ma Tante Gisele. Gisele is my Memere's sister....Mummy said she is known as "the favourite one"!!!!! I cant wait to meet her as well as all my other relatives that Mummy and Daddy are always talking about.
Yesterday I went to Nan and Grandpas house with Sasha to play for a little while. I had fun crawling around on the floor and now I can crawl up one stair as well. Its easy to get up but I can't get down without falling and then I get upset. When we got home, Mummy realised she had left Sasha behind. I knew we had left her as she wasn't in the back seat with me and her tail wasn't wagging in my face....which I was quite happy about!!! I tried to tell Mummy but she was too busy looking after me, so we had to go back and get Sasha in the afternoon.
For lunch I ate blueberries and apples mixed with oats, so yummy! When I woke up from my sleep, Mummy and I played. I like to hold on to a spoon in one hand a rusk in the other and then I take turns on what I want to chew on. I went in the "jolly jumper" as well and I loved hanging out and swinging around. I can also watch Mummmy run around doing things she runs around the house with a long stick brushing the floor...I dont know why she does looks like fun. I think she said it is called sweeping and mopping and when I am much bigger I can do it as well.....I can hardly wait for that!!!!
Bye for now,
Love Sophie
PS: Last night I stayed up a bit later and after my bath Daddy came home to play with me. He is so funny and he pretended to chase me around the loungeroom. Daddy is clever like me because he knows how to crawl as well!!!! Even Sasha tried to play. I had so much fun.
Guess what, I am so excited as I received 2 emails. One from Memere and Pepere and one from Grande Canadian Ma Tante Gisele. Gisele is my Memere's sister....Mummy said she is known as "the favourite one"!!!!! I cant wait to meet her as well as all my other relatives that Mummy and Daddy are always talking about.
Yesterday I went to Nan and Grandpas house with Sasha to play for a little while. I had fun crawling around on the floor and now I can crawl up one stair as well. Its easy to get up but I can't get down without falling and then I get upset. When we got home, Mummy realised she had left Sasha behind. I knew we had left her as she wasn't in the back seat with me and her tail wasn't wagging in my face....which I was quite happy about!!! I tried to tell Mummy but she was too busy looking after me, so we had to go back and get Sasha in the afternoon.
For lunch I ate blueberries and apples mixed with oats, so yummy! When I woke up from my sleep, Mummy and I played. I like to hold on to a spoon in one hand a rusk in the other and then I take turns on what I want to chew on. I went in the "jolly jumper" as well and I loved hanging out and swinging around. I can also watch Mummmy run around doing things she runs around the house with a long stick brushing the floor...I dont know why she does looks like fun. I think she said it is called sweeping and mopping and when I am much bigger I can do it as well.....I can hardly wait for that!!!!
Bye for now,
Love Sophie
PS: Last night I stayed up a bit later and after my bath Daddy came home to play with me. He is so funny and he pretended to chase me around the loungeroom. Daddy is clever like me because he knows how to crawl as well!!!! Even Sasha tried to play. I had so much fun.
Tuesday, June 03, 2003
Yesterday I stayed home with Daddy in the morning when Mummy went to the gym. I was so excited to see him in the morning when I woke up, we just played and played and played. Then we went to the park with Sasha and then a little bit of rain dropped and Daddy had to run very fast with me in the pram to get home so we wouldn't get wet. (We went so fast, the trees became green blurs!!!!) After my nap, we went to Charlie's house, but only Charlie and Madeline were there as Rhys, Ella and Hayley all had bad colds. I had Charlie all to myself because Madeline really likes just lying in the one place and looking around the room. Charlie is so much fun, I like to grab the dummy out of his mouth and take off with it, but he gets very upset so Mummy gave me one of my own to have instead! I had pumpkin soup for lunch but I didn't want to eat it as there were way too many toys to be played with. I also had a bit of bread for the first time. It was so yummy. All that playing made me so tired and we had to leave in a big hurry as Mummy said it sounded like I was going to "scream the house down". Everyone commented on what great lungs I have!!!!
When I woke up again, Mummy, Daddy and I went to the big shop and I sat in the front of the trolley. There is so much to look at and sometimes a lot of people (mostly older women, Mummy says) stop by to say how clever I am that I can sit up in the trolley all by myself. I wondered if I should show them how good my lungs were as well as I wanted them to move away from my sight as there was so much colourful fruit and vegetables to be looked at!!!!!! When we came home Nan and Grandpa had dropped in as they were on their way back from holidays except I was very tired by then and didn't want to play or smile for that matter. I didn't even want much dinner and then after my bath and a bit more of a demonstration with my lungs I went straight to sleep and woke up 11 and a half hours later. I am not sure what I am doing today, but I am sure it will be great fun.
Bye for now,
Love Sophie
Yesterday I stayed home with Daddy in the morning when Mummy went to the gym. I was so excited to see him in the morning when I woke up, we just played and played and played. Then we went to the park with Sasha and then a little bit of rain dropped and Daddy had to run very fast with me in the pram to get home so we wouldn't get wet. (We went so fast, the trees became green blurs!!!!) After my nap, we went to Charlie's house, but only Charlie and Madeline were there as Rhys, Ella and Hayley all had bad colds. I had Charlie all to myself because Madeline really likes just lying in the one place and looking around the room. Charlie is so much fun, I like to grab the dummy out of his mouth and take off with it, but he gets very upset so Mummy gave me one of my own to have instead! I had pumpkin soup for lunch but I didn't want to eat it as there were way too many toys to be played with. I also had a bit of bread for the first time. It was so yummy. All that playing made me so tired and we had to leave in a big hurry as Mummy said it sounded like I was going to "scream the house down". Everyone commented on what great lungs I have!!!!
When I woke up again, Mummy, Daddy and I went to the big shop and I sat in the front of the trolley. There is so much to look at and sometimes a lot of people (mostly older women, Mummy says) stop by to say how clever I am that I can sit up in the trolley all by myself. I wondered if I should show them how good my lungs were as well as I wanted them to move away from my sight as there was so much colourful fruit and vegetables to be looked at!!!!!! When we came home Nan and Grandpa had dropped in as they were on their way back from holidays except I was very tired by then and didn't want to play or smile for that matter. I didn't even want much dinner and then after my bath and a bit more of a demonstration with my lungs I went straight to sleep and woke up 11 and a half hours later. I am not sure what I am doing today, but I am sure it will be great fun.
Bye for now,
Love Sophie
Monday, June 02, 2003
Today I was an extra good girl, to make up for yesterday. First of all, I slept last night for 11 and a half hours straight and did lots of dreaming!!! I only stayed awake for 1 hour before I went back to bed and slept for another 2 and a half hours. When I woke up we went to visit Andrew and Laura. They had 2 kittens and I liked to watch them running around. I also liked crawling around and finding things to play with. I kept finding lots of interesting things, but Mummy kept taking them off me. After my sleep in the afternoon we then went to visit Trish and Aaron. I crawled around for ages and tried to rip up their newspaper. There was 2 other little people there although they were a bit bigger than me as they could walk and I can only crawl so far!! The other 2 little people kept trying to pick me up and they liked to squeeze me. I think they thought I was one of their toy dolls. Tonight we also went to Lally's house and I had my dinner there. I had my first taste of chicken and I chewed on a chicken leg (without the chicken) and I liked to chew on it. It was even better than chewing on my rusk. I think that will be my new favourite food. I played lots at Lally's and I was smiling and being really cute. When I came home I played with my toy boats in the bath and then I still wanted to play some more after my bath so Mummy let me stay up a bit later tonight and crawl after Sasha in the loungeroom. Tomorrow I have three things to look forward to. First of all, Daddy will be here by the time I wake up in the morning, then I get to see all my friends tomorrow at playgroup and also Nan and Grandpa are coming home from their holiday so I might see them as well. I better get lots of sleep as tomorrow will be so busy!!!!!!
Love Sophie
Today I was an extra good girl, to make up for yesterday. First of all, I slept last night for 11 and a half hours straight and did lots of dreaming!!! I only stayed awake for 1 hour before I went back to bed and slept for another 2 and a half hours. When I woke up we went to visit Andrew and Laura. They had 2 kittens and I liked to watch them running around. I also liked crawling around and finding things to play with. I kept finding lots of interesting things, but Mummy kept taking them off me. After my sleep in the afternoon we then went to visit Trish and Aaron. I crawled around for ages and tried to rip up their newspaper. There was 2 other little people there although they were a bit bigger than me as they could walk and I can only crawl so far!! The other 2 little people kept trying to pick me up and they liked to squeeze me. I think they thought I was one of their toy dolls. Tonight we also went to Lally's house and I had my dinner there. I had my first taste of chicken and I chewed on a chicken leg (without the chicken) and I liked to chew on it. It was even better than chewing on my rusk. I think that will be my new favourite food. I played lots at Lally's and I was smiling and being really cute. When I came home I played with my toy boats in the bath and then I still wanted to play some more after my bath so Mummy let me stay up a bit later tonight and crawl after Sasha in the loungeroom. Tomorrow I have three things to look forward to. First of all, Daddy will be here by the time I wake up in the morning, then I get to see all my friends tomorrow at playgroup and also Nan and Grandpa are coming home from their holiday so I might see them as well. I better get lots of sleep as tomorrow will be so busy!!!!!!
Love Sophie
Sunday, June 01, 2003
Well, our computer has been very naughty and wont let me write anymore. We will have to wait till Daddy comes home so he can get it fixed up again. Mummy said Daddy had been working very hard and will be home tomorrow now and I am so excited. I will be asleep when he comes home but when I wake up he will come to play with me. yay, yay, yay!!!!!
Today and yesterday was very cold. Mummy took me for a walk in the pram yesterday and I had to wear a fleecy jumper and fleecy hat with my denim jeans and also wore fleecy socks with my little Canadian shoes. We went to the shops and Mummy bought groceries and on the way back I had a sleep, even though I had just had a sleep after that I stayed awake for the whole day. I had a yummy rusk in the afternoon and I enjoyed chomping away on it for hours, it was so yummy!!!!! Mummy played with me in the bath and I like to splash in the water now, it is so much fun. I even splashed Mummy and made her laugh, so then I laughed as well.
Today, Aunty Jane came over and we watched football and she is staying overnight. We played during my bath tonight then she washed my hair. I dont have much hair.....(Mummy says I have a hairstyle like Pepere!!!!) After, Aunty Jane tried to dress me and I cried and cried and cried. In fact, Mummy said that she wouldn't be surprised if Aunty Jane never wanted children of her own as I did enough loud crying to put anyone off!!!!!! After my "expression session" I did my best smiles and went to bed like a good girl.
Love Sophie
Well, our computer has been very naughty and wont let me write anymore. We will have to wait till Daddy comes home so he can get it fixed up again. Mummy said Daddy had been working very hard and will be home tomorrow now and I am so excited. I will be asleep when he comes home but when I wake up he will come to play with me. yay, yay, yay!!!!!
Today and yesterday was very cold. Mummy took me for a walk in the pram yesterday and I had to wear a fleecy jumper and fleecy hat with my denim jeans and also wore fleecy socks with my little Canadian shoes. We went to the shops and Mummy bought groceries and on the way back I had a sleep, even though I had just had a sleep after that I stayed awake for the whole day. I had a yummy rusk in the afternoon and I enjoyed chomping away on it for hours, it was so yummy!!!!! Mummy played with me in the bath and I like to splash in the water now, it is so much fun. I even splashed Mummy and made her laugh, so then I laughed as well.
Today, Aunty Jane came over and we watched football and she is staying overnight. We played during my bath tonight then she washed my hair. I dont have much hair.....(Mummy says I have a hairstyle like Pepere!!!!) After, Aunty Jane tried to dress me and I cried and cried and cried. In fact, Mummy said that she wouldn't be surprised if Aunty Jane never wanted children of her own as I did enough loud crying to put anyone off!!!!!! After my "expression session" I did my best smiles and went to bed like a good girl.
Love Sophie
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